January 9 taurus astrology

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  1. December 2018 Horoscope: Predictions for Taurus
  2. January 9 Birthday Astrology
  3. Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Your judgment with regards to personal finances Gemini-ruled for you as well as romantic partners and creative endeavors may not be up to par just now, so do avoid "signing on the dotted line". Speculation is not advised during this cycle. Mercury transits your solar seventh house.

You tend to weigh the pros and cons of every issue during this cycle, taking into account others' needs as well as your own.

Some indecisiveness is possible now, simply because you naturally entertain opposing viewpoints. You have a strong desire to cooperate and communicate with others now. You feel most comfortable spending time with people on a one-to-one level, or with those with whom you share a personal history.

Your own thoughts become clearer through dialogue with others. You may be doing public relations work, counseling, negotiating, or arbitration during this cycle. There is a lot of emphasis on communications with partners and best friends at this time. You can use the power of words to advise others or to make peace with people in your life.

You are more diplomatic than usual during this transit. From December 12th forward: Mercury transits your solar eighth house. You are more intuitive now than usual, picking up all of the hidden cues from people around you and reading between the lines.

This is an excellent cycle in which to do some financial planning and strategizing. Research is also highly favored.

December 2018 Horoscope: Predictions for Taurus

It's also easier for you to approach sensitive, intimate, and personal matters with rationality and logic. As such, this is a great time to open up conversations about topics that normally might cause waves, such as those revolving around the sharing of power, intimacy, and finances.

Mars continues to activate your solar eleventh house. You take a more direct approach to realizing your dreams now, rather than simply hoping and wishing. You might find that you have more energy and enthusiasm for spending time with others, but arguments now may be with or on behalf of friends.

You can be especially effective at encouraging others now, as well as at leading or organizing a group. From December 31st forward: With Mars moving through your solar twelfth house, this is the time to research and reflect upon your goals.

It can be a time when past actions catch up with you--and this is not necessarily a bad thing! It could also be a time when much of your energy is channeled into private matters, or when you prefer that others not observe what you are doing. This is natural--you may just as well do your best work alone for now.

Unconscious behavior patterns could influence the way you assert yourself. Some may experience insomnia during this phase, especially if they are not allowing themselves the chance to recoup and if they are not letting their intuition serve them.

Others may enjoy a more active dreaming life this includes day-dreaming , and, if allowed to run free, the imagination can serve them very well, especially with regards to goals and new concepts. See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead. Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.

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See also general trends for Taurus in The Sun energizes your sector of transformation, change, sexuality, personal growth, regeneration, others' money and resources, addictions, and taxes.

As a result, this is not the most gregarious of months for you. You take a step back, focus on intimacy with a partner, or simply retreat a little from the hectic pace of life. This is an excellent time to create a budget or financial plan, or to rid yourself of bad habits that undermine your sense of personal power and self-mastery.

All that is deeply personal comes into focus now. Intimate matters are especially important to you during this cycle. Just how well you are handling your life comes up for inspection. Your self-mastery skills and psychological predisposition matter to you more than usual.

January 9 Birthday Astrology

This is the time of year when you are most desirous of change on a deep level. Clearing out psychic "junk" or ridding yourself of bad habits may be part of the picture now. You are more willing than usual to explore life's secrets. This cycle brings greater in-depth understanding and an inclination to delve beneath the surface of matters to get to the bottom of them.

Research uncovers new material that allows you to develop a better overall picture of the year's events. This is an especially introspective cycle during which you have the chance to truly uncover your personal strengths and talents. On a more practical level, you may be dealing with joint finances and shared resources now more than usual.

Venus continues to move through your solar sixth house now. You might find more opportunities to socialize with co-workers, perhaps even meeting a new friend through your work or health routines.

  1. January 9 Zodiac is Capricorn - Full Horoscope Personality.
  2. Taurus Monthly Horoscope: January !
  3. Monthly Horoscope: Predictions for Taurus!
  4. January 9th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs.
  5. decans astrology taurus.
  6. Mars enters Aries.

You are likely to bring more tact and diplomacy to your relations with the people you work with now. You may not be as productive as usual during this period, as the focus is more on social relationships and pleasure than on getting the job done. Improving health and vitality through pleasurable activities such as massage might be in focus now.

From December 17th forward: While Mercury is retrograde, it's better to review, revise, and refine rather than push things forward, particularly related to communications, contracts, and transportation.

Mercury continues to transit your solar seventh house. You can be especially aware of your "audience" in your communications now, which tend to be diplomatic and respectful during this cycle.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

You may be encountering an especially chatty or communicative partner, or meeting youthful, talkative people. At this time, you love to hear others' opinions and perspectives, and it's an excellent time to do so.

Others can spur on your own thinking and decision making processes now, simply by offering another perspective. You are thinking a lot about others, a partner, and relating in general, and in some cases perhaps worrying over these things.

Mars is energizing your solar eleventh house now. Group activities and cooperative efforts are the best way to achieve your goals right now. In fact, you have all sorts of ideas about what you want to do.

Avoid allowing the ego to attempt to dominate others. You prefer to lead a group rather than follow during this period, and there are certainly ways to do so without stepping on others' toes. As well, the best way to achieve your goals during this period is to work as a team, or to at least to do some networking.

You may have more energy than usual to want to organize projects. Your humanitarian impulse may be stimulated. The role you play for other people in your life becomes the focus. You may feel that your schedule gets overloaded at this time with things to do usually for others.

The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar seventh house--your partnership sector. This can be a time of much learning through the mirror of close relationships.

It's not the time to push your agenda or personal plans forward; rather, it's a cycle in which you are at your best when you recognize the need to form alliances, to give back to a special someone, and to compromise in order to find some balance in your life.

You may be meeting with someone strong and assertive by nature now, or a partner is more assertive and needy of attention. There may be some competitive feelings between you and a significant other now.

Focus is on reconciliation, forming or cementing bonds, diplomacy, consultation, one-on-one interactions, and negotiations. You may feel a little drained physically now, temporarily. From December 28th forward: Mars continues to energize your solar tenth house now.

Love and Compatibility for January 9 Zodiac

You bring much energy, enthusiasm, and drive to your career or to directing activities in your life during this cycle. You may be quite competitive during this period, preferring to achieve and accomplish things on your own. This attitude can, in some cases, be seen by others as an instigating or otherwise offensive energy, so be aware of that possibility.

This is a strong time for directly pursuing your goals, and, if you need that extra push or oomph to get a plan going, particularly a professional one, or to assert your desires, then this is the time. You are self-motivated now and your enthusiasm can be harnessed if you so choose.

Bronze In One Word: Delusion Most Compatabile With: January 9th is a date that marks the end of one cycle and preparations for the new one. This is a place where you can already see the light at the end of a tunnel, but might lack the energy to reach it.

In discovery of energy sources, these individuals discover what they can do, and build up the inner sense of power through life. The combination of the Sun with Neptune is one of the toughest ones in the zodiac, simply because the Sun seeks center of one's personality and points us to our core, while Neptune disperses us into pieces and makes us see the world outside of our shell.

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  • With Saturn as the ruler of their Sun, it is obvious that there is a lesson for one's personality and ego hidden here. No dishonesty will be forgiven and people born on January 9th need to stay away from all mind-altering substances, drug abuse, medication, nicotine and alcohol. All outer influences of this kind make it harder for them to metabolize experiences in life and weaken their aura dramatically.

    Taurus January 2019 Astrology Horoscope - A Flying Start for You!

    It is the circle of action and consequence that defines their nature and for as long as they understand responsibility well enough, they can become truly powerful and have a significant impact on the world around them. The two symbols may seem confusing when combined in one date, but in fact their combination gives clarity.

    If there is anything a child is proud of, it is the ability to be useful and a part of the social system. Proudly doing so requires certain bravery and growth, and these symbols are to serve our understanding that only honest, childish doings and creative efforts should shine as the greatest power these individuals have.

    January 9th is the first date of the year to come down to a two-digit number when numbers of the date and the month are combined. In a way, this makes their pathway through life a bit more complicated for their purpose comes in two different steps.

    The first one is to recognize who they are in their core, and the second is to embrace their duality, their shadows and their dark side, only to discover what needs to change in their approach to life. Once they transform, the effect of personal recognition will look like the transformation into a butterfly, but only if they are ready to face the world and get out of their cocoon all shiny, colorful and new.

    January 9th might seem to be all about love at first. As times go by, they learn where to seek self-respect and choose partners who are more suitable for their primal nature, searching for someone to blend into one with.

    They will never settle for less than their dreamland pushes them towards, and fall in love rarely and with people who are there to help them build their own world up. Artistic and deep, those born on January 9th are philosophers of sorts, great psychologists, life coaches, and past life regression therapists.