Aquarius weekly astrology forecast 14 february 2019 michele knight

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  1. The week ahead for capricorn
  2. The week ahead for aquarius
  3. Taurus Fortnightly Astrology Forecast 12th February - Самые популярные видео
  4. Taurus Fortnightly Astrology Forecast 12th February 2018

Head towards in full creative self-expression mode. Show the world what makes you unique and let that inner rock star out to play as Mars meets Chiron in your 2 nd on the 29 th.

And love and support you for it. End the year on a feel-good note, Aquarius. Good times and benefits flow from friends and contacts.

Have you made a wish? Defining your place in your inner and outer worlds, and connecting to a real sense of belonging, is going to form a big part of — and beyond. You already know that the 11th house in your chart rules all things Aquarian. Jupiter planet of learning, freedom, expansion and a big dash of good luck, gives you a much needed boost in all Aquarian-ruled areas for If you were 18 or over 12 year ago, think back to that time and especially to opportunities or benefits that came to you via the people you are connected with.

These can be personal and professional ones. Particularly look at what goals you attained back then as of course, you are the sign which rules goals, wishes and dreams. Who helped you reach or at the very least take a step towards a goal?

What friendships or associations were formed back then and how have these affected you over the long term? Expect these themes to feature again as could a major goal coming within reach this year. One piece of advice I always give to anyone having a Jupiter in the 11th transit is to make a wish.

In fact, because Jupiter expands — make three. And expect at least one of them to come true during the time Jupiter takes to move through here.

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So, travel, learning, the outdoors, sports, animals, exploration, the mass media and anything connected to the law or philosophies and beliefs. Of course, this does not mean if your wish does not fall into one of these categories, that it will not come true. Jupiter always delivers benefits and opportunities.

These can arrive via Jupiter manifesting in your life as a person. An important new friend or contact who is most likely well-travelled, worldly, confident, successful and somewhat larger-than-life.

They could open up doors to your goals or even provide backing on assistance. To active Jupiter in here you need to get out and about, meet and connect.

The week ahead for capricorn

Jupiter always invites but never compels. If you are determined to remain a hermit, nothing much will change. And has you looking at close connections rather than wider ones at this point. Bear in mind this could be a close friend or a business relationship.

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You have a full and totally eclipsed Supermoon in your 7th on the 21st — in other words, the day after your birthday season officially starts. Is it all about the other person but not about you anymore?

Are you being kept in the dark or keeping something there yourself? The flip side of this is being afraid to lose your identity if you get drawn into a relationship — so you avoid getting involved. Or you attract people who may appear to be vastly different but who always trigger the same themes in your connection — perhaps emotional unavailability.

Any of this chime with you? Eclipses cover up and then later reveal.

The week ahead for aquarius

How long will you have to wait for this? Perhaps not as long as you might think on this occasion. Venus the planet of love, beauty, creativity and attraction is about to arrive in your sign from March 1.

This signals a time of new beginnings — especially in love and also how you feel about yourself. Think of it like this — what we attract is all based on how we feel about ourselves.

Taurus Fortnightly Astrology Forecast 12th February - Самые популярные видео

Venus in our 1st allows us to look at our sense of self-worth and make some repairs if necessary. Often Venus in here brings the start of a romance, creative cycle or even a new job. Uranus was a brief houseguest in here last year when it entered this sector of your chart for the first time in your lifetime. This was just a short stay as it quickly exited after a few months and went back into your 3rd of bright ideas, business and brainpower.

But from March 6, it enters your 4th and unpacks for a seven year stay. You of all signs appreciate your ruler is all about individual choice and self-expression and unshackling us from anything that binds or restricts us.

Because this is a feminine house in your chart, expect women to play a big role here — either those you live with or do business with. They will be instrumental in helping you out of any rut you are in.

Finances may seem to be on a rollercoaster ride on occasion but changes are actually designed to create both stability and freedom — no matter what they may look like initially.

Although this house is primarily about home, living arrangements and your roots, strangely enough Uranus in our 4th gives us energy for personal renovation. The upshot of this is having the confidence to design a lifestyle that is a true reflection of who you are.

Changes of residence are likely now so get ready for Uranus to provide some moving experiences. If you are renting, then be aware you may not plan for these.

However, get ready to love your home or enjoy benefits from real estate or earning income from your home or working from it during the third week of May when Venus meets Uranus in here for the first time. If you do have to move, whether planned or not, you should end up with a home that suits you far better or which even brings in other benefits.

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Taurus Fortnightly Astrology Forecast 12th February 2018

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