Mountain astrologer saturn in gemini

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  1. The Mountain Astrologer
  2. Saturn and Guilt
  3. Gemini Full Moon, Saturn-Neptune Square
  4. Saturn-Uranus Aspects in the Birth Chart: Grounded Excentrics and Sane Weirdos - Astrodienst

Before adopting a new idea or technology, they need a demonstration that the new idea or product works reliably and that it can positively affect the bottom line. Taurus is fairly conservative by nature, while Uranus — the ruler of Aquarius — is modernistic and even radical at heart.

The Mountain Astrologer

This somewhat uneasy combination has produced some very down-to-earth yet far-thinking people with an eye to the ecological implications of modern technology.

Uranus in Taurus natives would be apt to embrace the recycling movement. Uranus is very different in Gemini, a mutable air sign with a flair for communication and popularization. Uranus rules computers and other technological advances, and typical gadget-loving Uranus in Gemini folks are at home with computers, cell phones, the Internet, and other forms of instant communication and information processing.

They are perennially curious, trendy, and keen to find out what's new. Two examples of the conjunction: Let's look at the contrasting ways that two people with this conjunction use its potentials. She's richly gifted with practical skills. At home, she's a master gardener, gourmet chef, brilliant money manager, all-round Ms.

Fixit for home improvements, and she actually understands cars. In my office, Lynne's official job description is "Make it stop doing that! She creates databases, helps me shop for the best deals on equipment and gets it up and running, critiques my writing, takes high-quality digital photos for my Web site, and organizes the scattered files on my hard drive.

With no more than a wisp of earth in my own chart, I'm perpetually in awe of her abilities. I'm equally in awe of astrology's Rob Hand, who is just as gifted as Lynne but with a more cerebral array of skills and a more academic and arcane focus.

Saturn and Guilt

His chart features the Saturn—Uranus conjunction in Gemini straddling the 12th-house cusp, with Saturn the 12th-house planet opposing his Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius in the 6th.

Uranus rules his 9th house of higher education. In the s, he was the first to write astrology computer programs, paving the way for decades of rapid progress in software that streamlines astrology practice and opens the door to undreamed-of possibilities in research.

Other astrologers with Saturn—Uranus aspects who have made important contributions to the development of astrological software are Jim Lewis and Michael Erlewine, with the conjunction, and Mark Pottenger, with the trine.

Like many Uranians, Rob seems to perennially reinvent himself, and he has used many different branches of astrology in his work. Since the s, he has focused on ancient and medieval techniques, working with others to translate the original documents.

One of Rob's finest gifts is the ability to gather around himself a brain trust to collectively explore advanced applications of our field. For more details, see his interview in the Aug. In general, people with prominent squares to Uranus can experience considerable shame about being different and may be driven to try to resolve these feelings by blaming society and being judgmental, even arrogant, toward others with less commitment to change.

Some of these natives respond to social pressure by flaunting their differences in a hard-edged manner. Rather than serving as a bridge between two segments of society, as people with the conjunction and trine can do, they often seek to force a confrontation.

In the case of Saturn square Uranus, however, innate caution or early exposure to the consequences of rebellion can make these individuals tone down their expression of dissent as the years go on. During most of the time the Saturn—Uranus square of —52 was in effect, Saturn was also conjunct Neptune, making it hard to get a sense of the square by itself.

On the positive side, Neptune can add the qualities of spirituality, sensitivity, intuition, creative artistry, compassion, and service to the mix; used less constructively, it can express itself as denial, an addictive personality, a sense of martyrdom, or playing the victim.

Let's look at two people who have done an admirable job of blending all these energies. A curious case of date twins with the square: An AstroDatabank search for Saturn—Uranus squares combined with Neptune aspects brought up two familiar names: Both were born on December 2, , with Uranus squaring a close conjunction of Neptune and Saturn in their charts, but with different birth times and locations and thus different house placements and Ascendants.

Having seen both of them, I wouldn't have guessed they were date twins, as their presentation of themselves is so different. Caroline Myss is very much a tough-love type. Those who are looking for an enabler will need to look elsewhere.

In her popular workshops and her very successful book, Why People Don't Heal and How They Can , she insists that people explore their chronic illnesses and understand why they can't get free of them. Her body of work straddles mystical and mainstream branches of health care: Her master's degree is in Theology, and her Ph.

She formed an institute that creates educational programs in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and advancing the science of medical intuition. She maintains a rigorous workshop and lecture schedule, world wide, and continues a consultation practice — with physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, and other health practitioners — as a medical intuitive.

Internationally recognized Dutch astrologer Karen Hamaker-Zondag has taught all over the world and has written 16 widely translated books. In , she began her own four-year School for Astrology, along with a three-year course in Jungian psychology. She has published a quarterly astrological journal since , and in she founded a school of Jungian psychology.

She won the Regulus Award for Education in With Pisces rising, she is as mystical as Caroline Myss, but her presentation is that of a gentle, caring soul. Two other astrologers born in this era with the combination of Saturn—Uranus—Neptune aspects strongly featured are Caroline Casey and Antero Alli. I must confess to having little grasp of people with the trine between Saturn and Uranus, nor was the AstroDatabank search especially enlightening.

It may be that these natives mostly fly under the radar in their expressions of Uranus. This planet describes our relationship to our culture in terms of what is considered unconventional and rebellious, on the one hand, and exciting and innovative, on the other.

Many people with trines to Uranus get away with being different because they are comfortably and even amiably eccentric and don't feel the need to get in people's faces with their eccentricity.

A trine is an aspect of harmonious and easy expression; although people with trines to Uranus are generally different and on the leading edge, their "differences" are often in harmony with the spirit of their time and their generation. When the trine is between Saturn and Uranus, they may be seen as bright, capable, and interesting but without any particular axe to grind or radical agenda to push, so they meet little resistance to their goals.

Among the planetary pairs I have studied in depth, there are fewer notables with oppositions in AstroDatabank than any other aspect, and this is again the case with Saturn and Uranus. I found very few astrologers with that combination, the most noted being John Addey, born in and best known for his work with harmonic charts. It has often been remarked that the generation born in the s has produced few astrologers.

With both Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, these natives seem, instead, to be concentrated in the fields of health care and technology. The opposition represents the most extreme polarization of the energies of any planetary pair.

The person typically handles the tension by disowning one of the planets and projecting its undesirable qualities onto others. People with oppositions to Uranus often justify antisocial behavior by saying, in effect, "Look what they made me do!

We may observe one of two patterns: Either the individuals take the Uranian position and blame the authorities for their conduct, or else they take on Saturn's role and rigidly try to contain and control the behavior of people who act in Uranian ways. The aspect occurred during —67, a memorable era of strong social activism and even stronger attempts by the authorities to suppress it.

However, the additions of Pluto, Chiron, and Neptune to the astrological picture make this a less-than-perfect case. It's difficult to separate out the part that the opposition plays in the psychology of people born during that complex period. One common scenario, however, does seem to pertain largely to the combined influence of Saturn in Pisces and Uranus in Virgo.

Many of these people say that they're compelled to sacrifice their ideals, true vocation, and innate gifts because of the limits and constraints of today's workplace and authority structure in an inhumane society.

This group is collectively experiencing a midlife upheaval, and many have concluded that they could no longer operate within a traditional workplace. Living with Saturn—Uranus aspects, over the long haul, can iron out the contradictions between them, since the means of expression and the relative strengths of these two planets often change through the years.

Children and preteens have little latitude to control their own lives, so children tend to chafe at the authority of parents and teachers. Adolescence and young adulthood are the heydays of Uranus, as we gain increasing freedom.

In our 20s and 30s, the necessity of earning a living means dealing with bosses and impinges greatly on our freedom, yet over time, this can present the opportunity for us to hone our skills and to experience the gratification of solid accomplishments. In our 40s, when transiting Uranus opposes natal Uranus and Saturn opposes natal Saturn, we come to a midlife crisis.

We re-evaluate whether the forms we have built in our lives really allow us to express our individuality and our special gifts and interests. Depending on the house locations of the natal and transiting placements, this juncture can be accompanied by dramatic shifts in career, location, or partnerships.

Past the second Saturn return in our late 50s, Saturn — like gravity — tends to take over. There is, however, a certain fondness in our society for feisty, eccentric older people, so with the freedom that retirement brings, our Uranian qualities may re-emerge full strength.

People with strong Saturn aspects tend to get better as they get older, so the gifts, skills, and unique perspectives of people with Saturn—Uranus aspects typically evolve into an impressive collection over the course of a lifetime. Chart data and sources: Robert Hand , December 5, ; 7: Caroline Myss, December 2, ; 8: Karen Hamaker-Zondag, December 2, ; 1: This term was first described by Everett V.

Stonequist in The Marginal Man: The review was retrieved from the online archives of the Psychoanalytic Quarterly, , 7: What would make this aspect strong would be for both Saturn and Uranus to form major aspects conjunction, square, trine, or opposition to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or to several planets, especially in a major configuration like a t-square, grand cross, grand trine, or multiple conjunction.

Major placements in Capricorn and Aquarius would include, again, the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or several planets. An emphasis on both the 10th and 11th houses associated with Saturn and Uranus, respectively would add strength to the picture.

Unless otherwise indicated, all chart data come from the AstroDatabank software; the birth time is not critical in these instances, and where it is unknown, the date is verified.

Biographical information comes from www. The book was published by Three Rivers Press, a trade paperback subsidiary of Random House, in ; it was still widely available and is worthwhile reading for any consulting astrologer. Information about Myss's career comes from her Web site, www. To see more of her newest work or order books, visit her popular blog at https: The Mountain Astrologer is widely acknowledged as the best English-language astrology magazine in the world today.

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  • This Week's Features.
  • Saturn-Uranus Aspects in the Birth Chart: Grounded Excentrics and Sane Weirdos!

It can be found at in stores worldwide or online by print or digital subscription. The magazine is known for: We have an administration dominated by American oil men.

We have the Middle East in turmoil, and we have Saturn-Pluto oppositions in our near future. Maybe this is not the best time to have the influence of Big Oil in the White House. Although the first of the Saturn-Pluto oppositions is still a few months away, as of this writing April , phenomena are already present that are characteristic of several of the previous combinations of these two planets.

We have the threat of recession. Stock markets are declining. There has been a large increase in the price of energy, so the economic future does not look too rosy, even though an actual recession has not been officially declared.

Recessions tend not to be officially declared until they are too obvious to ignore. In California and elsewhere, deregulation of utilities has brought about tremendous increases in the costs of electricity and natural gas.

In the Washington, D. It remains to be seen whether a major war will break out during this Saturn-Pluto period.

However, we have ongoing warlike activity in the Balkans, just as we did in the period leading up to World War I. In fact, the Balkans have figured heavily in several of the Saturn-Pluto times see Table 2. In , the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo immediately led to war. In , the Communist takeovers of the Balkan states were proceeding apace.

In , there was the revolt in Hungary, and we have our current situation in the Balkans. I think, however, that the Balkans, like the Middle East, reflect long-term underlying historical tensions that surface whenever hard Saturn-Pluto aspects occur.

Also, in this time leading up to the Saturn-Pluto opposition, there is increasing unrest about globalization. As of this writing, the Western Hemisphere "Summit" in Quebec City has been accompanied by considerable rioting and demonstrations.

Demonstrations have become characteristic in Europe and America whenever governments meet to discuss globalization. Given the Saturn-Pluto dynamic, I do not see this trend diminishing.

The Middle East and Oil.

Gemini Full Moon, Saturn-Neptune Square

The price of oil has risen sharply because of concerted action among the largely Arabic oil-exporting nations. And severe conflict has been brewing between the Israelis and the Palestinians for some time. It does not look as though this will end soon. Also, something new has arisen in the Middle East: The level of paranoia and fear associated with Afghanistan is getting quite high.

And I have no doubt that some of this is justified. The aspects have not yet even begun, but we are already seeing some of the "classic" Saturn-Pluto effects that have been corroborated by the history of the last hundred years.

There is obviously a cause for concern. How long are the effects going to last? And how severe will they be? These are not easy questions to answer. Historically, we can see that these aspects have coincided with events ranging from extreme crises the two World Wars to incidents that, though important, are harder to distinguish from the normal "noise" of the 20th century.

Still, the effects of other configurations have contributed to the outcomes of the Saturn-Pluto aspects. In , the Saturn-Pluto combination, as we have seen, was made more complicated by the nearly simultaneous Uranus conjunct Pluto.

This gives us reason to hope that the effects of the Saturn-Pluto opposition may not be quite so severe this time, because these upcoming oppositions do not have such difficult major outer-planet configurations occurring near them in time.

The outer-planet configuration closest in time is the Jupiter-Pluto opposition in early May This is a stressful aspect but not as troublesome as some configurations that have accompanied other Saturn-Pluto aspects.

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The last major outer-planet configuration was the Saturn-Uranus square of and Although this aspect is in the past, it may have contributed to the manifestations of crisis that we have seen in this period before Saturn has actually opposed Pluto.

How severe is the level of conflict going to become? And will there be civil unrest or even war? I am sure that war will break out somewhere during this time. Conflict in the Balkans will surely erupt again, because the major issues have not been resolved.

This is certainly an indication of warlike activity. But as I have mentioned elsewhere in an article on StarIQ , there is no 9th-house involvement in this configuration that would point toward foreign conflict.

This does not of itself mean that there will be no war, however, because the 7th-house involvement alone is enough to raise the possibility. So, I would like to look at some of the relevant mundane charts for the Saturn-Pluto period, to see whether they reveal anything more. Specifically, I will be using the tropical ingresses of the Sun into the cardinal signs, with each chart erected for Washington, D.

There is considerable disagreement among traditional authorities about the use of ingresses. Some maintain that the Aries Ingress can be used for the entire year and that the other cardinal ingresses serve only to reinforce the indications of the Aries Ingress. Others maintain that the rising sign of the Aries Ingress is the critical factor.

If the rising sign of the Aries Ingress is a cardinal sign Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn , then one should use the Aries Ingress for the first half of the year and the Libra Ingress for the second half of the year. If the rising sign is mutable Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces , then all four cardinal ingress charts should be erected for their respective quarters.

Frankly, at this stage of the research, I cannot say that I really know what the correct procedure should be. Also, some modern authorities have questioned the usefulness of ingress charts because, it is maintained, they do not show enough variation from capital to capital.

I have found that, at least in weather forecasting, the ingress charts do have considerable value, and my work thus far in historical events shows them to be useful there, too. We will look for Mars either closely conjunct an angle, preferably the Ascendant or Midheaven, or in close square to the Ascendant.

Mars in an angular house 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th may also be a strong indication. The Aries Ingress for occurred on March 20 at 8: This chart, like all the charts in this article, is erected for Washington, D. Taurus is rising, and Saturn is quite close to the Ascendant see Chart 1. The Saturn effect is evident in the obvious mood of conservatism in the U.

This chart has a Taurus Ascendant, which is a fixed sign. According to one school, as exemplified by Masha Allah in de Revolutionibus "On the Revolutions" , 7 this Aries Ingress should describe the entire year. That may be true, but we will look at the other cardinal ingresses as well.

Almost all medieval authorities agree, however, that, in an Aries Ingress, one should determine which planet is the "Lord of the Year. In this chart, the rulers of the Ascendant are Venus, which is cadent and in detriment, and the Moon Taurus is the sign of its exaltation , which has no dignity where it is located.

I believe that Saturn in the 1st house near the Ascendant has to be taken as the Lord of the Year. Abu Mashar, in the Flores "Flowers" , states that if there is a planet near the Ascendant, it is the Lord of the Year. Masha Allah also asks us to look at the "Lord of the King" which, for the U.

This is simply the ruler of the Midheaven.

In this chart, the Midheaven is in Aquarius, which is traditionally ruled by Saturn. We next look at the dignity of Saturn. In this chart, it has only one point of dignity: It is in a decan, or ten-degree segment, ruled by itself. It is a much stronger indication of recession and hard times. The Cancer Ingress of takes place on June 21, at 3: This chart has a highly elevated Uranus square the Ascendant see Chart 2.

Also, the Moon is void of course in the 2nd house, which is an unfavorable indication for the economy. Saturn is beginning to get close to the opposition of Pluto, and these two are in the 2nd and 8th houses, respectively.

This is also not a great signal for the economy. But aside from the disruptive effects of Uranus square the Ascendant, there are no strong indications of war here either.

Still, Uranus square the Ascendant certainly suggests that the government may be in a turbulent state. The Libra Ingress takes place on September 22, at 7: Mars is the most elevated and angular planet in this chart, because it is in its own exaltation and rules the 1st house see Chart 3.

This points to the government becoming more belligerent around this time.

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This is certainly a warlike configuration, but if the Aries Ingress chart does indeed rule the entire year with its Taurus Ascendant, then the Aries Ingress would need to confirm the warlike indications of this chart. As we saw above, the Aries Ingress chart is not especially warlike; however, if each quarter chart really does stand on its own, this one is fairly bellicose.

The Capricorn Ingress takes place on December 21, at 2: In the Washington chart, the only Mars activity is shown by Mars in the 11th house square Saturn in the 2nd, which opposes Pluto in the 8th see Chart 4.

This is another indication that the economy is in trouble. It is does not relate strongly to war, except that Mars rules the 7th house of open enemies. The Aries Ingress of takes place on March 20, at 2: Again, we have a fixed sign rising; according to Masha Allah, this means that this chart should rule for the entire year see Chart 5.

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This chart is a source of some concern. Mars is in detriment in the 10th house squaring the Ascendant and Neptune on the Descendant.

Mars — by its house placement, at least — qualifies as the Lord of the Year, but its being in detriment might disqualify it. Determining the Lord of the Year is not an exact science. It certainly suggests a belligerent administration whose attitude toward open enemies Neptune on the Descendant is neither clear nor especially wholesome.

The Lord of the King Venus is also in detriment in Aries in the 9th house of foreign affairs. Of course, Mars in Taurus and Venus in Aries are also in mutual reception.

The problem here is that two planets in their own detriments do a rather poor job of mutual reception. Based upon my own experience, such a mutual reception does have an effect, but it is quite weak.

Having an occupant of the 10th house in detriment and square Neptune on the Descendant and having the ruler of the 10th house in detriment in the 9th does not bode well for the conduct of the administration in many regards, and it is an especially unpleasant signification when considering war.

This by itself does not indicate the inevitability of war, but if there were conflict, it is unlikely that it would be handled well. Here, we see that the Mars-Midheaven line does not actually go through Washington, D. The point square the Ascendant is also known as the Nonagesimal and is often regarded as significant.

However, the Neptune setting line goes fairly close to D. So, we need to find where else these planet lines go, to see what other places our actions might be linked to. This is worrisome, because these planets affect the U. Here again, we do not have an inevitable indication of war or a lower-level conflict, but with such a map and from the point of view of these significations, it is possible that the country involved would be China.

In this quarter of , it is also possible that we may have more misunderstandings with China that bring the threat of war, without actually bringing war itself.

The major aspect pattern of the chart is Mercury in Pisces in the 8th house making a t-square with the Moon conjunct Saturn in the 11th opposed Pluto in the 5th.

This combination again speaks to trouble in the markets 5th house , difficulties with financing 8th house , and adversity in 11th-house matters as well.

In modern mundane astrology, about the only thing that we associate with the 11th house is the Congress and legislatures in general; of course, that may be an area of stress in the period beginning in March But ancient astrology considered the 11th a house of financial and other kinds of gain.

Saturn-Uranus Aspects in the Birth Chart: Grounded Excentrics and Sane Weirdos - Astrodienst

The house locations of the planets involved in this t-square suggest again that there will be continuing difficulties in the financial arena, but Congress may be forced to take action. These are not war configurations in and of themselves.

I have checked out the remaining ingress charts for the period after the Saturn-Pluto oppositions and find none, over the next year or so afterward, that suggest war.

I would like to be able to give a definitive judgment about the likelihood or unlikelihood of war, but I cannot. Based on the ingress charts during the Saturn-Pluto oppositions, the most likely periods for war or elevated conflict are the quarter beginning with Libra in and the quarter beginning with Aries in These are the only ingress charts that show Mars especially active during that time.

What we can say, based on what we already know, is that we are entering a period of time when the free-wheeling prosperity of the last several years is at an end — for a while, at least.

There will be a much greater sense of struggle to "get along. Golden Hind Press, , p. What has happened is that some of the players who have been considered "bad guys" in our simplistic ways of thinking about these things have become "good guys. And some of the "good guys" have become "bad guys. Roles may be reassigned, but the conflicts remain.

Mars in the Presidency of George W. Fowler no copyright date given , p. There is at present no English translation of this work available. I am working from a Latin translation of the text, and any references in English are my own translations.

For those who are interested, here is the entire text. Note that all of the references are to signs counted from the Ascending sign, not modern-style houses.

This is a Whole-Sign house system of measuring. But in the West or in the Angle of the Earth that [power] which I have described to you will be lower in strength by a quarter part. And the eleventh sign is below the West and the Angle of the Earth, and the ninth sign is below the 11th, and the fifth sign is below the 9th, and the third sign is below the fifth.

If the lord of the Ascendant is in the Horoscopus, namely, 3 degrees before or after its cusp, and it is not cadent and it is not remote from the angle of the Ascendant, it will not be necessary for us to look at another planet with it.

It is likewise if the lord of the exaltation of the sign of the Ascendant is in the degrees of its exaltation. However, if the lord of the triplicity [of the Ascendant] is in the Ascendant, it will have a third part of the strength of the [domicile] lord of the Ascendant. Also, the lord of the bound has a fifth part of the strength [of the lord of the Ascendant].

This [must be considered] according to the quantity of their strength in the signs. And the lord of the hour has a seventh part. Also understand that this happens when they are in the Ascendant or Midheaven.

However, if they are in the West or in the Angle of the Earth, their strength is diminished; likewise, if they are in the eleventh, ninth, or fifth house the strength is diminished [even] more. Likewise not available in English.

I am again using a Latin text. This is using the traditional scheme of decan rulers that start with Mars ruling the first ten degree of Aries, with the next rulers going in the Chaldean Order from Mars i. Ibn Ezra has the following: Meira Epstein, Orleans, MA: