Robert currey astrology

Editorial Reviews
  1. Robert Currey
  2. Robert Currey

Burke's Peerage Genealogical Books Ltd, Also, Lundy, Roger, thepeerage. This electronic age approach was developed by a team of esteemed astrologers headed by English astrologer Robert Curry.

With the aid of a computer programmer, the group created one of the world's most impressively detailed electronic astrological service".

Robert Currey

The Modern Girl's Guide to the Universe ; p. Best of British Men , ed.

Bath Press p. York Films , London. The Sunday Telegraph Review , 23 August Retrieved from " https: The store was the first shop in a prime location to be dedicated to astrology and run by astrologers. Now in its fourth decade, the Astrology Shop is still flourishing and is universally acknowledged as the leading astrological shop in the world.

Much of his time is spent in research, writing, consulting, programming and lecturing at exhibitions and conferences in the USA, UK, Australia and Ireland.

Currey's father was an officer in the Royal Navy and as a child, he lived in three continents: With such an unsettled home base he was sent to boarding school.

Robert Currey Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Before becoming an astrologer, Currey was a commodity broker for C. At 22, he was the youngest trader to be sent to Japan to join negotiations on sugar agreements with their largest customers, Mitsui and Mitsubishi.

Robert Currey

One journalist later quipped that Currey had always been motivated by futures! Outside of astrology, Currey is a non-executive director of two Isle of Man based businesses including an international Pensions Company. Equinox has a large number of clients world-wide including British and foreign royalty, politicians and many celebrities.

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