February 2 horoscope scorpio scorpio

  1. Scorpio Daily Horoscope
  2. Today's Scorpio Horoscope - Friday, December 28, 2018
  3. Aquarius and Scorpio - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life
  4. Scorpio Monthly Horoscope – February 2018
  5. February 2018 Horoscope: Predictions for Scorpio

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

The biggest quality of their relationship is an incredible connection of depth and width in only one couple. They will both have trouble understanding our society as it is, and have certain similar perspectives on anything out of the ordinary. Not only will Scorpio adore the intellectual strength of their partner, but they will also help them understand the way their ideas might be realized through a feeling of ultimate possibility.

The weakest link in their relationship is their respect for each other, combined with their static natures. If love happens between them, the most typical scenario is for Scorpio to fall into an obsessive mess of feelings towards their uninterested Aquarius partner.

It takes a lot of work and commitment to reach the emotional core of Aquarius, and it is impossible to get there without spontaneity and trust.

Scorpio can be spontaneous in situations that are free of emotions, but will rarely let their love for someone be a part of a maybe-yes-maybe-no swing controlled by their partner.

Aquarius will rarely tolerate or be with someone who tries to make them be more stable and down to earth, or anyone who quenches their desire to be free.

As soon as they feel obligated to do anything, they will start pulling away and any emotion that might have been developing will suddenly be covered by the fear of commitment and the rut of everyday life.

If they want to reach emotional balance, Scorpio has to be untied, realize that their partner will never belong to them and that they are free to leave anytime.

SCORPIO FEBRUARY 2019 Horoscope Psychic Tarot Reading [Lamarr Townsend Tarot]

They will have to understand that this relationship might end tomorrow and there is nothing they can do about it but accept it. They will both value excitement and change and this will be a strong meeting point for their characters. Unfortunately, most of the other things they would value in their partner are completely different.

While Aquarius values free spirit, communication and independence, Scorpio values commitment, sex and deep emotional connection. For as long as they stay out of their ego battle, they could find many things to do together.

They will both like to take risks of any kind and their best date could be anything from parachute jumping to a night out in a casino. The best way for them to spend some quality time together is in some sort of intellectual activities and competitions, because this would allow them to manifest their possible hostility in a healthy way.

A sense of energy will fill your mind and body. Take advantage of this opportunity to put in a good hour or two at the gym or go for a run outside to revive you.

You must take care of not checking your partner's patience. They have been tolerating you and giving you enough warmth in spite of your cold reactions to their attempts to please you.

Today's Scorpio Horoscope - Friday, December 28, 2018

It is okay; forgive them for hurting you once. They are really guilty of all their faults and won't repeat them again. Understand compatibility with love horoscope. Check love percentage using love calculator. Pending work at office may pull you apart today.

You feel a little more playful now, and love matters tend to be laced with a touch of drama.

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That shouldn't be a problem--in fact, you kind of like it that way for the time being. More loving and appreciative relationships with your children may also figure now. Your powers of attraction skyrocket during this cycle.

Yet, you are not aggressive in your approach to love. Instead, you attract more if you allow yourself to be pursued during this cycle.

Creative self-expression of any kind is favored at this time. At this time, you instinctively know how to place yourself in the best light in order to make a good impression on others.

Any love affair begun now will be characterized by good cheer, having fun, and a fair share of emotional drama! Mercury continues to transit your solar fourth house. Your thoughts tend to revolve around personal matters, especially family, home, and domestic issues. You enjoy, more than usual, discussions and stories about the past and about family.

You are more rational and objective when it comes to your relationships with those close to you, so it is, in fact, a good time to open up discussions with family. There can be increased activities in and around the home during this cycle.

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You are not as interested in worldly matters and career as you are in your personal life for the time being. Mercury transits your solar fifth house.

During this cycle, there is a powerful mental connection with your creative self-expression. You are proud of your ideas, and very good at expressing them to others smoothly now.

Your thinking is more creative than usual. You tend to entertain others with your conversation; and your sense of humor and of mischief! Your thoughts turn to children, pleasures, or romance during this expressive cycle.

You might enjoy researching speculative ventures now. You especially enjoy games that involve competing with others on a mental level. You have a stronger need than usual for intellectual stimulation.

Aquarius and Scorpio - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life

Therefore, your friends and romantic partner are best appreciated now if they are intellectual types. You're more willing to take risks on a mental level now, so take advantage of the increased spontaneity and creativity that comes with this position.

Mars continues to energize your solar second house. You tend to put more effort into making money or making your life more comfortable and secure during this cycle. Your strong desire to be financially independent could lead to positive things, such as paying off debts or increased enterprise.

The opposite side of the coin is asserting your independence by making impulsive purchases or taking risks with your money. You are more protective of the way you earn or spend money, as well as with the values you live your life by, and if others question you about these things, there could be arguments.

See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead. Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope – February 2018

Know More About Yourself and Others. Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth birth chart reports , relationship reports , future forecasts , and more. Love outlook for the year ahead. Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth romantic compatibility reports , including the Synastry and Love Ties reports.

See also Scorpio Preview Horoscope.

February 2018 Horoscope: Predictions for Scorpio

With the Sun spotlighting your house of family and home, these areas are your instinctive focus during this period. Your family, home, property concerns, roots, and heritage come into focus and become a source of pride.

You are likely quite preoccupied with feelings of security and your inner experiences. This is a time when you send down roots and seek a feeling of belonging.

You could be thrust into a position of leadership on the home front. Ego confrontations with family members are possible now, but the best way to handle this energy is to do your best to strengthen your relationship with your family and your home base. This is a time to do what you can to build trust in your family life and a strong foundation within yourself so that regardless of what you meet in the outside world over the next months, you have a secure place to return to.

Besides spending more time tending to domestic affairs, the focus can be on cultivating and nourishing the inner foundations that support you and your growth. This is a time to collect yourself--to fill your well, so to speak. From February 19th forward: Mercury continues to move through your solar third house. Mercury feels right at home in the third house.

Your mind is especially inquisitive during this cycle, when learning, short trips, and other forms of communication and making connections, appeal strongly. Some are fidgety or nervous during this cycle, perhaps due to increased errand-running, phone calls, or information overload.

Others enjoy the challenge of tackling a variety of subjects. As well, talking, writing, and studying can be good ways to handle stress. It's a great time to pick up information from your environment and the people in it.

Your mind is often distracted, particularly when required to stick to routine, so this is not the best transit for focusing on one task or project. You might spend a lot of time in your car making short frequent trips, running errands, communicating with siblings and neighbors, and visiting friends and relatives.

From February 7th to 23rd: Mercury moves through your solar fourth house. This is a time during which you can enjoy increased powers of concentration. You may require solitude in order to get mental work done during this cycle.

Your memory is more retentive than usual, and your thoughts often turn to personal matters, family, and loved ones. You might particularly enjoy discussions about your early life, the past, or family matters during this cycle.

In fact, it's a great time to open up conversations with loved ones, as you are more rational when it comes to personal matters now. Your mind often wanders to domestic concerns, and issues surrounding your home, family, and personal past.

On the other hand, this transit sometimes indicates an especially busy, and perhaps hectic, period on the domestic scene. For example, you might take home work or find that people drop by your home often during this cycle. From February 23rd forward: Mars continues to activate your solar first house, supplying you with added energy to apply towards personal goals, and a more assertive and direct approach to the world in general.