The number 21 birthday

Birthday Number 21
  1. Numerology: 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th Number 3 Life Path
  2. Numerology: 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th Number 3 Life Path - Michele Knight
  3. Frequently bought together

You can make great salesperson as you are talkative and persuasive. You are an amazing lover, because you are passionate and imaginative. However, most of the time, you get love rather than give love, because it is easy to love you, but for you things are more complicated.

Your main problem is in finding the right place for you, where you feel comfortable to implement your ideas. You should become more independent and able to generate ideas and create plans for their implementation no matter to what place you belong now.

Searching for a better place where to start is another procrastination from living now.

Numerology: 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th Number 3 Life Path

You are easily influenced by the actions and words of others. Numerology Life Path Biblical Numerology. Popular Why do you need a Numerological Calculator? Numerology study guide Series of the numerology study video lessons. Numerology Horoscope Predictions It is time to figure out which steps to undertake on the way to a better life. If you were born on the 3 rd , 12 th , 21 st , 30 th day of any month you have a Number 3 Life Path Master Number.

Usually optimistic, outgoing and inspirational, you have an affinity with people born under the sign of Sagittarius no matter what your own birth sign and if you meet someone born under this sign, consider you might be karmically linked in some way. You an a puzzle residing within an enigma. You are an excellent teacher and possess great leadership abilities and are honest, direct and usually helpful.

On the other hand you may also be critical, unmotivated, dictatorial, prone to exaggeration and lazy. You do have a natural way with words and you may want to consider using your gift of the gab for something other than impressing others which you excel at!

You would do well in any job where words or communication is important. In your lifetime you may face some challenges and if so you need to have faith in your inner power.

Numerology: 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th Number 3 Life Path - Michele Knight

If you can maintain this you will be able to surmount any problems you may face. You are a winner in the game of life and will ultimately triumph no matter what is thrown at you, provided you keep your inner beliefs intact.

When things go wrong for your number they go wrong in a big way. Dealings with the law are also likely with this number. Being linked to Sagittarius which rules journeys, adventure and travel you need a lot of stimulation in your life and you also crave the adventure of romance!

Despite the fact that you may face trials in your life, others will see you are carefree and successful. Your optimistic nature is what attracts people to you and you are someone that people turn to in times of crisis — perhaps because you know all too well what this is like.

You will benefit from travel so do as much of this as you can and you are a number likely to take up residence far from the land of your birth.

Your finances will fluctuate throughout your life and this may be between extremes of feast and famine. When things change they usually do so with little or no warning. You are able to get by on very little but your soul lesson is to understand it is your attitude which attracts wealth.

Act as if you are wealthy and the universe will mirror your belief.

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Having said that, you are usually a loyal partner and expect the same in return. If you have children then one of your children will be the cause of you to be extremely proud — or the complete opposite.

Frequently bought together

Your number is very good for friendships and if you share your hopes and dreams with your friends you will often find them willing to help you achieve your goals.

If you are a 3 who has few friends then you have a bit of serious soul work to do.

Start to share yourself with others — project a happy attitude and share whatever you have — even if it is just your time or those hopes and dreams.