January 5 2019 horoscope sign

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  1. The Man of Signs (Zodiac Man)
  2. The Chinese Zodiac, 12 Zodiac Animals, Find Your Zodiac Sign
  3. Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Spend time now cultivating what is important to you—autonomy, career, people, romance, hobbies—and you will bask in the results later this year.

Take a deep breath and trust. While winter can be a time of social hibernation for some of the signs, you might find old friends, acquaintances and relationships surfacing from the past.

True friends and family will recognize your growth and support your decisions to put yourself first. Now is a time for renovation and shaking up your space and routines.

Luckiest Zodiac Signs in General in 2019

Your itch to travel may seem overwhelming, so pair that feeling and urge to an action: No idea is too outrageous for you, Taurus. Get out a notebook and spend the time creating a plan of action—whether it be a new business idea, traveling or lifestyle choice.

You will have the motivation to follow through, if only you just get started. Hold yourself and others to the same high but human standards.

The Man of Signs (Zodiac Man)

Your thoughtful nature and compassion can sometimes hold you up, Cancer. This year, make decisions. This month is a new chapter for you. There is so much alignment this month for you Leo, beginning with the new year and your desire for a completely fresh start. If you want to change everything—do it. Maybe not right this second, but begin to find ways to supplement your income and focus on making every gorgeous thought in your big, beautiful brain HAPPEN.

You may already have a new love interest, or perhaps things are heating up with a friend or partner.

There is also potential for a new living arrangement. There are a lot of metaphorical and physical walls this month for you, Virgo. Who are you letting in? This month might feel like a blast from the past—waves of sentimentality and nostalgia abound, dear Libra. But the beautiful thing is that you get to decide what to let in and what to let go.

Maybe this is a reminder that you used to love to draw or play piano. When is the last time you did something you did as a kid?

The Chinese Zodiac, 12 Zodiac Animals, Find Your Zodiac Sign

This can serve as your reminder. Get out of your comfort zone and trust that you know yourself well enough to recognize what you need. Home Chinese Culture Chinese Zodiac. It will be an Earth Pig year. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 You are a: Here are some examples of Chinese zodiac love compatibility.

Take the test and see Zodiac Animal Personality Traits Rat Quick-witted, resourceful, versatile, kind Ox Diligent, dependable, strong, determined Tiger Brave, confident, competitive Rabbit Quiet, elegant, kind, responsible Dragon Confident, intelligent, enthusiastic Snake Enigmatic, intelligent, wise Horse Animated, active, energetic Goat Calm, gentle, sympathetic Monkey Sharp, smart, curiosity Rooster Observant, hardworking, courageous Dog Lovely, honest, prudent Pig Compassionate, generous, diligent.

The ancients heard them at this hour.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Ox am Oxen chew the cud most comfortably. People of old would get up and feed them at this time. Tiger am Tigers hunt most ferociously. Chinese people long ago often hear them roaring at this time.

Rabbit am Rabbits pound the ground most fervently. Rabbits were seen to come out of their holes to eat grass with dew at dawn. Dragon am Dragons hover most thickly. Morning mists, particularly coils around hills, made people think of dragons. Snake am Snakes emerge most readily.

Snakes come out to sun themselves as the morning sun warms the ground. Horse 11am-1pm Horses stand most impressively.

When the sun is strongest, only horses were seen standing, while most other animals would lie down to rest. Goat pm Goats eat and urinate most frequently. This was reputedly the best time to herd goats, when the sun had dried the dew on the undergrowth.

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Monkey pm Monkeys play most vigorously. Monkeys were seen and heard playing and calling in the trees at this time. Rooster pm Roosters return to their coops most routinely. Roosters are routinely led back to their henhouses before sunset.

Dog pm Dogs guard most dutifully. People would take their dogs out to keep a watch at night before sleep.

The 12 Animal Signs of the Chinese Zodiac

Pig pm Pigs snuffle most sweetly.