Astrological charts online

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  1. Your Astrology Birth Chart Calculator
  2. Your Astrology Birth Chart Calculator - Horoscope - by Michele Knight
  3. Birth Chart Entry

You know your horoscope sign — that's your sun sign, which is what most horoscopes are based on. But what about your moon sign which informs your emotional self?

Or your rising sign which reveals how you interact with the world? When you were born, your psyche received a unique imprint determined not only by where the sun was but also where the moon was and which planet was rising. Our free birth chart calculator can help decipher how the solar, lunar and ascendant planet's energies will manifest in your life.

By entering your birthday, time and location of birth, you can find out if you are a cusp sign and what that means; the exact placements of all your planets Uranus , Saturn , Jupiter , etc.

For the most accurate birth chart analysis, you will need the date of birth and also the hour, minute, and place of birth. The exact time of birth will affect your ascendant and the placement of your houses. If you are unable to get the exact time, make the closest possible estimate or enter For most historical data before the year you will want to enter "jul".

Your Astrology Birth Chart Calculator

We have decided not to take care of the calendar switch by an automatic feature. Many history books have converted historical dates to the Gregorian system, while other sources have kept the dates in the original Julian system. There is no way for our computer to know what your source of the birth data did in regard to this calendar conversion.

Attention, the astronomical year counting is to be used. The historical year 3 B. The difference arises from the fact that the historical counting style has no year zero, while the astronomical style allows for the year zero. If you wish a chart of the moment, please, leave the first name field empty and type "now" into the last name field.

After selecting a unique place and pressing the "continue" button, the date and time of the moment will be filled into the form. Please use astronomical rather than historical year numbers. The astronomical year 0 corresponds to the historical year BCE. The Gregorian calendar is usually not used before 15 October Please append "jul" to the year number, unless you really want to choose the Gregorian calendar.

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Birth Time Entry Please select the hour of birth in the hour field, and enter the minute between 00 and 59 in the minute field. The birth place will be marked on the map and information will be given about the Universal Time and the time zone of the place for the given birth date and time. Gender of your partner in single-person horoscopes The text of all horoscopes is worded according to the gender you have entered in the data entry form.

In all partner horoscopes, the computer knows the gender of both partners, and therefore chooses the correct wording for partner references. Some text in single-person horoscopes contains partner references, too.

The default setting of the computer assumes that your partner is of the opposite sex. The 'rising sign' changes roughly every two hours, so the place and time of birth must be accurate to calculate an accurate rising sign. The locations in the database and their associated timezones should be correct.

However, further adjustments are made for Daylight Savings Time at certain locations, and it is worth checking that the timezone set in the form for your location is correct for your date of birth. I store the central coordinates for locations, as given by my sources. If you want to change these in your profiles, you can do this by clicking on 'Edit Profile' and saving different coords in your profile this does not change the database, just your profile.

Please make your own adjustments as you require.

Your Astrology Birth Chart Calculator - Horoscope - by Michele Knight

Click on the round Sun-Moon logo in the upper left hand corner of the report. This should open a new window which will generate a chart for the report in question.

If you find you are not getting a fresh chart image, try clicking the refresh button in your browser. This should present the new chart image.

A browser refresh should solve this problem. I have a lot of aspects in my chart and I often get contradictory interpretations within the same computerized reading, so it is hard for me to see the overview. Unfortunately, along with the rise of natal astrology more or less a 20th century invention came the assumption that the astrologer or in this case, the computer should be able to construct a little essay proclaiming 'what this person is like', without considering that to attempt such a thing is to attempt the most difficult prediction of all, namely, how this or that person has so far expressed the various and contradictory elements at work in his or her psyche.

What you usually end up with is a very gray average picture of the human being - and the 'average' is a mythical entity.

There is always more going on than we consciously realise. Individually, human beings are bundles of contradictions.

Birth Chart Entry

Some charts are glorious, and others are more difficult. An astrology of imperatives the idea that one has a cosmic purpose to fulfill as depicted in the birth chart acknowledges this and encourages us to take our cosmic remit to the highest levels expression, rather than settling for the average expression, whatever that is.

Create Your Free Report and Chart:

Each planet is a different organ of the psyche; the heart does not perform the same function as the liver. Can you tell me which of my potential partners is more compatible for marriage and which is more of a friend?

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You will find that you are compatible with different people in different ways. Every relationship will have some areas of harmony as well as some areas of discord. The planets represent the different parts of the psyche, and how the planets inter-relate between your charts will show how and in what ways you inter-relate with each other.