Broadly monthly horoscope january

  2. Monthly Horoscopes and the Personality
  3. Monthly Horoscopes

What are you going to create? You may spend December having fun, taking some time out to pursue playful activities. On the other hand, you may actively start a creation. Either way you are able to enjoy the lighter side of life this month. Children may also feature strongly.

The planets are aligned in a way that gives you gust of energy for cleaning and clearing spaces in your living quarters, creating room for enjoyable pastimes. It is time for fun in your home. Family members may visit from faraway lands, or you may simply enjoy streamlining for the immediate household members. The aim of December is to declutter.

Most Virgos like cleanliness and tidiness. However, this month you outdo yourself. If you are not happy in your home then you may decide to move somewhere more spacious. Libra December Horoscope September 23rd - October 22nd Your ruling planet Venus is finally moving in the right direction heralding a time of improved relationships.

The balance of your life is gradually being restored after some topsy turvy, if not downright tough, times. You are ready to become more sociable, to branch out and have some fun. Instead of looking after everyone else in your life, you can now accessorize and socialise. Connecting with your local community is the key. Scorpio December Horoscope October 23rd - November 21st Your ruling planet Mars is combining with the planet of illusion this month meaning that you need to slow down and contemplate life a little more.

You may feel confused if you try to force yourself into action. It is possible that you are saying farewell to a man, or letting go of a project dear to your heart. On the other hand, you may be tired after a busy year. Whatever your personal scenario it is time for compassion for yourself and others.

You need to renew your inner world and the outer world may have to wait a while. Create quiet times during December.

The lucky planet Jupiter is also your ruling planet and has moved into your Sign. This portends for a happy and rewarding month at the very least. It is the right time to put your own health and happiness on the top of your personal agenda. Your natural optimism is likely to attract attention and rewards. If you would like a makeover then now is the time.

Otherwise you can simply put your best foot forward and enjoy the rewards that come your way. Capricorn December Horoscope December 22nd - January 19th The serious planet Saturn continues to wend its way through your Zodiac Sign bidding you to face your fears and limitations and build on your strengths.

It is possible that a long-term duty or project demands your attention. Even as one project or responsibility ends, another is likely to begin.


This is your time of structure, organisation and work. The good news is that you are a commanding presence, likely to become an authority in your field, or to increase your authority. The South Node, a point of karma in astrology, has entered your Sign and with the Lord of Karma is delivering some messages from the past. Aquarius December Horoscope January 20th - February 18th If you are feeling a little more light-hearted in December it may be because the South Node, a karmic point in astrology, has finally left your Zodiac Sign and headed into neighbouring Capricorn.

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Also, the lucky planet Jupiter has entered Sagittarius which is a cheerier influence on Aquarius. Good-natured Jupiter is parading through the 11th House of your Solar Chart beckoning you to socialise, seek like-minded friends and to pursue your hopes, dreams and wishes. This is your month to enjoy a busy and social calendar.

December sees you seeking a more spiritual or physically satisfying path to health and happiness. If you feel tired then use it is a barometer to take a different direction. There is a strong focus on your career path. Perhaps your profession is demanding much of you in December. The positive planet Jupiter, considered by ancient astrologers to be your planetary ruler, is high in your chart indicating that you receive recognition and rewards through your chosen profession.

If you are planning a change then it needs to be one that encourages your growth and education in your chosen field. You are accustomed to meeting any challenges head-on. Therefore, leadership skills and independent activities are your strengths, but group politics not so much. Personal friends and family may respect your forthright, honest nature.

However, this month relationships with acquaintances, associates and social groups are influenced by the feisty planet Mars, also your planetary ruler. This means that conflict needs to be resolved in as calm a manner as possible. This is not the time to ram home your point of view.

Everything is calling on you to pay attention to your closest relationship. Primarily your spouse if you are married. Your nearest and dearest needs your support. You, too, may feel the need to focus on your partnership. Matters of importance may need to be discussed. An Ex may feature this month.

Be careful not to fall into old relationship traps. With so much activity in your stars, this can be a loving and rewarding month, during which your connections grow and strengthen through love.

Sensual pleasures, generous monetary transactions and enjoyable outings abound. This will affect everyone. For you it will be activated in the 7th House of your Solar Chart — the house of marital and business partnerships. Therefore, it is vital that you think twice before making permanent decisions regarding marital or business contracts.

You need to do your research, plan and perhaps start negotiating terms, but wait until Mercury goes Direct on December 7 before finalising matters. November is also a good time to make sure that your health in heading in the right direction. Cancer November Horoscope June 21st - July 22nd You may be pleased to know that you are able to put yourself first.

You can involve others but if you want to indulge in solitude or solitary playtime then the planets are aligned in your favour.

Monthly Horoscopes and the Personality

You simply have to take some time out to discover what it is that you would love to do and then book it in. If you are a creative crab then you can spend time on an artistic project. If you have always wanted to be more creative then now is the time to start a design class, take up a musical instrument or join a local arts group. Loved ones want your attention.

There could be many reasons why. Your job is to pay attention. You could celebrate family events, redecorate your home or host home-based activities. Whatever your personal situation the planets are aligned in the private sector of your Solar Chart calling on you to ensure that your personal life is all that you would like it to be.

The Nodes of Destiny are soon to move out of Leo heralding your last chance to tune into compelling thoughts and feelings that have been around for a while.

Virgo November Horoscope August 23rd - September 22nd Events close to home are highlighted this month. This is not necessarily your immediate family or household but more your neighbourhood or siblings if you have any. Your in-laws may also feature more than usual. You need to make sure that your analytical mind is kept busy on positives and not on worries.

The trick is to be organised, relaxed and have priorities rather than strive for perfection in yourself and others. Money matters are likely to be positive and you are well able to pay your bills, plan some fun activities and indulge in a little retail therapy.

Your main lesson this month is to ensure that your self-esteem is strong.

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If not now is the time to make the most of any opportunities to boost your own self-worth. Two positive planets give you the wind beneath your winds to soar about personal doubts and problems, as long as you stay focussed on your own resources — your material resources and your own strengths.

Scorpio November Horoscope October 23rd - November 21st The positive planet Jupiter is playing its last hoorah in your Zodiac Sign calling on you to make the most of the opportunities that have arisen in the last year or so.

The fortunate planet Venus is also in Scorpio emphasising the positives that can be gained after a little reflection on your priorities. All areas of life are affected but love and money are likely to be the most go-ahead for you right now.

Sagittarius November Horoscope November 22nd - December 21st The lucky planet Jupiter is moving into your Zodiac Sign this month, a very fortunate event indeed. Jupiter is your ruling planet and so you are really coming into your own power. Everything that you have worked towards is likely to come to fruition now.

You need to be aware of what are worthwhile chances and what are not. Hopefully you have been resourceful in the last few years and have been working towards a goal, something that Sagittarians usually do. Now you can reap the rewards. You need to be wary of self-doubt, excess and grandiosity. It is more likely that your sunny nature succeeds at whatever captivates your heart and drives your passion.

Capricorn November Horoscope December 22nd - January 19th There is a time for reaping and a time for sowing, or so the saying goes. Whether you are a domestic or mountain goat now is your time to sow because the industrious planet Saturn is in your Sign.

Serious Saturn also rules your Zodiac Sign emphasising the message that what you focus on now will reap rewards further down the track. This is not a time for shirking responsibilities.

So, the planetary message is stay focussed, keep going and you stand to reap rewards. This is not a time to be stubborn. The Nodes of Destiny are soon to leave your Zodiac Sign and so you can make the most of the final few degrees by letting go of all that is holding you back.

Monthly Horoscopes

Think of the Leos in your life and for a brief time emulate their behaviour. You can shine in your own right once you have focussed on your purpose and let go of any self-limiting beliefs. This month your profession may be the area that needs your attention. Pisces November Horoscope February 19th - March 20th November sees you focussed on your career and your status in the world.

Young people may feature or you may make a change in your life direction. This is not so much a social month as rather one where you act to further your own career goals, or status as a parent. It is also possible that an authority figure or a parental one features more prominently right now.

You have some decisions to make but they are likely to be positive ones that promote your own health and happiness when it comes to your role as parent and professional. Firstly your primary relationship. And then business partners or other primary relationships.

Your relationship status is highlighted. If you are single do you want to be? How can you support your significant other? Basically the focus is off you and onto others. Your ruling Planet Mars suggests that you may need to let go of something so that you can move forward towards the next stage of a project or objective. Your ruling planet Venus is Retrograde and in your opposite Sign of Scorpio.

You need to be aware of relationship politics. You may be tempted to control situations with loved ones but you would be better advised to hold your own counsel. If loved ones are upset then you need to stand firmly on neutral ground and support them as best you can. If you are forced to pick sides in any conflict then choose wisely, knowing that there will be consequences when Venus turns direct in November.

Like a butterfly you can flit from one pleasurable activity to another. You can literally stop and smell the roses. You may spend more time with young people, or in romantic pastimes or perhaps speculating on something enjoyable. As some would say you can listen to your inner child and play. If you enjoy solitary activities then you can indulge yourself this month without fear of negative feedback.

If you are a more outgoing Gemini then creative projects flourish as do harmonious social activities. Cancer October Horoscope June 21st - July 22nd You are likely to enjoy your natural habitat this month — the sanctuary of home.

If you live alone then now is the ideal time to hunker down and revel in homebound activities. Cooking, cleaning and gardening may appeal.

You may choose to redecorate in a way that lifts your spirits. If you have a busy household then family relationships are central, particularly those with younger members of the household.

Your diplomacy skills may be needed. It is possible that you make plans this month to move house if your private needs have changed.

Leo October Horoscope July 23rd - August 22nd The art of communication is central to your success during October.

If you are diplomatic and considerate then your social and professional arenas are likely to benefit. However if you resort to gossip then this could backfire. Learn to listen when necessary and speak when appropriate.

If something is playing on your mind then connect with a trusted confidante. Otherwise you may enjoy focussing on a project that required concentration. You could set up a new computer, social media account or sales campaign.

New skills acquired now will benefit in the long run. A wise man once said that you are rich when your income exceeds your expenditure. Virgos are usually frugal. However this is just your Sun Sign.

Spending habits extend beyond the Sun Sign and so you may need to tighten the purse strings if you are not usually thrifty. If possible you could also look at ways of increasing your income. Perhaps it is time to ask for an increase in your salary, or to find ways to boost sales if you are self-employed.

Apply your excellent analytical skills to your financial affairs. This month your ruling planet Venus is turning Retrograde indicating that you need to turn your attention back and concentrate on yourself. Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself to decide on what is really important right now.

What do you need to be happy? Then go out and do it. Indulge yourself with a massage, a makeover or a fashion accessory. You may even like to purchase a really attractive mirror as a reminder that it is ok to be a little selfish from time to time.

Scorpio October Horoscope October 23rd - November 21st Two fortunate planets — Jupiter and Venus — are in your Zodiac Sign this month indicating that luck is on your side. Opportunities arise now in your love life and your financial arena. You may need some time out to consider your options.

What do you truly desire when it comes to romance and money? Once you have answers then the time has come to focus on how you want these two areas to flourish and make the most of the opportunities.

Fortune favours the bold, so the Latin proverb goes. Sagittarius October Horoscope November 22nd - December 21st It is time to pursue your hopes, dreams and wishes. October is a busy month during which your social calendar is full.

Look around and see which friends, groups and clubs support your dreams and which do not. Sagittarians are generous and warm-hearted souls and mostly you are likely to attract positive connections, those who appreciate your optimistic nature.

However you may also, unwittingly, have been a magnet for some friends who take advantage of your good nature. Focus on the positive. It may be time to part ways with some connections to make way for new adventures.

Capricorn October Horoscope December 22nd - January 19th You are likely to be in the middle of a venture this month, working towards an end goal that has a long-term advantage rather than short-term satisfaction.

It can help us avoid situations which may harm us in untold ways. Daily horoscopes could be the tool we need to assist us when we are upset or confused about what is happening around us. It can guide us to a better insight of day-to-day struggles and help us become more aware of our thoughts and feelings. It is very important that we should try to understand ourselves and each other.

Every day begins a new learning adventure, if we accept it as such. Daily horoscopes can help us understand our personality and give tips on how we can cope with the challenges of everyday life.

We could be put in a better position to make decisions and this could allow us to steer the course to the successful, happy life that we deserve.

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Support from friends and family may not always be enough to restore confidence in your future or heal regrets from your past.

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There may be repetitive patterns that you may not be fully aware of and you may be unconsciously repeating these deep seated patterns. A skilled Psychic Spiritual Advisor will be able to pinpoint the challenge, how long it has been going on, where it began and how to move through the challenge.

People who believe in a guiding higher power may find spiritual therapy helps them achieve a deeper connection with this power. Nothing in particular on your mind?