Horoscope for february 2019

  1. February Horoscope | Monthly Horoscopes
  2. Horoscope for February 2019 for Pisces
  3. Horoscope for February 2019 for Cancer
  4. My Horoscopes

Fortunately, throughout the entire month, Jupiter will lend you support and luck, especially through a group of friends, and will put the spotlight all the initiatives you undertake.

Neptune will make your financial situation a little hazy, so would definitely be useful to think about it and to get your budget on track. You will still find it easy to keep your energy under control up until the 14th and will be endowed with great communication skills up until the 10th.

Take full advantage of this to put your romantic life on steady ground - things are about to get rocky. Venus in Capricorn will confine your romantic life to your private one only, where you will spend the month carefully stitching your relationship together.

Vows, commitment, or responsibility may be the end result of this influence. This is a good month for moving your relationship forward. You are at the height of your seductive powers at the very start of the month. But be cautious and do not criticize too much. Encourage all beautiful and smile when facing the ugly.

Sagittarius, keep an eye on your nerves, because staying calm is the key feature in February. The horoscope suggests that the occasional desire to assassinate someone might be stronger than you now admit. We don't say you should end up on the bench with a life sentence, but it suffices if you say something that you can regret forever or at least till the end of And that can happen right now.

February Horoscope | Monthly Horoscopes

Sagittarius, if you will feel the explosion of anger is near, we definitely recommend you to go for a run, to play drums and or to chop a pile of wood with an axe. Capricorn, these are two keywords of the February horoscope that will determine the rhythm for you.

This month Capricorn will complete something big and at the same time you have to figure out where to go for the rest of next essential step. It is time to enjoy first class design, development projects, but also time to destroy and forget all the old and useless garbage. Capricorn should take more than one long hot relaxing bath to free his or her mind and lighten the body.

Imagine that you meditate in the blooming garden. Only in the ideal harmony you will find the right ideas. In February, take a look at your wardrobe and everything you have not put on for more than two years, please give all that to charity. The horoscope also encourages Capricorn to be cautious of infidelity.

Being seduced will be easier than ever. Aquarius, February will raise some fundamental questions. It can concern your children, health, or aging parents. The horoscope suggests that you will have to accept the fact that the glass is better half-full than half-empty.

Horoscope for February 2019 for Pisces

In other words, nothing is ideal, but you need to enjoy the little you have rather than lamenting about all what you still do not have. Probably you will never taste the boring life a billionaire, such as an oil tycoon who is idle on a ranch in Texas.

But unlike him or her, you know much more about true life. February may show that a strong wind can break down trees, or that sweet though cooked fruit is sometimes wormy. But you can handle these and similar problems. In February Aquarius should gather strength for the whole Pisces, according to the horoscope February will be like a bouncing ball maybe a boomerang.

If you thought that some of the problems could simply be creased like paper and thrown in a basket, February will convince Pisces that many of them can come back, just like a rubber ball. Pisces, you have simply to accept that solving complicated problems is a challenge for a lifetime.

Finances seems stormy until the 6th but your financial confidence and judgement seem unusually good, and rapid progress is made towards your financial goals. An overview Leo horoscope for the year More rest, relaxation and maximizing your energy will work wonders. Try to achieve work goals in a relaxed way.

Both home and career are ultra-important this month. You will see-saw back and forth trying to keep the balance. Many of you have received pay rises, promotions and greater career recognition lately.

Now you will have to pay the price for this — take on more responsibility, exercise power in a just way, and justify your success with real and lasting achievement. The danger now is in getting so wrapped up in social, career and family obligations that there is no time for yourself — for self-fulfilment and personal pleasure.

Those involved in relationships will find that they get happier. A good month to pay off debt and cut costs.

An overview Virgo horoscope for the year This is one of the most social periods of your year — and socially successful too. Venus moves forward on the 20th and your social confidence grows stronger.

capricorn february 2019 horoscope from astrology forecast

A current relationship seems happy and harmonious. Good comes to you through others, just the way you like it. On the 6th most of the planets will be in the upper half of your chart, showing a need to focus more on your career and outward success. But the move will develop naturally and there is no need to force or hurry things. With this move, every long-term planet will be making harmonious aspects to you.

This is not only good on a health level, but in terms of your overall harmony and happiness as well.

Horoscope for February 2019 for Cancer

Finances are exceptionally strong until the 20th. Money comes easily and speedily. Again, your lover, spouse or social connections are the source. An overview Libra horoscope for the year The need to create harmony in your home, career and social obligations can be taxing. They can be wrong, illogical and often maddening, but losing your temper or getting into a power struggle will not help your cause.

Patience and diplomacy will win the day. For most of the month of February the planetary dominance is in the bottom half of your chart. After the 21st, there is more or less equilibrium between the upper and lower halves. Thus you are focusing on home, family and psychological issues until the 20th, and working to balance these issues with your career thereafter.

There is much uncertainty about the state of a current relationship.

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  3. February 2019 Monthly Horoscope.
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This should straighten out one way or the other by the 20th. If the relationship fails, have no fear — there are truly many other fish in the sea this month. The void will be filled and rather quickly. Most likely, though, the relationship will succeed.

Romance comes at the workplace or with fellow workers. Many burdens are being lifted from your love life this month — and this is a long-term positive.

My Horoscopes

You are socializing with people of prominence and power — people of higher social or financial status than you. Career is aided by social contacts. Finances are mixed in february You just need to work harder for earning than you are used to.

An overview Scorpio horoscope for the year In february could see a rapid progress towards your goals. Mars and Pluto — both go-go-go planets — are in your own sign. Most of the planets 80 to 90 per cent are moving forward. There is great power in the Fire element this month — and this is your native element.

Thus there is a rapid progress towards your goals. But there is a tendency to rush things as well — and this could be a danger. Most of the planets are still above the horizon of your chart and your Career planet, Neptune, is receiving beautiful aspects this month. Focus on your career, go as far and as high as you can go, and let emotional and family issues go for a while.

There will be much and rapid career progress this period. Most of the planets are in the west, making this a very social month. Good comes from and through other people. But Mars and Pluto in your own sign make you very self-willed; this could be a problem.