Pisces love horoscope for february 17 2019

Time to come closer and experience love, Says Your Pisces love horoscope 2019
  1. Pisces 2019 yearly horoscope
  2. Pisces 2019 Horoscope
  3. Yearly Love Horoscope: 2019 Love Guide for Pisces
  4. Pisces Love Horoscope | jakubzidek.cz

There are no major obstacles nor planets which will especially encourage you. Neptun can help them to achieve success trough expressing emotions, by talent and creativity, thanks to some great ideas, by wide initiative, by trusts or large companies, trough careers related to mystery and esoterism, trough professions which deal with appearance and collectivities, by publicity and skilled presentations.

The first part of is auspicious for intellectual approaches, speaking debates or literary, calculations, negotiations, evidence, exams, interviews.

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  4. Love Horoscope – Relationship Predictions | jakubzidek.cz.

Investment property and initiatives related to house and heritage are welcomed starting April , but with a little warning of caution between May 15 and June In love, you are among the zodiac signs most favored by the stars in Many of the natives have tasted the sweet fruits of love in the previous year, especially during the first part.

Now, these evolutions are continuing with an increased intensity, starting from August 11, when Jupiter enters the house of partnerships and marriage. As Saturn and Pluto enter a retrograde motion,you might want to restructure their social life during March-May and to avoid certain friends that might envy you.

A warm conversation or the chance to restart a relationship with someone makes the beginning of June very special and optimistic for you. After a few weeks full of events, the next ones can be calmer and easier to pass. There are also positive aspects of these influences because true friends act in an atmosphere of mutual support.

With Jupiter in transit through the house of marriage, it is very possible for the to find your soulmate. Or, in case of those who already have a partner, to take important steps for consolidating their relationship: The most compatible zodiac signs with the Pisces natives in love are: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.

You want endless love, you are very romantic and not without reason you are considered some of the greatest lovers of the zodiac. They are passionate and they can form a splendid couple with the Scorpio natives, these exemplary syrupy lovers, but also with the Cancer, who will profess the eternal love they so desperately seek.

When we look for our soul mate and we want a good couple relationship, we need to take into account the things we have in common.

In terms of money, is going to be a very good year. Between May and August of , friends will pay attention to the opinions of the natives born under this zodiac signs because they are going to be more active and more visible.

The relationships with your bosses and your colleagues might be more problematic and must be treated skillfully and casually. You will try to bring order in your documents and bank accounts.

However, the situation gets balanced by Saturn, which allows you to correct your mistakes, when necessary. The realism, one of your best characteristics , and your innate common sense will help you avoid any future issues if you pay attention to details.

Between April and July of , you will have a lot of work to do, the deadlines will be very tight and they will have to deal with situations when you have to prove your leadership spirit, decision capacity, courage, cold blood, fast reactions and competitive skills. Only after the first trimester of the year, your efforts and sustained work will start to show fruit.

It is not indicated to diversify your professional activity during this year.

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  • Focus on one or two projects and mobilize yourself only in that direction. You will get motivated by their professional accomplishments, by a promotion and few travel opportunities. For some of the Pisces natives, the middle of might come with a change of direction. Until then, however, try to maintain your advantageous status, because you never know what future perspectives and options you are going to have.

    The first decade of September is a bit financially strained, but the situation will get better by the end of November. An unexpected gain occurs in the second week of September , and the last decade is also generous.

    In December , the attitude towards money will completely change in comparison with the year that just ends. You will be more moderate with the expenses for others and will regard them with more discernment.

    If you have the possibility to invest in real estate — houses or land —you will have everything to gain. It is an excellent time for this type of investment. During the past seven years, Uranus had been in transit through the second house of Pisces, the astrological house of work, of money and proprieties.

    You had the tendency of taking financial risks and obtaining mixed results: Another propensity manifested all during this period was to find less common methods of earning money.

    And there are a lot of such methods all over the world, if not invented, at least practised by you under the influence of Uranus. During July 8 and August 1, with Mercury — the planet of intellect, communication, and adaptability — in retrograde, the Pisces employees become more productive and efficient.

    During these three weeks, their focus is increased, thus they can fulfil their tasks easier than before.

    They pay attention to details and their memory is functioning great. They make a habit of checking many times over what they have done, so the possibility of making an error is diminished by a lot.

    On December 3 of , a second good news: Jupiter — the most important and the most powerful from the planets that are considered beneficial — enters the house of profession and of public image, of social status.

    It is a suitable period for asking for a salary raise or for a promotion. Jupiter will support your efforts in this direction.

    Moreover, we are talking about a period in which people with power and authority display a benevolent attitude towards you.

    Now you can improve your work relationships with the superiors, business owner, teachers, masters etc. Jupiter in the house of health has a positive influence on the functioning of their organism and their mental state.

    This beneficial planet offers optimism and a great mood, thus we get rid of stress and react with a smile on our faces in any situation.

    One single risk is brought by this astral aspect: Expansive in its own way, the planet will sometimes push us to excesses, which can result in few extra pounds. Neptune in his own house gets an additional force and emphasizes your natural capacities: The Pisces women can take the decision of starting a diet so that in the very next second to start eating a pound of sweets.

    They tend to do exactly the opposite of what they have planned. Having an idealistic nature, you are tempted by fad diets and weight loss pills, which promise a fast weight loss, without requiring changes in the regular diet.

    You have a sensitive organism and they should adopt a balanced lifestyle with enough physical excessing. Difficult choices have to be made this year. Do you opt for personal freedom and let go of your career? Do you let go of committed love or perhaps you will choose career and love and let go of some personal freedom.

    This , you are mixing with the high and the mighty with people of prestige and power, with people who are above you in social or professional status. In fact, your new relationship seems to be with someone very prominent could be a boss at work or someone high on the social scale.

    Pisces 2019 yearly horoscope

    People of wealth and power, people who can help your career and finances, allure you romantically. Since Mercury is your Love Planet and he is very fast-moving, romance and romantic opportunity can come to you in a variety of ways and means. It all depends where Mercury is on any given day and the kinds of aspects that he receives.

    We will cover these short-term trends in the monthly forecasts. Though you will have friends and will be involved with friends in the coming year, this is not your main focus.

    Love and romance are the main interests.

    Pisces 2019 Horoscope

    Those involved in a second marriage or who are working towards a second marriage are experiencing crisis in their relationship. The issues behind the crisis are as described personal freedom versus career and commitment. Those into or working towards a third marriage have an easier time but things are more status quo.

    Marrieds will stay married and singles will stay single. The marriage of parent or parent figures seems in crisis but this has been going on for a long time. Children of marriageable age can hear wedding bells this year. Someone from a good and old family is chasing them. Grandchildren of marriageable age have a status-quo year.

    Your 2nd House of Finance is not especially prominent in the year ahead, Pisces. Financial issues are not high on your agenda. The Cosmos is not impelling you one-way or the other and there is more freedom here.

    Earnings will tend to be status quo. Those who are prospering will continue to prosper. Those who have been struggling will probably continue in that way. In the year ahead there will be times when earnings come more easily or with greater difficulty but these will come from the current transits and not because of any tendency in the overall year Career is unusually important in the year ahead and this seems unrelated to earnings.

    Career in this context means your status, prestige, professional and social position in society. This area, though volatile, seems important.

    This you would choose a lower-paying but more prestigious job over a higher-paying but low-prestige job. Many of you will advance your careers by social means, by cultivating and knowing the right people.

    Perhaps by hosting parties and get-togethers and in many cases through marriage and or a business alliance with someone prestigious. Your desire for career success is motivated by the kind of social life that success brings not so much for the success itself. Career is complicated by your intense desires for personal freedom, as mentioned.

    In many cases these desires could cause sudden and abrupt career change.

    Pisces ♓️ Soulmate 2019 Love in True Form😍

    Your best and most fulfilling career scenario would be an area where you could attain status and prestige while still maintaining maximum personal freedom. This is not a year where you want a boss on your back. A career that affords much travel or varied assignments would be interesting. After September 25th , Jupiter will move into your 8th House.

    This will bring prosperity to your spouse, partner or lover. Your spouse or partner will be generous with you. It shows an ability to both make and pay off debt. It shows increases in the credit line and the ready availability of outside capital. Professional investors should look at bonds and the bond market for profit opportunities.

    As reported by pisces yearly astrology forecast , this will be after September 25th a good period to deal with tax and estate issues. Older Pisceans will probably be doing more estate planning now. Health needs more watching in the year ahead as some long-term planets are in stressful alignment and with you 6th House of Health for the most part empty, there is a chance that you will ignore this area.

    Health and vitality will improve after September 25th but still needs watching. So in the year ahead, try to rest and relax more. Maximize energy by focusing on priorities, delegating or outsourcing where possible and working to a rhythm.

    Wearing the colours, gems and metals of your Sign will help you on subtle levels. All Pisces need to pay attention to their feet, according to the astrology predictions.

    Shoes should be comfortable and not throw you off-balance. Foot massage and footbaths are excellent preventive therapies. With the Sun as your Health Ruler, the heart always needs special care, too. As most of you already know, there are many natural and drugless ways to do this.

    Since the Sun will move through all the Signs and Houses of your Horoscope , your health needs and workable therapies can vary month to month. Healing can come from a variety of areas and in a variety of ways. A therapy that was effective one month might not be effective in another month, as your health needs have changed.

    We will discuss this further in the monthly forecasts. As stated in pisces horoscopes, for most of the year, three powerful long-term planets are locked into a T-square aspect.

    Yearly Love Horoscope: 2019 Love Guide for Pisces

    The aspect is loose but nevertheless in effect. These planets rule over the ankles, sexual organs, the liver and the thighs. Ankles and thighs can be regularly massaged. Ankles should be given more support when exercising or indulging in strenuous sports.

    Pisces Love Horoscope | jakubzidek.cz

    Sexual activity should be kept in balance, neither too much nor too little. Only you know by listening to your body what that balance is. The liver, like the heart, can be strengthened in many natural ways.