Libra career horoscope january 2019

  1. Areas of Expansion in 2019 for Libra:
  2. Libra Horoscope Preview
  3. 2019 Libra Horoscope Preview
  4. Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:

In you seem eager to flirt and be a little exhibitionist. As a matter of fact, you really are. But you use this strategy to test the ground and to choose the right partner, among the multitude of existing possibilities. Those natives communicate easy with the other signs of Air Gemini and Aquarius , but they are also very connected by the passion of the signs of Fire Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

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With the Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn they can feel safe, but they can get bored very quickly and the water signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are puzzles to them because of the heavy emotions. The beginning of the year will be a positive one if they will be enthusiastic and full of energy. At the workplace, you will have extraordinary results.

The stars show that there is a chance in good improvement in the career. Also, if you want to change the workplace, you can take advantage of this period. Therefore, you must not neglect health because this can interfere with their performance at the workplace. In the welded couples and the long-term relationships, the Libra will enjoy moments of stability, harmony, and compassion.

It is possible that the plans you made with your life partner to have taken shape since the end of , therefore will find you at peace with yourself and your life. This time, the novelty comes from the professional sphere where your attention is demanded more than ever and where Mercury helps you excel in the interpersonal relationships.

It is possible that your soulmate will find you first. This year, you will manage to better understand her partner, thus love will have a positive turn. Jupiter will give a more profound meaning to your relationship. Intense passion and romance will be your main characteristics for the better part of the year.

This will whether give new colors and consolidate your existing relationship, or it will help you successfully start a new one. Only the dysfunctional or inconsistent relationships will dissolve, leaving space for new ones with value and meaning.

The most compatible zodiac signs for the Libra native in love are: Gemini, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Out of all the air signs, the most judicious, charming and diplomate sign, you will form an ideal couple with the Gemini or Aquarius natives.

Areas of Expansion in 2019 for Libra:

With the latter,you can have a superb love story because they are two libertine dreamers and they know to give each other space, when necessary. With the Leo native , they can form a couple just like at Hollywood, they will shine and they will love each other like in stories.

With the Sagittarius, the Libra native will have a balanced house, based on justice and fairness. In January of , professional relationships can cause problems, and some can even break.

Although unpleasant, the relational stress can be the factor that prompts to finding new, progressive solutions. In a transit that gets manifested especially in March, Mercury in Pisces amplifies the focus on work and career starting from March Gifted with more practical sense and competitive spirit than usual, you have chances to succeed in concretizing the professional goals.

As the weather gets warmer, their accounts might become richer. It is good to know that from October, not everything will be as bright. You s risk to lose a great amount of money or, simply, you will stop making money so easily. This is why, if they make smart investments, they will have money all year round.

Similarly, if they save, they will have money for the entire year.

Libra Horoscope Preview

If not, the end of is not going to be a good one for the Libra natives from a financial point of view. Once Uranus enters the Taurus in August , new opportunities will appear , whether to hold a position they aspired over the years or to find a job abroad.


Regarding money, again, you will enjoy a favourable period: It gives them vitality and confidence, it highlights their qualities, making you to be appreciated and admired. In July , you will invest the better part of their energy in their career and will be quite busy dealing with all the occurring opportunities and occasions.

Started during the summer of the previous year, the journey of Jupiter through the house of Libra also continues in the first half of The doors to success are open and the chances of advancement, expansion, and prestige may occur anytime. Attention to family and around the home can be strong at times this year and can prevent you from getting everything done.

There can be a real tendency to want to do it all, forgetting your limits regarding time and energy. Taking on too many projects or becoming too entrenched in details can cause problems.

However, for the most part, you are likely to enjoy more opportunities through your communications and contact with others during this cycle in Your thinking is more upbeat, positive, and forward-looking, and so is the way you express yourself.

In fact, this is an excellent time for improving your communication skills and your general attitude or mindset. There can be important opportunities through meetings, courses, teaching, and connections made in the neighborhood or through siblings.

Some problems with siblings or neighbors could be put to rest now, although they might be magnified initially in order for problem areas to come out into the open and finally be resolved. You may be doing a lot of little jobs and your attention can spread over many tasks during this period.

You are more sociable, courteous, and reasonable in your communications, attracting opportunities to you. You could find that transportation and communication options open up that make life a little or a lot more enjoyable during this pleasant period that spans thirteen months.

While this is a rather domestic transit, relationships with anyone you feel especially connected with emotionally can benefit. You are comfortable with your position, and you may be building loving and secure connections with others.

There can be special attention to the comfort and beauty of your home or a stronger desire to connect with your roots. There is a stronger ability to bounce back from problems. Your inner world, family life, domestic activities, and domestic arrangements expand and grow.

Relations with family can be especially pleasant and supportive. You might move to a new home, likely a bigger one, or expand real estate holdings.

Some of you can get a mortgage or support that allows you to expand your home base. Family itself can expand, or there might be an addition to your home. Some might take on a roommate for example, or bring more friends to their home. Others might pool resources with a partner and move in together.

Entertaining in the home can be emphasized, if that is something that makes you happy. Otherwise, you can experience a stronger sense of peace and privacy in your home life.

  1. tlc family january 24 birthday astrology.
  2. Libra 2019 Horoscope?
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  5. 2019 Libra Career And Business Horoscope Predictions!
  6. There can also be a strong desire to communicate about your home life or to share your domestic world with others. Generally speaking, more positive energy is brought to your domestic world, and long-standing problems with family might be put to bed. Do be careful about overextending yourself with home improvements, or larger accommodations that are beyond your means.

    Your personal life tends to overshadow your professional life or material activities during this cycle.

    2019 Libra Horoscope Preview

    Relationships with family can improve significantly now, although pre-existing problems might be magnified initially. This can be a good time to set up a home business or for home studies. On a more psychological level, confidence in yourself and feelings of security increase during this period.

    Excessive money spent on home improvement, too much emphasis on the home to the point that other areas of your life suffer, or some unwillingness to expand your horizons. Avoiding or escaping responsibilities may be a problem from time to time. You may be wanting to please too many people, and overdoing things leaves you exhausted, as it seems there is never enough time and energy to meet all your needs.

    However, this influences overlaps with one that is mentioned below that helps stabilize you. There may be increased resources available to you for improving your home life. This quarter is favorable for professional growth.

    This would be an exceptionally exciting time as professional and business opportunities are offered to you are lucrative this time.

    You will considerably be more goal-oriented related to finances. Your ability to concentrate and focus helps you to achieve what you set out to do. Set and achieve goals and recognize the difference between a wish and a goal.

    Make a commitment, plan and take action, and recognize completion.

    Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:

    The month of February shall remain ideal for Libra people to learn from past experience and get on with life. The month of November is good for making new commitment and planning something fresh. The plethora of new experiences and new deals await business persons in the month of May.

    The month of July is apt and apposite for seeking improvement of your know-hows. Libra Career and Business. Libra Love and Relationships. Libra Money and Finances. Libra Education and Knowledge. Libra Health and Well Being. User Review Astrologer Umesh provides accurate and timely solutions based on his practical experience.