Astrological houses and their ruling planets

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  2. Ruling planets of the astrological signs and houses
  4. Ruling planets of the astrological signs and houses

When a person attempts to determine the rulership of a house, the more planets or bodies that rule that house will reveal its complexity. Generally, the sign on the cusp will be the outward representation of the rulership, but the ruler of the sign inside the house will not be readily apparent, but will manifest itself at critical points in a person's life.

As in the case of intercepted houses, the sign that is in the middle of the house is the sign that the native must transcend before he can progress to the next phase of the house's rulership. Therefore, as in the previous example, if a house is intercepted with the sign of Scorpio then the native must will be initially presented with many Libran qualities, but must work through those very intense issues of sex, death and regeneration before he will be able to enjoy the benefits of Jupiter, which will be the last and ultimate state the native must work through before he has fully experienced all of the aspects of that house.

Furthermore, the ancients assigned domal dignity to the North and South nodes of the Moon, although these do not qualify as rulerships since the nodes do not have governance over any signs.

However, the nodes are said to act more comfortably and reliably in those places:. Some discontent exist within the Western astrological community about some of the signs that are often still said to share rulers.

Many suggestions have been made, but consensus could actually take centuries, as it did in the cases of Uranus and Neptune.

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A dispositor is a delineation of planetary rulership in relation to the signs. For instance if Mercury is in Libra, its dispositor is Venus, if Venus is in turn in Sagittarius, its dispositor is Jupiter, and if Jupiter is Cancer its dispositor is the Moon.

This process continues until there is a final dispositor sign in its own rulership or it circles around in a never ending chain of command. Classical astrologers whose methods are rooted in traditional methods do not use any of the outer planets not recognized by the ancients as the rulers of any of the 12 signs, preferring the traditional rulership scheme.

Ruling planets of the astrological signs and houses

On the other hand, most modern, psychologically-oriented astrologers do use the outer planets as ruling planets of those particular three signs listed above. Many others also use the ancient rulers while using the modern planets as the co-ruler of those signs.

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Most astrologers practicing Vedic astrology Jyotish only use the traditional rulership system and have been doing so consistently for quite some time.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Pertains to intellect, communication, objectivity. Pertains to emotion, feelings, intuition. Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn Each Cardinal sign begins at the times of the equinoxes and solstices, heralding the beginning of a new season or cycle.

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius Each Fixed sign stabilizes and consolidates what was begun by the preceding Cardinal sign. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces Each Mutable sign heralds the transition from one season to the beginning of another.

The Sun Ego, identity, father, men. The Moon Feelings, fluctuations, mother, women, nurturing.


Psychological roots, including family or racial traditions, are among the affairs of this house. It is associated with real estate and property, or your home and your security.

What are lords through houses in Astrology?

This area shows effort put forth to distinguish yourself from others. It deals with your romantic affairs, procreation, your offspring, and with artistic endeavors, hobbies, books written, etc. It deals with your aptitude toward speculation; how naturally lucky or unlucky you are.

Subjects here revolve around work and health matters. Duties, practical responsibilities, and mundane tasks are affairs of this house, as are relations with employees and coworkers.

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  5. Your interest in health and fitness matters are likely to be shown here. This house, opposite the first matters of the self , relates to the other people with whom you enter close association. It is your social consciousness and cooperation, or the lack of it.

    Contracts, including the marriage, and other relationships, adversary encounters and law suits, are housed here. Partnerships in business and in life are seventh house matters.

    Ruling planets of the astrological signs and houses

    This house deals with possessions that are not earned by you, but obtained through relationships or inheritance. It also involves funds belonging to others such as taxes, corporate money, insurance, and the stock market.

    It addresses matters of generation, regeneration, research and investigation. The eighth house relates to interests in the mysteries of life. Matters of profound mental interest, including religion, philosophy and higher education are ninth house affairs. Also associated with the ninth are journeys to far off places and searches for new horizons, both physically and mentally.