Pregnancy transits in astrology

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And the transit moon moves quickly, so it's going to tour through your 5th house once every month, so even if there aren't any of the larger planets within it, you'll get one planet zooming through at some point.

I would definately check your progressions like someone else mentioned. Look at your solar return and see if there is anything going on in the 5th house.

Guys Hi I found vey interesting link about Ceres and possibility of pregnancy.

The Astrology of Pregnancy

Do you find it somewhat true? Astrologers, please note the difference. Interesting, when my misscarige occured my transiting NN was in 5th house in conj with Natal Saturn What about Juno in 5th house?

Last edited by MysticMelody; at What about transiting Jupiter to your Venus sign? I've seen that happen in my case. But my Venus is in Cancer in my 5th house tropical or Gemini with Vedic.

Lunar fertility: astrology for pregnancy

I am almost always in a good mood. Here to learn astrology. Fertile days will be marked in red. I hope this helps. The asteroid "child" On the Extended Chart Selection page, go right to the bottom and below were you select the Additional Objects black heading there is a box that you need to type " " next to the box it reads "additional asteroids".

The Astrology of Pregnancy

Actually I have experimented with Asteroid child and run a number of charts for pregnant friends or even celebrity charts, Asteroid child thank god doesn't seem to bear any correlation to actual pregnancy or mother and child relationship.

This is great for me because asteroid child sits in my 8th house of Death of fanatastic and when I first heard that I sunk into a deep depression as if it was difficult enough trying to get pregnant. The news of 8th house Asteroid was what escalated my fears that I would never become a mother in the first place.

Thankfully I actaully managed to also do some research into Asteroid child it was actually discoverd by astromoner Eleanor Francis "Glo" Helin it is not named because it has anything at all to do with children or bears any reasoning to associate it with the idea of fertility birth or pregnancy, its actually named after Jack B Child.

Quote [ Named in honor of Jack B. His generous helpfulness over the years has been greatly appreciated. He has played a very important role in introducing team members to the Palomar planet-crossing asteroid survey project. Mercury has a fast orbit and races across the sky hence it's connection with speed movement, Uranus has an eratic Orbit and was discovered during a time of great growing interest in technical advances.

Pluto was discovered during the second world war during a time of dark forces and depression and economic extremes. As Freud said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. So the activity occurring to my Moon I think is very important, while it may not mean biological motherhood I think it could set in motion a positive start to Adoption we shall see, I've done enough time stressing over the difficult transits ahead for me, I am currently doing work on my natal Neptune Conjunct Moon, opposition Saturn, I do the planetary chants meditate and Visualise.

It is very hard to let go of a the negative outlook I was born with in my chart but I know it is the only way I can actually move forward and unblock my barriers to motherhood, Next is working on the Pluto Sq. In Equal Gemini rules 5th house cusp therefore mercury. With all those asteriods, I can hardy make out what's aspecting what here.

Plus the 'natal chart' is THE blueprint and most important, to me the jury is still out on the effectiveness of 'relocated charts' great for solar returns, but your natal chart with progressions and solar arcs may reveal more than this chart you posted. Your moon in this chart is a singleton ie: Does you moon remain a singleton in your natal?

Perhaps a composite chart with your partner may have 5th house transits in it but there has to be influences in that area triggered for a birth.

Often the 4th house of family is involved too. A well placed Moon does not guarantee children as such and if you were to foster or adopt for instance, the 11th would be involved but I still think there would have to be a connection with the 5th house.

THe ruler of it and its aspects are very important also. Saturn there can mean no children for instance, either not wanted or simply doesnt happen. Originally Posted by rahu. Originally Posted by Claire I will never share or sell your email address.

You can unsubscribe at any time directly from your inbox. Uranus is in my 5th house for sure and there are a few other aspects going on i.

This simplified things without me having to use another confusing ass lunar fertility calculator — thank you so much! This is an area that interests me a lot. After 5 years of trying to get pregnant not desperately , it has finally happened! I started to look at the aspects around the time of conception and realized that Jupiter was transiting over conjunct my natal Moon and Mars which are in conjunction in the 10th house in Libra.

No planets in the 5th, but Mars is the ruler of that house. So maybe I got now a piece of the year-cycle of Jupiter: Thanks for the article! Hi Faith, This post is so useful for a number of people who are struggling to conceive after years of fertility treatments.

I think I was wondering my progress Moon will go enter in Libra and Scorpio in my late 20s or early 30s impregnate with an getting my ex back together that he will have also his progress Moon still enter in Libra and Scorpio. If you own an image on this site and would like it removed just let me know.

Feel free to repost but please link back: February 19, in Understand: Progressed moon through the houses: Invoke your divine will September 22, in Transits: Saturn square Neptune in retrospect: Mercury retrograde conjunct Jupiter: From loving a Neptunian, to loving and knowing yourself June 8, in Transits: Venus in Gemini and a New Moon: Mercury trine Pluto and Jupiter in Earth: I also assumed that there would be a predominant pattern of transits or solar arcs to the ruler of the 5th house or to planets in the 5th.

I considered that I may have been thinking in terms that were too narrow regarding the astrology of pregnancy. Conceiving, growing a new life, and having a baby represent a huge lifestyle change — it is a significant and powerful life-altering event when a child is brought into the world.

Most women these days are engaged in careers and continue to work even after having a baby. A hundred years ago — maybe even 50 years ago — this was not common. In the early 20th century, most women viewed getting married, having babies, and raising a family as their primary life purpose and career. Perhaps if we exclusively studied horoscopes for births in the s and early s, we may see a different pattern, compared to what I saw with contemporary births.

In modern times, women focus their ambition and desire for achievement not just on having a family, but also on a career. I know there are exceptions, but it seems that career women are now taking on two full-time jobs when they have a baby.

So, how would all this show up in the horoscope? As I analyzed the charts, I found it very interesting that there were consistently three to five different big bell transits or solar arcs going on simultaneously during the pregnancy. In many cases, there were even more than five. This is likely the most noteworthy piece of information to consider.

Following is a breakdown of aspects for the 56 births I analyzed from 36 mothers with accurate birth data. The most frequent cycle I saw was a transit from an outer planet — or a solar arc — to an angle, with the Ascendant and Descendant having the most activity.

Four of those charts had more than one transit or solar arc affecting the Asc. Interestingly, Neptune followed a close second. The direct hit to an angle is certainly significant, and we should keep this in mind when we are pondering the question of a potential pregnancy major life event.

Angles are the most dynamic points in the horoscope, so we can expect powerful movement in life when one of these areas is contacted.

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Just as potent for change and growth is the planetary ruler of an angle being activated by a transit or solar arc. But I must mention that the angles were the most active areas by far, receiving the most hits in the 56 births I studied.

Angles and their rulers must be considered as power generators for major life changes when activated by transits and solar arcs — and this activation was consistently present in the charts of pregnant women in my research. Again, as with the angles, Jupiter and Saturn cycles to the Sun were most common, with Neptune following a very close second.

The Sun is the symbol for our core sense of self, our life purpose and direction. Strong transits and solar arcs to the Sun offer us a period to consider a course correction in life, to build a new feeling of confidence, or to strengthen our identity.

Often when the Sun is activated by a cycle, we re-evaluate who we are and where we are going. It makes sense that cycles to the natal Sun would be a consistent pattern for pregnant women.

When a woman carries a pregnancy to term, there is often a change in how she sees herself. The inner image shifts to mother and protector of a child, rather than the image of oneself as a separate individual.

One note about Neptune transits or solar arcs showing up frequently both to the angles and to the Sun: At first this really surprised me. I certainly never anticipated Neptune as being a factor in a pregnancy! Neptune frequently dissolves ego, and this fits in with the bloom of motherhood.

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Jupiter Hits the Sun The only horoscope I included that does not have a verified birth time is that of my mother-in-law, Emma Rose. I use a sunrise chart when no time is provided. Rose very much wanted to have a large family and began trying to become pregnant in her early 20s, right after she got married.

Following many years of focusing on getting pregnant with no success, she finally went to a doctor for help.

She was told that she was infertile, and was absolutely crushed. However, as is occasionally the case, Mrs. Rose was shocked, amazed, and thrilled when, out of the blue, she became pregnant at 39 years of age. In the s, that was considered very old to have a first child.

I thought of her story when I started this article, and knew that I had to check out what was going on in her chart during her pregnancy.

See Chart 2 , at left. She was also receiving a transit from Jupiter in Aries to her natal Jupiter and Venus in the fall of , when she discovered she was pregnant. The benefic rays of Jupiter produced the reward. One last note about this horoscope: Rose suffered from frequent migraine headaches, but when she became pregnant, they stopped completely — probably due to the hormonal changes.

She mentioned to me many times that, during the nine months of pregnancy, she felt the best she ever had in all her life. Again, we see the benefic Jupiter solar arc shining through! She lived a long and fulfilling life, passing away when she was I felt that chances would be good that, even without a birth time, the aspects reflecting the miracle pregnancy would be easy to see — and they were.

Interestingly, contact from Uranus to the Moon was strongest, followed by Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, and then Jupiter, in that order.

Personally, I had a powerful theme of lunar involvement for both of my pregnancies. This is especially significant because I never thought I would want children. I have a very independent warrior Moon in Aries. Having my SA Ascendant hit the AP in Cancer, a lunar-ruled sign — along with the Uranus transit to my Moon — totally altered my thinking, and I embraced motherhood with a passion!

My identity easily flowed into the role of nurturing mother and caretaker.

She had an amazingly easy pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy son when she was just three months shy of her 46th birthday. See Chart 3 , below. The surprise pregnancy pushed her and her partner to wed immediately, and the cycles going on in her chart at the time tell the tale. The repeating pattern of contact through transits and solar arcs in her chart both to Uranus and from Uranus suggests the sudden and unexpected change that the news of pregnancy brought into her life.

With the Uranus— Moon transit, plus the solar arc from Uranus to the ruler of the Ascendant, we see the powerful trigger to an angle, which I mentioned earlier. Because I never even considered that pregnancy might occur given the fact that she was in her mid 40s , I naturally thought of marriage or relationship issues instead.

The marriage did manifest, but it was triggered by the fact that she became pregnant! Particularly interesting to me was that there were 21 charts with Venus being aspected; in 5 of the 21, Venus ruled the 5th house children , and another 5 of the 21 had Venus ruling the 4th family.

Amazingly, it was Saturn transits or solar arcs to Venus that were most common 6 cases out of 21 , followed by Pluto 5 cases , Uranus 4 cases , and Jupiter and Neptune 2 each.

Astrology Aspects for PREGNANCY

There were 2 cases of each of these cycles in the sample. Let me share with you a clear case example that had Venus and Ascendant activity: Veronica is a client of mine who also became one of my astrology students. Her studies, however, were interrupted by her pregnancy.

Starting in late , she began to feel the desire to be a mother tugging at her, and in January , she asked if we could explore this topic in class. Veronica has one of the very easyto- spot signatures for heightened fertility.

I noticed that she would have SA Asc. She also had transiting Pluto square her natal Jupiter—Saturn conjunction Jupiter is the ruler of the 5th house.

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