Astrology numerology for person born on february 15

Planetary Row
  1. Lucky color
  2. February 15 Birthday Astrology
  3. Astrology Numerology for Person Born on February 16th
  4. February 15 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality

In all the cases the desire for love has been a dominant chord in your life. You are a person who likes to trust the people blindly. You also have extreme devotion to those people who love you heartily. You are inclined to give everything you possess to those people who has care for you, weather they prove to be worthless or otherwise.

You have the quality to appreciate the other for their noble devotion. In any case you seldom get the satisfaction in love that you want. It clearly stated that you either marry beneath your social status or someone mentally inferior to you.

You like to show yourself as a hero. You love to follow an idealistic dream or some stars that leads you onwards through the nights of hardship and disappointments.

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Your natural tendency is that you have an exceptionally will power. You love to make luxury and extravagant and in consequence to run into debt. You will help the underdog people from your natural generosity. At times you will risk the feeling in your own heart that to you all things are possible. You will able to make a large number of friends through-out their lives.

The persons, who are born on the month of November and the later part of December will be very supportive and friendly for you. But the persons, who are born on the months of April and the first part of June, will not be friendly for you.

So you are advised to be selective while you will select your friend. You will achieve few good friends at you r school life. But the friends will no t be with you at the later part of your life.

You will not get the support colleague at your working fields. But you boss will be more or less favourable to you. You are most likely to be afflicted with pneumonia, afflictions of the bronchial tubes and lungs and overwrought nervous tension. You will suffer from cold and cough through-out your life. So you are advised to not to get cold and try to stay at the hot country.

It will give you a healthy life. There is a tendency that you may suffer from the nervous breakdown because of the excessive mental pressure. You may fall often ill because you will take extra work pressure. You need to take the sound sleep to recover yourself from all kinds if mental agony and mental anxieties.

You will incline to run risks of exposure to changing climatic condition and bring danger to yourself by not thinking enough about your own health. If you want to make your fate more vibrant, you may use the dresses of all shades of blue from the lightest to the darkest.

The favourable colour for the doctors and lawyers are mauve, purple and white.

Lucky color

If the business man wants to bring their luck for them, they may use the dresses with the colour green, blue and even crimson. The favourable colour for the students is violet or purple. You would do well as a company promoter and create a large following for schemes conceived by you.

Solar ECLIPSE in Aquarius Feb 15 Astrology Numerology Forecast: Embrace & Explore!

However there will always be the danger of overreaching yourself and at time meeting with heavy financial loss. So you may consult with others before take any serious decision regarding your business related to finance.

You also start your career with public enterprises because you have a good communicative skill. Through this you may able to enlarge your financial condition.

You have very contradictory in the quality. You show under the call of circumstances.

February 15 Birthday Astrology

Although you are a very high strung and easily over wrought person, you have the very greatest power over excitable people and over the insane. You are in the run of your life often brought much in contact with such classes. In all matters of affection you are a human of puzzle. You can laugh passionately and yet be constant at the same moment and it is only your shield of diplomacy that often keep you from making a mess of your life.

In appearance, you generally have a rather long, narrow head and face.

Love and Compatibility for February 15 Zodiac

You also possess good, clean and sharp looking eyes. The hands, as a rule, are long, thin or bony because these are really restless or even they always try to do something.

Astrology Numerology for Person Born on February 16th

In nature you are inclined to have too many irons in the fire at the same time. You will able to make a good circle of friends. The persons, who are born on the months of November, and December, will be your very good friends. These persons will also help you to remove your problems at any cases. But the persons who are born in the months of February and April will not be your friends.

There is a possibility that the persons will try to make you harm. So you are advised to be selective while you are selecting your friends.

You will able to get a large number of good and supportive office mates at your working places. But your boss will not be favourable to you.

You will get some good friends at your school life and these friends will remain through-out your life. The persons, who are born on the above mentioned days, will possess a more or less good health. But there is a possibility that you may suffer from nervous exhaustion.

It will be happen due to the over work. So you are advised to take care of yourself. You must take a balance and nutritious food through-out your life. You must maintain this specially at your latter part of your life.

February 15 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality

You may suffer from neuritis, sciatica, inflammation of liver, hardening of the blood vessels and arteries, and high blood pressure. You are advised not to take extra tension. You have to live on a simple diet and get plenty of sleep. This process will give you a sound health. If you want to make yourself more fortunate and lucky, you may use the dresses with the colour of violet.

The persons who are related to the teaching profession specially school teacher or professor, may use the dresses of all shades of mauve. This colour will bring luck for them.

The persons who are related to the business can wear the dresses with the colour of violet or purple. The business men must use these colours at their important business deals.

You will able to get some unexpected money from lottery. This incident will make your financial condition well. Though you will able to earn a lot of money, you can-not be able to save them because you are not person who are able to be miser at your spending.