Gemini horoscope week of january 22 2019

Gemini 2019
  1. Mercury enters Capricorn
  2. May 22 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019
  3. Weekly Horoscopes
  4. Weekly Horoscopes | Weekly Astrology | Predictions for the Week

Your energy and attractiveness remain high.

Mercury enters Capricorn

All is well — good luck rides with you. Your work and health benefit Mon. Errands, communications, travel, casual contacts, paperwork, media, curiosity — dive into these. Your communications style, BTW, is admired by more than one person now. You could begin a love affair, almost without expecting it — or make or cement a great friendship.

Only one false note, pre-dawn Thurs.

The accent lies on easy chores, errands, travel, casual friends, chatting and all daily i. Your real luck in lies in money and profundities.

Soon, this money luck will swell, Jan. Monday begins 6 weeks of hard work. Do it, forget chatting, twiddling —especially Tues. Lie low, contemplate, watch and listen, rest. Your energy and personal appeal soar! Get out, see and be seen, start significant projects, be a leader, ask favours, be with someone you want to impress.

Good time for a date, esp. Monday eve favours romance.

May 22 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019

If married, your kids lift your heart. Find bargains, seek clients, ask for more pay, etc. Your memory functions at top level now — good time to learn, memorize. A late, great lucky stroke could solve money-domestic-repair-work problems or lead to a great opportunity in the same zone.

Or, you could make a new friend! Avoid a work conflict — and follow safety rules on Fri. Money, income sources, buying bargains, selling, sensual attractions and rote learning e. Monday starts 6 weeks of intense romance creative, inventive, gambling, pleasure pursuits for the non-romantic.

Optimism, social joys, popularity! Retreat, lie low, contemplate and concoct plans. Interface with civil servants, admin.

Good time to visit a doctor, psychic, or such, esp. This day also aids your progress in domestic zones. Avoid money, buying, Tues. Clout, effectiveness, charisma, energy — all high! Start significant projects, see and be seen, be a leader.

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A casual comment or brief trip could introduce you to new love, even a marital opportunity. Or, ongoing links surprise with happiness. Be careful what you wish for. Your energy, clout, effectiveness, charisma, all are at a yearly high.

BUT — what are you doing with it? This is not a time for independence — try to use your heightened charisma to attract others, and then to hop on THEIR bandwagon. In your case, it refers to your desire to advance yourself, to be in charge, and to be independent.

Monday begins 6 weeks of intensity, determination and action on your home front. You might need to decide swiftly! Not a major thing. Wishes can come true, especially during this lucky interval!

Choose Your Zodiac Sign

Optimism, popularity, social joys, entertainment, flirtations — all buoy your spirits. A friend will get in touch Mon. Retreat, regather your strength, recharge your emotional and mental batteries.

Your energy, charisma, et al, return powerfully!

Weekly Horoscopes

Use your energy and charisma, high now, to join others rather than separate. Going your own way will be like conquering an empty city, as the I Ching says.

Monday starts 6 weeks of hectic activity — mail, calls, visits, paperwork, etc. Daydream, or engage in philosophical discussions.

You might get a request to travel. Your career is very favoured, higher-ups are receptive. Monday, try inserting money factors — e. Avoid seeking employment or a career boost in management or administrative areas Tues.

Weekly Horoscopes | Weekly Astrology | Predictions for the Week

But do pursue them! Quietude, solitude float down on you like a soft cloud. Institutions do not favour you, despite appearances.

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Avoid conflict or angry words Fri. A wish could come true. However, oddly, this place and these things — though emphasized this January — are likely to lead to a certain temptation to make bad decisions. You know the right choice, deep down, but might choose wrongly so as not to upset others, or because something more delicious tempts you.

Whereas the wrong one, though offering present rewards, will likely disappoint, even trap, over time. This applies until May Sex, lust, desire for power, financial actions, research, medical needs — these arise. Love, understanding soar — gently!

Your career, worldly standing, reputation, prestige relations, all are accented, and luckily so. This is your area of great success in ! Most popular astrology columnists, Susan Miller, the late Johnathan Cainer, etc. That sort of thing. I used to write like that, cheerful and upbeat, I think, 40 and 30, even 20 years ago.

But then life hits: I used to curse God sometimes when everything went bad. Trouble is, I know there is no human-type God. But I feel a little foolish cursing my karma since I created it. People complain in cycles. This is a nostalgic movement.

The global warming threat has sent us like crying children back to Mommy Nature; and with new fervour and newly-polished loyalty we reject or war against, all reductions of Nature.

Chemical engineers are the ultimate enemy, because they create chemicals that pollute our environment. I basically agree with all this. But chemicals are not in themselves bad.

March April 19 This week: April May 20 This week: May June 20 This week: Prepare yourself for all the goodies coming your way today, and also brace up for the not-so-good things. Find out what's in store for you today.

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