Birthday number 23 astrology

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  1. Profile for October 23
  2. February 23 Birthday Astrology
  3. November 23 Zodiac
  4. February 23 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality

You are usually a person who enjoys city life and are therefore likely to reside in one more than other numbers.

Birthday Horoscope for October 23rd

Your number means that during your lifetime you are likely to cross paths with crooks, con artists and criminals and possibly socially. As a child you probably learned to talk at a very young age but often your number means you were fussed over by a parent with the result you may be obsessed with tidiness and personal grooming as an adult.

Profile for October 23

You will also be very house proud and want your home to look good — just in case you get unexpected visitors. You will also redecorate, refresh or upgrade your home in some way regularly. However, be aware that others may envy what you have as your number often indicates someone you invite into your home will take something belonging to you.

In your relationships you need intellectual as well as physical attraction.

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Yours is the number of attracting opposites when it comes to relationships and the close friendships you do make. If this happens to you and you start wondering what you are doing with someone so different to you, step back and use your analytical abilities here. You may have more than one marriage in your lifetime and you are also the number most likely to out-live your partner so do make provision as you get older for what you would do if you spend the final years of life alone.

You will make do with what you have at the time and wait and work for things to improve.

A great many people who are a 5 get a great deal of satisfaction from working out of home or having their own business. Travel is an area you would enjoy working in but whatever you choose it has to offer you mental stimulation otherwise you will quit and move on to something else.

You love an audience so some kind of role that puts you in front of one or in the public eye is also a possibility for a 5. In particular, think about your parent of the same sex and if you are living out their ambitions or an image they had for you, rather than your own. This is your life — so live it! If you were born on the 14 th or 23 rd day of any month please see the additional information contained in your power number which you can find in this section.

February 23 Birthday Astrology

As a Sagittarius born on November 23rd, you aim to change to change the world with your ambitious nature. It seems like nothing is too great for you. Regardless of how difficult and complicated the situation may be, you always believe that there is a simple solution.

While people are emboldened by your positivity and send of possibility, you run the risk of leading people on.

November 23 Zodiac

You run the risk of over-promising and under-delivering. You tend to talk a big game, and are often taken in by your over-inflated estimate of your intelligence and capabilities. These are the times that can actually take you to a much higher level of personal development and maturity.

Unfortunately, those events will only benefit you if you adopt the right mindset.

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  • Love and Compatibility for February 23 Zodiac.
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You try to understand your partner as much as possible. You try to research their childhood, their past traumas, and other past events in their lives to fully explain who they are.

You do have your limits.

February 23 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality

People born on this day are very stubborn. Often they "live" the same relationship over and over, in a series of intense unions. Family issues play a part in the lives of those born on February 23 well into adulthood.

Fanciful and imaginative, they have no difficulty identifying with their children but can repeat their parents' mistakes if not careful.

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Their saving grace is an ability to sense their children's emotional and spiritual needs. The high-strung disposition of those born on this date can contribute to nervous conditions, especially among women.

But if enough attention is paid to satisfying creative and artistic needs, they are normally happy and healthy. Regular exercise is a good way for them to deal with stress.