Capricorn birthday horoscope january 20

January 20 Capricorn Personality
  1. GotoHoroscope
  2. Birthday January 20 horoscope
  3. January 20 Zodiac - Complete Birthday Horoscope & Personality Profile
  4. Birthday Horoscope January 20th

If not, the two may sooner or later find that they are incompatible. The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. But nothing is written in stone. A relationship is complex. There is no guarantee as to what will work and what will not, especially at length. All the personality traits of each Zodiac sign have to be considered when examining their compatibility in astrology.

Generally speaking, Capricorn wants a relationship to lead to something — the bigger the better. Family, home, a bunch of children — everything that can be described as success in life. If the partner has less ambitions and even opposes such plans, the relation is doomed.

Capricorn enters a relationship with forceful commitment and makes sure that everything about it is all that can be wished for. Sort of like a project or a business venture.

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The Capricorn horoscope sign, the Goat, is the tenth sign of the Zodiac in the horoscope. It belongs to the element earth and the cardinal quality.

Capricorn is the astrological sign of the achiever, the one who struggles to reach concrete results, even when it takes a lot of effort and time. Capricorn, the Goat, is the tenth sign of the Zodiac. The sun enters Capricorn on or around December 22, at the winter solstice.

Capricorn belongs to the element earth, its quality is cardinal and its charge is negative. Its Ruler is Saturn, the stern planet of tradition and duty, and Mars exalts in it. In the horoscope chart, Capricorn brings ambition and a constructive drive to planets or Houses therein.

The Capricorn Zodiac sign is the leading earth sign of the horoscope, and earth is mainly about the concrete and material. To any earth sign, talking or thinking is not enough. Without results in the real world, nothing has happened. The Capricorn horoscope sign is prepared to do the miles to make that come true.

A keyword for the Capricorn Zodiac sign in the horoscope is ambition. The Capricorn horoscope sign is never satisfied with what is, but needs to utilize existing resources to accomplish a grander tomorrow.

Anything else would be like sleeping. Capricorn has little time for sleep. Saturn, the ruler of the Capricorn Zodiac sign in the horoscope, is a demanding master, and Capricorn is an astrological sign that expects nothing less. Life is an opportunity that should be taken full advantage of, and no Capricorn is pleased with anything else than leaving the world in a much different shape than from what existed when entered.

Those with Capricorn as their horoscope Zodiac sign are born with the sun in it, between December 22 and January For much more about the Capricorn Zodiac sign influence in the horoscope, see the links in the menu to the left and below. The Capricorn star sign begins in December when the winter is at its darkest, but heading towards increasing daylight.

Still, the temperature keeps dropping.


In the horoscope, Capricorn is the Zodiac sign with traits of the tireless achiever, with the stamina to overcome any obstacle on the way.

The Capricorn horoscope sign has mighty ambitions with all aspects of life, and the persistence necessary. Those who have Capricorn as their star sign are born when the sun was in Capricorn, normally December 22 — January 20 it differs slightly from year to year, because of the leap years.

Therefore, it is also — more accurately — called the sun sign. The sun in your horoscope is your natural self — what you are when you relax, when other planets in your horoscope are not active.

Birthday January 20 horoscope

You need to look at all the components of your birth chart, to get a complete astrological description of yourself. If your star sign is Capricorn, you are a person with a drive, with the energy to reach results whatever you do.

Capricorn wants to drag things to completion. Capricorn has the ability to accomplish concrete results, even when the initial ideas may have seemed vague or even unrealistic. The result might not be all that was imagined in the beginning, but it is there, and it is real.

Capricorn has ambition and the perseverance to realize most of the goals. What you start you want to finish, although that often means a lot of hard work.

For Capricorn, the satisfaction is in the completion. What exists is what you can touch and do something with. The stuff that dreams are made of rarely dazzles Capricorn.

January 20 Zodiac - Complete Birthday Horoscope & Personality Profile

Whatever the circumstances, Capricorn is usually in charge when something needs to be done. Its first third has something of a cardinal quality, whatever the quality of the sign as a whole is, its second third is slightly more fixed in quality, and the last third is more mutable.

If you were born at the end of December, the sun is in the beginning of Capricorn. You can be quite demanding to others, too. If you were born in the beginning of January, the sun is in the middle of Capricorn. Then you have great perseverance. If you were born in the middle of January, the sun is at the end of Capricorn. Then you have a tendency to be impatient and take on tasks that may be too much even for you.

Occasionally — actually quite regularly — you push yourself too much. The star constellation Capricorn, represented by a sea-goat, the mythological animal. Illustration from Firmamentum, by Hevelius The sun in the horoscope also represents your father the mother is represented by the moon.

That means your Capricorn traits reveal something about the characteristics of your relationship with your father.

Mars enters Aries

If you have the sun in Capricorn, your relation to your father is one of mutually high demands. You expect a lot of each other. There is respect, but also intolerance if the demands are not met.

There can also be some rivalry about authority. Your father demands to be obeyed, and it happens that you do the same.

When your aims are not the same, there can be a noisy and lasting battle of wills, but when you agree on something to accomplish together, you can be very efficient and cooperate wonderfully to reach results. Capricorn dates are between December 22 and January If you were born between these dates you have Capricorn as your sun sign, because that is the Zodiac sign where the sun was at your date of birth.

But it differs a little from year to year, because of the leap years.

If your date of birth is the 22nd of December or the 20th of January, you have to check if you really fall within the Capricorn dates or not.

It never differs more than a day in each direction. The start of the Capricorn dates must be within the dates 21st or 22nd of December, and the end of it almost always on the 20th of January.

People born on other dates need not be concerned. In astrology, your Capricorn Zodiac sign also called sun sign or star sign is decided by the position of the sun at the moment of your birth, as seen from Earth.

They look at not only systems that worked in the past, but they turn to other systems that may have idealist elements that may make current systems work even better. Not surprisingly, they make for great architects, engineers, and designers.

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  8. Since they do have a strong idealistic side to them, when paired with their Capricorn practicality and tendency to develop a tunnel vision, they can be perceived as intolerant. Now, some January 20 people are more extreme on this point than others, but the bottom line is, when it comes to career, make sure you take the time and effort to learn to work with others more closely.

    Stop focusing on comparing yourself to your coworkers. Instead, look at your differences as a source of inspiration, so you can do what you need to do to move up.

    If you have a goal, you can put in the work and do whatever it takes or however long it takes until your goal is achieved. This is why you are able to look for weak spots in any kind of activity or system that you are working with to boost efficiency.

    A lot of people consider this hacking, but it goes beyond that. People born on January 20 are reliable by nature. As long as they are clear regarding the objective of a particular project, you can rely on them to show up on time, do the right amount of work, and be there to turn the project from an idea into a reality.

    As the old saying goes, showing up is half the battle.

    Birthday Horoscope for January 20th.

    You can definitely count on Aquarius people born on January 20 to show up on time, every time, when it comes to the big stuff. Put all these factors together and you can see why a lot of people consider people born on this day as trustworthy people. As trustworthy as January 20 Aquarius people can be, they can be quite intolerant especially when things are unclear to them.

    However, when it comes to relationships, this can be quite disastrous. These assumptions, in turn, are based on past issues that you feel are settled. By revisiting these issues, you increase the likelihood that you would come up with more efficient solutions that can lead to better results.

    Birthday Horoscope January 20th

    Similarly, you need structure for you to really stick to a program and hang on to it until you achieve its logical conclusion. Also, like Air, when you are put under a lot of pressure and heat, you can explode. This is due to the fact that you stand by your ideas. You are big on ideas and if you feel that your ideas are somehow being dismissed out of hand, you take it personally.

    Like a typical Aquarius, you often have a tough time separating yourself from the things you say and the ideas you believe in.

    You are constantly caught between predictability and certainty of past systems and your aching desire for new ideas and new ways of doing things. The good news is, as you get older, you would realize that there is a happy marriage of the two.