Cancer february 22 weekly horoscope

  1. July 22nd Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs
  2. Your Daily Horoscope
  3. Life Meter
  4. Weekly Horoscope: January 26 – February 1st

A little bit of freedom is about to be yours. Something is happening to Cancers. With rapid changes taking things apart, things come together just as quickly.

Luckily, you have your Moonchild intuition, which keeps you going in the safest direction. Venus trines Mars to make for a lighter week. When autumn comes around, your energy submerges. It does mean your focus is more on your private life. Jupiter just transited to expand your romance sector.

July 22nd Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

It begins a 12 year cycle, where creativity reaches new heights. Managing risks and going for them brings you success. To put it mildly, has the world gone crazy?

An earth sign, you add stability to the day-to-day.

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Jupiter has transited to your home base. You may expand, get in over your head, or move. Jupiter has just transited to your solar third house. This is your communication center, which includes conversations, writing, and which thoughts to process.

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  6. Cancer Horoscope For Friday, December 28, .
  7. Auspicious overtones put you in a place of prominence at work, especially with publishing, cars, and media. Jupiter has transited to your solar second house, influencing your finances. You have been exposed to a polluted atmosphere for a long time and this will now take a toll on you. Try alternative preventive measures and home remedies to keep away the infections as they are likely to be more successful.

    Modifying your lifestyle can be beneficial now. Love and romance occupy your mind now and you may actively start looking for a romantic partner if you are single. If you are already with someone, it is the time to take some major decision like whether you will take the relationship to the next level or whether you will be better off without it.

    In either case, major changes are expected in the relationship front today.

    • Cancer Horoscope.
    • Planetary Row;
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    Understand compatibility with love horoscope. Check love percentage using love calculator. You are agile, confident and proactive. Cancer is a Water Sign and stands 4th in the Zodiac. Lovers of home and family, the Cancers or Crabs are sensitive, emotional, harmonious, dedicated yet fixed.

    Most Cancer-born value their home, loved ones and comforts more than anything else. To most Cancer-born, the most noble goal lies in sheltering and providing every comfort to their loved ones. Cancer, the Crab will quickly withdraw and retreat to the safety of its shell than confront and come clean — whenever faced with a conflict or dilemma.

    At work, the Cancerians make for good managers and organizers, and are often seen taking good care of their co-workers and maintaining friendly, family like relations with them. The Crabs are extremely intuitive and emotional, and possess a profound maternal instinct and take great pleasures in the comforts of their home and family.

    Your Daily Horoscope

    It is not easy to understand the Cancer, as these extremely introvert individuals take time to open up and often hide their actual emotions beneath their tough outer shell.

    That is why, they run the risk of being perceived as arrogant and impolite people who are not sensitive to the feelings of others. We therefore recommend you to buy Chart your Destiny report , basis your Natal Chart, to make the best use of your inborn strengths and lead a successful life. If you were to meet a Cancer man for the first time, it is unlikely that he would open his heart to you.

    They come through as very shy, reserved people, who would not tell everything about themselves in the first few meetings. In fact, it will take you a while to come closer and know the Cancer man. To help you know the Cancer man better, we have listed some of their basic characteristics here below.

    This information will enable you to know more about their traits. Though their decisions are often based on emotions and not on facts and figures, they can be very intelligent.

    Moreover, you may buy Your Horoscope Analysis report, basis your Birth Chart, to know more about your positive and negative qualities. The peace-loving Cancer woman can be very passionate.

    However, she can be very stubborn and her emotions can be very confusing for others.

    Life Meter

    She can be gentle, affectionate, and agitated at the same time. Hence, keep your calm and composure while dealing with the Cancer women. Read on about their basic characteristics here to understand these complex personalities better. Her moods wax and wane like the lunar cycle.

    But the difficult thing for others is that there is no particular pattern in which their moods swing so one can never accurately anticipate what will come next. It is often observed that the Cancer women are prone to pessimism and negative attitude. You can order Your Astrology Profile — a fully personalised report based on your Natal Chart, to get an in-depth knowledge about yourself.

    Artistic and creative, Cancer-born can be very possessive.

    Life Meter

    It is difficult to understand, but on most occasions, the Crab can be admirable, compassionate, generous, understanding and gracious, particularly when everything is going on smoothly in their life.

    Besides, you may avail the Ask A Personal Question — Detailed Advice service, to receive accurate replies from our expert astrologers. The Crabs have a sharp intellect and are good with their fine motor skills.

    Weekly Horoscope: January 26 – February 1st

    That is why they often earn a name for themselves in the fields of art, sales, media and performing arts. Moreover, you may purchase the Career Report , to know about your career prospects in No doubt, money and material gains are quite important to a Cancer-born, and although they are pretty miser with their hard earned money, they have a tendency to lavishly squander money that they might earn through sudden gains or windfalls.

    Sensitive and emotional, the Cancer take great pleasure in the comforts of their home and family, and are at their best when all is peaceful on the domestic front. Moreover, to know everything about your life, you may buy the Detailed Life Predictions Report , which is based on your Birth Chart.

    The Cancer romance those people who may be exactly opposite to them in nature. They are extremely attracted to people who have a lot of self-confidence, are strong and hold high positions. Actually, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces natives usually make good life partners, and are therefore considered as an ideal match for a Cancer-born.

    Moreover, if you are planning to get married, you can avail the Kundali Matching service basis your Birth Chart , to make the right decision. You might also be interested to know about Cancer Decans. In relationships, naturally, Cancer-born are loyal and dedicated to their mates, bestowing love and affection with verbal appreciation and material gifts, whenever possible.

    Most noteworthy is the fact that Cancer-born make excellent parents, and they love their children to the core. Often, the Crabs are proud of their children, and instruct and teach their children moral manners, expecting them to be as well-mannered in private as they are in public.

    The Crabs possess a deep maternal instinct and are intuitive and perceptive by nature. They are likely to have huge families, providing for others, protecting and building a nest wherever they go. Travelling is one of the things that interest them greatly, but the urge to travel far and wide is often subdued by their desire to stay at home.

    In fact, a hearty picnic in the park is heaven on earth to most Crabs. They prize their family history, and are lovers of communal activities. Many of them also tend to be patriotic, and love to demonstrate it whenever possible.

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    The Moon is the ruler for those born between 22nd June and 1st July. This makes a person with Zodiac Sign Cancer two-fold, in whom all the positive and negative traits of this Sign are much more pronounced.