Michele knight weekly horoscope 15 january

Pisces Weekly Astrology & Tarot Horoscope December 24-31 2018
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  4. Wear Your Crown, Pisces! January 2019 Tarot and Astrology Reading

Create a members account for free. Psychic readings are at the usual premium rate — please see terms and conditions for details. Jupiter and the Sun do the fandango and uplift us giving us the confidence to expand.

Oh, and Venus shifts signs changing our love direction. Weekly Astrology Video Horoscope 26th November The Sun meets Jupiter for the first time in 12 years.

A fabulous week to expand and fly! Your psychic email reading aims to answer specific questions as well as giving you a general overview of what is going on around you empowering you to follow your own wisdom and intuition. This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http: Skip to content Featured Articles.

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Terms and conditions apply Credit card readings: Time to also get ready for a focus on your career and reputation. Does your professional image need an upgrade? Venus in your 10 th from the 18 th is all about making the very best impression. Of course your qualifications and smarts are important.

Astrology Forecasts Archives - Michele Knight

But your image is an important part of the whole package. Use her influence in here to dress for success and make any adjustments if necessary. Perhaps just one more reason to look and feel your best. The Sun arrives in your 10 th from the 20 th spotlighting those career ambitions.

This is also an area to initiate change if you have been feeling over-looked or that your current career path no longer offers the opportunities you deserve.

Get that magic happening both personally and professionally now. Ready for a higher love? Either in your personal life or just loving what you do? Positive changes allow you to embrace this, so step up Taurus! Change brings about the freedom you need How do others see you?

Declutter your life and have more to love! After change comes soul freedom, Gemini. So bear this in mind when contemplating shifts and transformations this week. Work, job, wellbeing changes that are more than just resolutions feature now.

Pluto in his ruling sector of your chart angles towards Jupiter in your 6 th. Plus on top of that you have a new Moon in your 8 th as well as ruler Mercury making an alignment with Neptune in your career zone.

Be aware your 8 th rules transformation and your 10 th rules your status — not just your professional status but your overall status and how people perceive this. So, you could see a transformation occur that impacts on this but may not necessarily be linked to your job.

This new Moon is wonderful under which to streamline your life and get rid of stuff that no longer serves you or keeps you tied to something you have lived out or just outgrown. Venus enters your 9 th and think of this as a time to explore places and ideas you may love rather than an actual person.

Or if an actual person does turn up, it may be best to treat it all as a bit of an adventure and just see where you end up rather than taking it or them seriously. The Sun follows in here on the 20 th.

Virgo weekly horoscope 24th December to 7th Jan 2019

Travel, freedom and expansion beckon. In fact, that decluttering on an actual or soul level, the letting go and the transformation, could all be about paving the way for something new to come in. Or to lighten your load so you can leap unfettered into the next stage of your journey. Make room for something new. Changes could bring about a shift in how people see you.

Time to let go of anything that holds you back and embrace expansion, freedom and adventure now. Take a step towards love Hot — or not?

The power of positive change is yours Take some affirmative action when it comes to love this week, Cancer.

Psychic News

You have a special new Moon in your 7 th of partnerships, long term friends and even enemies although hopefully the latter will not feature. If you are single, Jupiter in your house of attraction and romance angles to Pluto also in your 7 th — you could experience a shift in your status.

At the very least attracting someone with long term lover potential. Are you getting enough? This new Moon offers one of the best opportunities to do that. Change is in the air as Venus who rules your love life exits her ruling 7 th and enters your 8 th the day after the new Moon.

This is your house of sex so a romantic interest may now heat up or for those of you already in a relationship, you may now have a desire to spice things up if they have been a little vanilla of late!

You may crave changes and also your creativity may peak. This includes your thoughts, ideas or even how you react to something or someone. Your energy is at a peak so channel it and you will find that not only can you transform something with ease, you can create positive change in every sphere of your life. All that passion is getting broadcast far and wide.

Others respond in kind. Romance, glamour, love and hedonism rule. As turns sexy — burn baby, burn! Write down those ideas Doors open to new ways of working Send out the love!

Astrology Forecasts

What are you creating that sustains you? Have you been over-doing things of late? This week could see you contemplating both questions and needing to come up with solutions if the answer to the first is nothing and the second is yes.

Have a plan and more than that, write it down. Jupiter in your 4 th can have you over-doing things — especially when it comes to eating, drinking and general merry-making.

A positive angle to Pluto in your wellness zone with a new Moon in here on the 17 th , brings in the change that makes this not the start of the year, the best time to enact those health resolutions. You may have lots of ideas now but be warned, unless you write them down they may fly away like good intentions.

Others could see a job offer or positive shift on the work front and again, with work ideas, commit them to paper, or even your computer and not to memory. Venus enters her ruling 7 th from the 18 th heralds the start of good times. Give yourself permission to feel the love.

If not now, then when? A new love affair or just recapturing the romance is possible. The only warning about Venus in here and there is always a flip side, is that you try too hard to please.

Remember, Venus is all about it being easy so look closely at whether or not you are the one making all the effort. Your ruler arrives in here on the 20 th , and now it is all about the power of attraction. Radiate and you will attract. Want a new love? Get out and about. What you attract could be either a reflection or your opposite.

But whatever comes to you now is in fact a facet of you whether you realise it or not. What you attract this week mirrors some facet of you, Leo. Time to create your own opportunities this week, Virgo. Especially when it comes to business or love. This is no time to just sit back and wait for things to happen. Join members area now!

Wear Your Crown, Pisces! January 2019 Tarot and Astrology Reading

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