Apollo asteroid astrology

  1. The Sun-god and the Astrological
  2. by Liz Greene
  3. Apollo: Asteroid of Solar Strength - MORNING STAR

Hmmm His Apollo square your Venus. I am not sure what to do with the square. How did you feel around him?

Asteroids Eros and Psyche: Soul Love and Passion Part I

I am curious how the square would work. I would love your further input, Lilith. What about his valentine in taurus conjuncts her apollo in taurus,the orb is 2.

The Sun-god and the Astrological

Also his valentine in taurus conjuncts her venus un taurus,the orb is 0. And his Narcissus in scorpio opposite her apollo in taurus,the orb is 2. His Narcissus opposite her venus ,the orb is 0. All this in the same synastry.

What can it mean these aspects? Thank you very much!

I will look tomorrow! Thank you for your comments and your interest in my website. And I loved her tremendously,but maybe it is because my pluto conjuncts her neptune. We have always been able to talk.

by Liz Greene

When he was younger, and sometimes still, he has trusted me with many personal struggles, fears, hopes and dreams. Thank you for the many posts on minor asteroids. I am enjoying reading all your articles ever since i discovered the site recently.

Whole stellium span is 8 degrees. Couple born several years apart.

Apollo: Asteroid of Solar Strength - MORNING STAR

You answered my question about the couples born several years apart. Then, we could go from there. I am so happy to have you as a reader of my website, Marion!

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  • Apollo: Asteroid of Light - Sharpe Astrology | Zodiac Amino.
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Hi Amiann, I meant to say their birthdays were not within a week or so. They were born 4 years apart.

These asteroids move at various speeds.. So this seems sheer….. Elsewhere her Eros square his BML, exact again. Woman has Venus conj. Aphrodite and Man has Sun conj. Aphrodite natally…and these conjunction points are in a square! Yea, I knew what you meant about the birthdays.

Any asteroid that conjuncts a personal planet or angle is super powerful. Yes, the Aphrodite one is interesting lol. In Greek mythology Apollon was referred to as the Sun god or the god of wisdom and prophecy.

Anywhere he came into contact with this he quickly went into action. He had a calming composure, an ability to ease tension and bring a wisdom and awareness that was healing. So with Apollon we have this heightened or expanded consciousness. This first chart is the chart of Bono, the front man for the band U2.

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  8. Poseidon deals with enlightenment and the illuminations of ideas and ideals. It is very receptive and wants to illuminate out in the form of higher understanding and wisdom. This next chart is the chart of Barack Obama. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

    You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Posted March 9, by neptune's Aura Astrology in asteroids Tagged with Apollo , Heavenly dancers , individuality , oracle , talent. My Apollo conjunct jupiter and Midheaven in Libra Reply.

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