Gemini january 10 birthday horoscope 2019

Planetary Row
  1. Capricorn Decans - Capricorn Rising, Decan Astrology
  2. June 10 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019
  3. Sabian Symbol

Our astrologer will present the most important transits and astral aspects that influence the financial and professional life during Between March 6 and July , you have to discover your own methods to become more efficient at work. The majority of them become self-taught and manage to perfect their own training.

  1. Gemini 2019 Horoscope.
  2. date of birth horoscope matching in tamil?
  3. scorpio moon sign january 2019 horoscope.
  4. astrology transits explained;
  5. Horoscope 2019;
  6. Capricorn Decans?
  7. february 22 born horoscope.

It is often not at all comfortable to recognize your limits and try to overcome them. Right from the second day of the new year, they will understand that by perfecting themselves, they increase their chances of earning more money. Saturn will help you to organize their budget otherwise, you might encounter issues starting from April 30 until September 19, This period is certainly not suitable for gambling and the natives should not expect any inheritance — they are not going to become rich overnight.

From the end of April and the beginning of September, the risks are especially high for those who are financially dependent on other people: Perhaps they will not be as generous as usual and they will find themselves in some uncomfortable situations.

Capricorn Decans - Capricorn Rising, Decan Astrology

Simultaneously, Jupiter turns them into the most appreciated employees. You will always be good communicators and you also have a natural ability to make friends anywhere, including at work. These qualities are strengthened by Jupiter in Scorpio, which improves the relationships with colleagues and, in parallel, emphasizes their attention to details.

The first steps towards financial independence are taken and the money relationships with other people are starting to gain a new shape, beneficial for both parties. In conclusion, is a busy year from a professional point of view.

Although you might have doubts regarding your ability to deal with challenges, the stars are offering you opportunities to successfully overcome them.

Regarding the physical health, the entire astral chart is well illustrated.


You have energy, creativity, resistance to stress, an amazing muscle tonus and a lot of optimism. It is recommended to make treatments to boost your immune system and not refuse vaccination because your organism is sensitized.

June 10 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019

There is a risk of frequent infections, sleep disorders, metabolic affections, skin conditions, joint, bone, dental issues etc. This is why it is recommended to protect your health and do to the doctor at least for routine physical examination during Unlike other zodiac signs, you are perfectly capable of getting involved in two projects simultaneously.

Following a diet does not impede them from building a successful career. January 21, Full Moon in Leo: In the first decade of January , Mercury, the ruler of Geminis, is still in the couple house.

It is the end of a cycle that started in November, which brings surprises in your love life. February 18, Sun enters Pisces: Collaborations, associations and teamwork are extremely valued in the professional activity in February.

In any case, this period also leaves enough room for competition and rivalry. March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: March is a month full of opportunities for the career, the socio-professional status and the success. March , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: During March, you will reach your physical peak and their good mood is contagious.

Nevertheless, they are not completely sheltered from troubles. April 10 — August 11, Jupiter retrograde: When Jupiter is retrograde, you will experience a major energetic potential, directed towards home and family.

They have the chance to improve their relationship with their relatives and to increase the comfort of their home. April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: Saturn instils in Gemini natives seriousness, maturity and a direct, unfaltering attitude in the relationship between partners.

April 24 — October 3, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn: You have a tendency to take risks and to act on sudden impulses without considering consequences. You assert your will and individuality powerfully, and you are ready to fight for freedom.

This can also be a time when you tend to resist others and challenge them if they are trying to hold you back. Arguments and confrontations are likely.

You could also have more courage than usual to do things that break the routine, and confrontations engaged in this year could clear the air and help you to move forward. There may be a significant break from the past this year as a result.

With Venus in a tense aspect to Saturn in your Solar Return, getting serious about love or money or both will be a theme this year. Money may be tight, or the need to buckle down with your finances may be necessary. This does not necessarily signify financial losses or hardship, but you are likely to have an increased awareness of your limits.

The responsibilities of partnership are magnified this year.

Sabian Symbol

You are likely to be more earnest on a romantic level. An existing relationship may become more serious, or you may form a new partnership with a serious or older person. You are likely to work hard this year, and this could interfere with pleasure time. Opportunities to socialize may be reduced, and this could be the result of increased responsibilities or it could stem from your own insecurities or lack of confidence on a social level this year.

Nevertheless, there can be certain relationships that grow and expand this year with Venus also in harmonious aspect to Jupiter. This might also indicate the growth of a money-making pursuit or a satisfying hobby. Idealistic and humanitarian goals or impulses surface this year.

Making connections with others from different backgrounds may figure strongly.

Horoscope 2019 for Taurus:

You more easily make personal sacrifices for what you believe to be the better good this year. You may do battle with variable energy levels and waste time on anger this year.

Watch also for impatient actions or trying to cut corners frequently, which can put unnecessary pressure on you. This is a year of completion and transition.

It is a time when we need to let go of things that no longer serve their purpose, and hold on to things that have a future. It is a time of cleaning out dead wood, not necessarily for new beginnings.

It can be a time when a burden has been taken off your shoulders, and it can be a year of giving of yourself. Born between January 1 and January 10 For the person born between January 1 and January 10, the ruling planet is Venus.

They usually have most things going in their favour.

They enjoy both pleasure and profit. Sometimes, though, some Capricorn people born in this Decan have to encounter emotional or marriage problems, which is because they tend to be too preoccupied with themselves. Still, these Goats are very reliable, make good businessmen and do well in the fields of mass production, communications and top management.

If you wish to know more about your career prospects, get the Birth Chart based service Career Ask 3 Questions. The Capricorns in this Decan have a stable head on their shoulders. These people are charming, imaginative and flexible. They love to mix with people, and others also enjoy being in their company.

When all their qualities are channelised properly, these people can reach to the very top in their respective fields. Soft and affectionate towards their loved ones, they may be hard taskmasters for others. The negative qualities of these people are that they can sometimes be pessimistic and temperamental. Born between January 11 and January 20 For the person born between January 11 and January 20, the planetary ruler is Mercury.

They are good at communications and media-related fields. Sales, franchises, commission businesses are the fields that come directly under this Decan. These people should use their contacts and influences fully. Those born under this influence are intelligent, faithful and well-disciplined. They are practical in nature and down to earth in everything.

They are highly intelligent, and combined with their ambitious and enthusiastic traits, can rise to the top position in any area of work they choose. They are very faithful in their relationships with loved ones.