Taurus born january 12 horoscopes

Taurus Love and Sex
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Lovers of peace and harmony, the Taurus play the role of the providers with heart and soul. Unlike Aries, Taurus are also gifted with an ability to see a project to completion. However, when applied to their personal realm, this obstinate streak makes Taurus quite a tough nut to crack. You will see them creating a hue and cry, whenever pushed to alter their schedules and priorities.

Note that it is extremely difficult to convince Taurus to change their minds. For the Taurus men, financial stability and comforts of life are a top priority, and all they do or dream of doing are revolved around building a better future for themselves and thereby their loved ones.

Read on to have a close look at the personalities of these practical and sensible individuals. They have a good sense humour and are jovial. But the Taurus men often fail to see the humour when the jokes and light-hearted comments are directed at them, and as a result, feel offended.

Known for being stubborn, the Taurus men rarely change their viewpoint and will not act against their will. Although all the Taurus men have this trait in abundance, some of the evolved ones know how to work around this tendency and use it to an advantage.

If you want to be in the good books of the Taurus women and understand them better, it is advisable to know their basic characteristics. Read on to get an idea about the personality of Taurus women. Emotionally, the Taurus women are too strong and can survive the most challenging situations and handle huge amount of stress.

It is not surprising that in the moment of need, they would rather rely on their independence and fortitude than on sympathy and support of others.

Get Janampatri for more detailed prospects — this report is Birth Chart based and hence percent customised. The Bulls also carry a very strong sense of values and possess a distinct personality. Besides, they are very artistic and sometime very musical too.

The good life in all its forms — the fine arts, music, good food, physical pleasures and material goods are heaven on Earth to the Taurus-born. If you closely observe a Taurus, you will see that their possessions speak highly of the need to own the best.

This is not to say that they are self-centred individuals, but materialistic they are. Plus, family lovers that they are, the Bulls also ensure that the things they do or possess make their near and dear ones happy.

Taurus Romance Overall speaking, most Taurus natives are excellent individuals. However, their stubbornness, combined with their trademark laziness, can create problems they may find difficult to deal with. Often they make little or no effort to change the situation they are around them.

Hence, they may find themselves in similar kinds of situation again and again. The life partner a Taurus chooses bears a strong impact on the personality of the Taurus. Thus, they need to find someone, who will give them the much-desired stability.

The Birthday Signs (366)

These security-loving souls like to be rooted to their environment, work, home or opinions. Others may call it their stubbornness, but the Taurus prefer to call it the need to guard their stability.

This makes their mind closed to new ideas and radical changes. No wonder, the Bulls rarely buckle under pressure and adversity. They prefer to be in a rather Zen-like peace. Usually, the Taurus are extremely patient and dependable.

But when annoyed, the Taurus will rage and turn ferocious and unstoppably angry. Sure, they are temperamental, but once the thunder dies down, they also prove to be the sloppiest of sentimentalists.

They are also quick to regain their Buddha-like stance, almost as if nothing happened! For the ones born between these days, the planetary ruler is said to be Venus.

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The nature of these people would, thus, be sensual and passionate. Most of them are pleasure-seeking and possess a tremendous will-power.

However, these people may blow hot and cold, specifically to bend others for getting things done. They would have tremendous will-power. Those born under this influence are determined to get whatever they desire of life and hold a great reverence for material wealth.

They also tend to seek stability in all the aspects of their life and are faithful partners. As mentioned earlier, they are sensuous and love to employ the sense of their touch to experience various sensations. Your Janampatri gives you an overview of various aspects of your life and also the expected problems you may face in your life and the precautions you need to take.

Janampatri , a completely reliable analysis of your Natal Chart, and if employed well, it can play as an important guiding force in your life. Taurus are averse to taking risks, and certainly are never rash.

Birthday Compatibility, Astrology & Zodiac Signs

The reason number one — the Bulls are security lovers — their security net is paramount to them. Reason number two — they are lazy and have an inherent need to hold on to their possessions. So, all in all a Bull likes to play a safe game. Well, that is not such a bad thing always, though this tendency may stop them from going all out and having fun.

Also, many Taurus individuals are slow and lazy, which may irritate their partners. Nonetheless, the possessive Taurus individuals make excellent lovers, as they tend to value their loved ones, over everyone and everything.

Their own personal lives and security net are precious to Bulls, and they do not hesitate to shower their beloved with amazing gifts. Individuals with the moon in Taurus strive for security and permanence in their lives. They tend to be comfortable in familiar surroundings instead of the unknown. These individuals want permanence in their life, both in the material aspect and in the emotional aspect as well.

Hence, they will act fiercely and in a definite manner in order to preserve this sense of security and familiarity and will deal with an iron hand with situations that threaten these important aspects of their life.

Such people tend to be most often or not, strong willed and are set in their ways. In other words, they may be conservative in nature and their actions follow a conventional approach that will make the person somewhat rigid.

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Such individuals want to create a known, comfortable and secure world for themselves and their near and dear ones which makes them feel happy. You may also obtain totally personalised astrologer generated Natal Chart based Yearly Report to know what lies ahead for you in the upcoming year so that you can plan in advance to make your financial position strong.

Due to the steadiness of their nature, individuals with the moon in Taurus make others feel comforted and secure and have a calming influence over people. Such individuals always have a love of the good things in life and tend to surround themselves with aesthetically pleasing and comfortable objects.

Taurus Health The Bulls are robust and have great physical stamina from birth, so they are unlikely to suffer any health problems during childhood. But as they grow older they tend to overindulge in food and drink and may put on weight.

They also have a sensitive throat, which may sometimes lead to congestion. They need a mild diet once in a while and exercise regularly.

12 Zodiac Signs & What They Mean - Astrology Charts

However, if the idea of regular exercise is not too appealing, they would do well to try their hand at gardening or some other outdoor activity. Anatomically Taurus corresponds to: Neck, throat, ears, pharynx, Eustachian tubes, tonsils, palate, thyroid gland, upper portion of the oesophagus, and vocal chords; jugulars in the next and the veins of the thyroid gland; cervical vertebrae in the neck; the front and back neck muscle; external carotids and basilar artery.

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They believe that relationships are contractual in nature. In other words, they continue to love their partner until and up to the point that partner stops giving them love back. In your mind, the limit to your relationships is when they are no longer mutually beneficial.

You believe that love is transactional in nature. Not surprisingly, you tend to focus on people that make you look good. You tend to focus on romantic partners that brings something tangible to the table.

January 12 Zodiac

Whether that thing is money, prestige, social status, or a lovemaking ability, you are looking for some sort of return value. The good news is, once they are married, their marriages tend to be happy as long as they continue to work. You are conscious of the fact that all work is all about performance.

This is why you always aim for excellence. You set a high standard for yourself, but unlike other Capricorns, you also apply these standards to others.

You tell yourself that if I am willing to set a high standard for myself, then everybody has to also live up to that standard. The interesting thing about people with this personality trait is that in many cases, their aggressiveness, persistence and determination are rewarded by heartbreak. Your old definitions no longer hold true.

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The reason for this is because despite your exterior, you are a very soft-hearted person. You have an emotional core. If you are able to speak to, and make peace with this emotional side, you would be able to become a happier person overall. People born on January 12 th are unstoppable by nature.

You will never rest until you achieve your goal. For example, if the front door is blocked, you will try the side door. If the side door is closed off, you will try the window.

If the window is blocked, you will break a hole through the roof.