Twin soul astrology signs

Welcome To ITFA – Your Home Of Twin Flame and Soul Mate Awakening
  2. Difference Between Soulmates And Twin Flame Love
  3. Twin Flame Astrology | International Twin Flame Association
  4. 25 Signs That You've Found Your Twin Flame

We will explore this a bit more later on. However before that, I just want to say that our twin flames are not always romantic, and they are not — as is so popularly suggested — necessarily heterosexual connections.

In fact, our twin flames may be romantic partners of the same sex or no sex , and they can often be platonic friends or even family members who we have known for a long time.

Regardless of this, twin flames are most commonly romantic in nature and tend to manifest themselves as people who we can passionately connect with on all levels.

Also, in the spiritual community most people suggest that we only have one twin flame in our lifetimes. Because of this, humans were once so powerful that they threatened to overpower the gods, so the mythic god Zeus split them in half. Whether this explanation of twin flames is out-dated or not is up to you to decide. Also, when we suffer from low self-esteem and a lack of self-love, it is natural for us to try and find a kind of needy acceptance outside of ourselves hence the projection , so be careful of infatuation and idolization.

Your twin flame is certainly not perfect — just like you. We are not always receptive to the appearance of our twin flames in life. Every person must be fully prepared in order to establish a relationship with his twin flame. You must clear up the previous relationships, leave the bad links and discard the list that makes up the "perfect" person according to your standards.

When it comes to twin flames, timing is everything! If your twin flame suffers, you suffer with him. If your twin flame is happy, you are happy with him. It is simply like you are sharing your emotions.

The most important sign that you found your twin flame is the emotional connection that you two have, which is on a completely different level from all the previous connections you have had. The twin flame partner has similar interests as those in your life.

This person can be your biggest fan or your best friend, your biggest support, helping you to take more risks. Unlike a soulmate, the twin flame remains in your proximity, regardless of the obstacles and challenges that follow.


He is here to help you stand up, no matter how many times you have fallen down. When you are more time in a relationship, is normal to find out the flaws and negative characteristics, you haven't know before.

The same happens with your partner. But not always the negative characteristics are bad for your relationship. Our flaws can have a good side, when it comes to twin flame. Every person has his own positive and negative side, and you know the shortcomings of your partner to find their good side.

Just like he knows yours! If you feel bad, have some problems in your life, just hug your partner and spend some time in his embrace. If he is your true twin flame, all the pain, nervousness and stress will simply disappear and you will feel as if you are in the safest place in the whole universe.

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Soulmates can enter in your life as friends, family members or lovers, but twin flame will always enter in your life as a lover.

The twin flame will fill the passion and desire in you that needs to be felt, and will help you to learn life lessons that need to be learned. In twin flame relationship, there is a great connection between thoughts and feeling.

You know the thoughts and desires of the other twin flame. In the twin flame relationship no one needs words to express their ideas and emotions. Your twin flame understands intuitively how you feel in a specific situation and why are you feeling that way.

The connection besides the emotion is also based on logical and intellectual stimulation. You give up entirely in the relationship with your twin flame because you want your partner to be happy and you are very patient with him, just like he is with you.

You know how and when to apologize - you complement one another. No person is perfect and you know it very well. Observed from the side, you look a lot like yin and yang. Together you are perfect and create harmony.

Twin flames have a deep connection between them. Relationships are usually intense and full of transitions. But these wonderful experiences often end with broken hearts, because sometimes the differences cannot be overcame. Twin flames bring karmic lessons that need to be completed in this incarnation.

These partners have similar stories, so that's why they appear in your life. Like we have said before: Unlike the soulmates that are trying to spend as much time possible together, the twin flames respect their own time and they are not pathologically tied to one another.

You know very well that it is important for everyone to have room for themselves and for their own personal development. You met each other and as soon as possible, you started dating. Your relationship is moving very fast, as if you are a pawn that you always know, not someone you met a few weeks ago.

You are not just lovers experiencing a love romance. You are best friends, "partners in crime," you do all the crazy things in life together.

Difference Between Soulmates And Twin Flame Love

He is your biggest support when you need it, but also your biggest critics when you do something wrong. He shows you what life should look like. Your twin flame is your mirror soul. No matter what are the differences between you two, one thing is curtain when we talk about twin flame, that there is a undefinable romantic connection of two souls.

Some of the characteristics that you two possess in your character may get difficult your relationship, but in the end the butterflies in your stomach will always be present, when you are with your twin flame.

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My own Venus retrograde is a perfect example of this, my twin stopped talking to me the day of the wedding invitation. Without this Venus retrograde in which he was unable to hide his true feelings for me, I would have never gotten on that plane to go and meet him.

Old friends or lovers may reappear or you may relive past life experiences in order to sort out karmic issues. Venus retrograde in transit is a time of introspection and reassessment.

You may be interested in someone or something of value that would bring you pleasure. Destiny encounters are possible and you may actually come into contact with your soul mate Twin Flame. However, it is better to wait until Venus turns direct to make your move. Use Venus retrogrades to improve how you feel about yourself, to love yourself more.

Think about what really brings you pleasure. This is where old lovers reappearing can help you clear away the past to make room for new relationships. This is a beautiful time for the Divine feminine, as Venus is the Divine feminine — to prepare herself for her coming union with her Divine counterpart.

Twin Flame Astrology | International Twin Flame Association

If you want to really break out of this obsession towards him and get back to getting your life on track with or without your twin, then join our Gangsta Goddesses Tribe. The Align to your Divine Plan, Twin Flame Mastery Program that all tribe members get access to will help you to DO YOU for now, which makes you completely irresistible to your twin when you step into your authentic you.

Not the bend over backwards you doing anything and everything to keep your twin close, that does not work in a Twin Flame relationship and the relationships where that does have an effect, are not worth having. The Venus retrograde period is also a great time to book a Twin Flame Reunion journey , to empty out the karmic baggage between you and your twin.

25 Signs That You've Found Your Twin Flame

Unresolved karma between twins and past lives in general are the number one cause of Twin Flame drama and the roller coaster ride, many twins find themselves on. Releasing these past life energies from your vibrational field creates more harmony between twin pairs and allows them to remove the blocks that are keeping them out of union.

If this is the first time for you then an Extended Twin Flame journey is the best option, as there is often a large buildup of past life energies that needs to be cleared out in a first session.

I pray this article serves you and helps you see that a very positive time is coming for Twin Flames this coming year. Especially when you jump in on the existing energies and do the work they are prompting you to do, you can really speed up your timeline in your Twin Flame journey.

With all the new information and healing techniques available now, twins are coming together quicker and quicker these days. Download the Gangsta Goddesses Manifesto to find out how Twin Flames have chosen to incarnate and reunite in this lifetime to assist in the ascension of planet earth.

I found Gangsta Goddesses after the most intense relationship of my life ended in a confusing manner that I could not understand. The entire package is powerful, combining a 2-hour inner exploration and healing experience with Sabriye, 13 individual learning modules, and the support of the Gangsta Goddesses tribe on Facebook.

I'm amazed with what I've learned and how much I've grown and changed in just 2 months. The program Sabriye created has been so helpful to me.

I no longer feel like I'm alone and crazy. It helped me make sense of my relationship, embrace the journey, and live with joy, with warm and loving support from a group of like-minded people who really understand.

I'm glad I just went for it and committed to the whole package. I was guided to you and followed my feelings and you have helped so very much in such a short space of time, I had no expectations just went with the feelings. My love and deepest regards. As a Twin Flame teacher and healer she helps Twin Flames get a better understanding of the true purpose of the Twin Flame encounter.

Her teachings concentrate on the fact that the Twin Flame connection is meant to trigger unprocessed past life traumas in order to help the souls return to their original state of wholeness. It is through healing these wounds that we recover our true nature and align to the physical manifestation of union with our twin.

How do the planets affect us? This is also what we often refer to as Divine timing. So then I can just sit back and wait, right? Well no, not exactly. Having your couples chart read I am not an astrologer, so I am not going to wow you with in-depth info around having your Twin Flame charts done.

The new couples chart literally said I might be the exact right partner for him: But take the advice that the astrologer who did our couples chart gave to me: Venus retrograde leading into many unions Another major positive astrologic influence that is coming up is the pending Venus retrograde that starts on the 4th of March and ends April 15th What Clients Say About Me.

Union Package I found Gangsta Goddesses after the most intense relationship of my life ended in a confusing manner that I could not understand. Maria , United States. Gangsta Goddesses Tribe I cannot recommend the program enough. I never looked at the modules as a 'course' I found I was living each of the modules and when something came up in my life with my twin I could go back to a module and get exactly the insight that I needed.

This is the beauty of the program. You can go back and see and read things differently. Highly highly recommended for anyone on this journey. I purchased the complete union package because I thought, if I was going to do this, I needed to be all in.