Leo rising leo rising compatibility

2. List Sun, Moon, and Planets for Each
  1. A Look At Rising Signs
  2. Compatibility Guide
  3. Sexual Astrology - Leo Rising Sign (Ascendant Leo)
  4. Horoscopes

There is another level to consider though — rising sign compatibility. Your rising sign, also called your ascendant sign, is the zodiac sign which was rising on the Eastern horizon at the time, date and place of your birth.

This sign changes every few hours through the day, so no matter what sun sign you are, you could have any one of the twelve signs as your rising sign.

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Why does the rising sign matter? Well, astrologically, the rising sign represents the mask you wear in public — your persona, if you like. The image you like to project to the world, and how you appear to others when they first get to know you.

For some of us, what you see is what you get, and our rising signs and sun signs are quite similar; for others, the private person at the core is very different to first impressions — this happens when the ascendant sign is quite dissimilar to the sun sign.

You can probably think of times in your own experience when you have gelled instantly with someone, but then perhaps cooled off them a little once you got to know them.

A Look At Rising Signs

For marriage or a long term relationship, however, you need much stronger links between your two charts than ascendant signs alone. Even if the initial match between you is terrific, or even if you share the same ascendant sign, compatibility over the longer term comes with all the relationship baggage we know and love.

Consider a couple who both have Libra rising, and are at a party. Then perhaps she starts flirting with someone else. Fine, no problem — easy going Libra rising guy laughs it off as a bit of harmless fun. But he has a Scorpio sun sign, and is inwardly seething with jealousy. If nothing else, taking a peek into your joint ascendant sign compatibility can help you fend off problems like the flirting issue above.

Whether you wear similar masks or very different ones, it pays to know who the person behind that mask really is.

Compatibility Guide

Ready to discover the real potential of your relationship? Take our free "Star Sign Compatibility Quiz" to instantly reveal your compatibility score! Your email address will not be published. How Compatible Are You?

  1. The Ascendant, Rising Sign in Astrology.
  2. Perfect Astrological Partners | LoveToKnow.
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  7. Your Details are Never shared. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. The first thing you'll need to do is find out what signs the Sun, Moon and other planets occupy in the natal chart of both you and your person of interest.

    You can do that easily with the free birth chart calculator available at Astrology. Now find a quiet spot, get a pencil, a green felt tip pen, and some paper.

    Leo - Your Ascendant sign from Lada Astrologer

    Then settle in and take a deep breath because this can be a bit like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. Now that you've gathered everything you'll need, start by making a descending list of the Sun, Moon, and planets and the astrological signs they occupy for both you and your partner.

    It's best if you list them side by side on a piece of paper for easy reference. As you move forward and find planets that you and you partner have in compatible signs, think ease and harmony and draw a green line connecting the two. Take this step by step, and when you're finished, you'll understand more about how you and your person of interest affect one another, plus when you're finished you'll have a visual of just how perfect you might be for each other.

    Next, you will determine what each planet brings to the relationship and how these connections will resonate with those of your partner and be reciprocated by them.

    Sexual Astrology - Leo Rising Sign (Ascendant Leo)

    Psychologically, the luminaries and the personal planets represent different spheres of your personality. The astrological signs they are in describe how you function, how you feel, what you want, and how you behave. The planets are the primary actors and archetypes of personality, but it's the zodiac signs in which the planets fall that give them a distinctive, recognizable character.

    Without the zodiac signs, the planets would have little astrological significance for the individual. Venus and Mars are the planets most associated with love Venus and sex Mars.

    Leo Rising Sign Personality Traits

    They are the motivating factors that draw you into intimate relationships. Their sign placements describe what love and sex mean to you.


    Together they explain how you attract and actively seek out truly intimate and life-enhancing relationships. It defines what and who you love, the value you put on a person or thing, and what you are prepared to give.

    The sign of your partner's Venus will tell you, more precisely than their Sun, Moon, or Ascendant sign, what they are looking for in a relationship. A love interest's Mars sign will tell you, more than anything else, what they're looking for in the bedroom. When your Venus sign is compatible with the sign of the Sun, Moon , Mercury, or Mars in your partner's horoscope, you simply love and find joy in that aspect of your lover's personality, and that love is reciprocated.

    When your Mars sign is compatible with the signs of their Sun, Moon, Mercury, or Venus, it excites and arouses those parts of your lover's personality, and that arousal is reciprocated. When your Venus is in a sign that's compatible with your lover's Mars sign or the other way around, it's an extraordinarily powerful aphrodisiac that can spark almost instant love and sexual attraction.

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    This connection is the very best signature of a loving and sexually fulfilling relationship. The Sun is who you are at the core of your being.

    It vitalizes you and gives you energy. Your Sun sign describes what you must have to feel vital and alive. The Suns of two individuals should be engaged, in one way or another, if a relationship is to thrive and shine.

    When your Sun is in a sign that is compatible with the astrological sign placements of your partner's Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars, it energizes, encourages, and supports that aspect of their personality. Suppose your Sun sign is compatible with the sign your partner's Venus occupies. This indicates that the love nature of your partner Venus will be energized Sun and more freely expressed when you're together and that they, in return, will make you feel loved at the core of your being.

    The Moon shows your inherent emotional nature, how you form bonds, what you need to feel nurtured and cared for, and how you nurture and care for others. When your Moon sign is compatible with the signs your partner's planets occupy, you nurture, deepen, soften, comfort, and inspire those aspects of their personality.

    Mercury is the planet of the thinking mind. Its sign placement reveals how you communicate, what you're curious about, and how you understand and process information. When your Mercury's sign is compatible with the signs of any of your partner's planets, you intellectually stimulate that part of their personality and give it voice. As an example, if your Mercury is in a sign that is compatible with your partner's Mars, you would infuse thoughts and ideas into their actions, and they will reciprocate by encouraging you to put your thoughts and ideas into action.

    Your Ascendant , sometimes called the Rising Sign, is the sign that was rising on the horizon at the location and moment of your birth. You'll need complete birth data date, time, and location to know both the Ascendant and Descendant.