Leo 4 january 2019 horoscope

  1. Leo Horoscope 2019: You Will Exhibit More Enthusiasm
  2. Leo Horoscope – Leo Predictions | jakubzidek.cz
  3. Leo 2019 Horoscope Month by Month
  4. 2019 Leo Horoscope Preview
  5. Leo 2019 Horoscope

You may feel an enthusiastic push which will make you feel special, powerful and make you complete your tasks in no time, without any complications, according to Leo horoscope But you will have to be quite wary and careful of any health issues that may take place this year, as prevention is always better than cure.

As far as your relationship is concerned, your love life will be full of affection and warmth, making you very energetic on a physical as well as mental level. But make sure that you pay attention and heed to your children, especially from April to August. Furthermore, there are high chances for you to travel and spend some money, but do make sure that you have a hold on to your expenditure because according to your Leo life in , you may spend way too much, especially on your siblings.

Apart from this, your luck will definitely take your side and assist you this year, and you may also end up renovating your house which you had in your mind for long.

Not just this, you should feel relaxed as your bank balance will make its way out and aid you, as your source of income will increase in the near future, as per your Leo predictions. You may as well be prepared to travel for you may have this urge to go on a pilgrimage and experience the religious essence.

The time duration between the month of April and September will be very encouraging for you, as you may receive the rewards of all your karma, which will make you feel blissful from the inside. You will feel light-headed as your amount of work pressure will reduce and you may as well experience success with your persuasive writing and reading skills in accordance with your Leo horoscope But make sure that you have a control over your speech and your emotions related to jealousy which will have a negative impact on you.

From your Leo yearly horoscope, it is seen that if you are planning to bear a child, then this is the most suitable period to do so. It is also a good time to pursue higher studies as well. People suffering from diseases like Diabetes may want to be really very cautious, as this may in turn lead to something more serious, like Gangrene.

And there are big chances of doing so, but the consequences will be dire.

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The natives who have a solid relationship are facing other problems, which can be solved if both partners are open to dialogue.

The most peaceful and adventurous time is the first half of The single natives have chances both to start a new serious relationship and to accumulate many flings. The most compatible zodiac signs with the Leo native in love are: Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius.

Leo Horoscope 2019: You Will Exhibit More Enthusiasm

Artist by nature, the Leo native is a creative, emotional and loving person. Together with the Aries and the Sagittarius natives, fire signs as the Leo, they can form an unmatched couple when each of them let go of their pride.

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With the Libra and the Gemini natives, almost as exuberant as the Leo, they will form a balanced pair, because they match perfectly. Uranus ensures energetic and intellectual support for you between and Innovative and electrifying, Uranus triggers an ample and progressive vision, it stimulates your creativity, your interest for knowledge, research or culture, and it encourages to travel, to get in contact with remote people or places, with original philosophies and thinking currents.

Uranus guides you towards social activities and new discoveries, both physical and spiritual. Between and , you beneficiate from the support of Saturn. Saturn is a master of strategy and control and offers you the strength of character, realism, maturity, and tenacity — precious qualities to successfully finalize any activity.

Professionally, between March-May of , everything looks fine: May is extremely good for you, which is when they can obtain the success they long awaited for.

In money matters, you will have more stability in their lives and the problems of the past will no longer bother them. They will be able to obtain some credits more easily or even to finance their investments better than before.

When it comes to money, they will heavily depend on others, but starting from May , money will be easily obtained and certain financial plans will be achieved faster, while some particular aspects of their career will bring them more money than they expected.

With Pluto in Capricorn, they will be forced to make some important changes and at a more profound level than they are used to. We can talk about starting a business, but initiated with more responsibility by the Leo natives, about changing some partners and finding some ingenious solutions, relocations or even radical changes of the workplace.

An important matter here is that you must show patience because you can often be intolerant and stubborn, especially if they have a leadership position. The ambitious nature of Leo is justified during this year and, if they follow their goals, they can achieve many advantages. Professionally, June and July will bring happy events: Reaching the second half of , you will enjoy some happy events, which will allow them to progress in their careers.

With the help of Neptune, they will find the funding or they will obtain the necessary support to lunch different projects. It is possible for you to start a new successful collaboration or association.

The end of might find them more nervous and tense about their work.

Leo January 2019 Love & Spirituality reading - SECRET ADMIRER'S BEATING AROUND THE BUSH! ♌

You should objectively catalogue all the possibilities from that respective moment. They will establish their goals only after. By adopting a more conciliatory attitude, you will have more chances of getting what you want during negotiations. The financial developments of will depend, to a large extent, on the activities from the previous year, If they managed to take advantage of the positive astral influences and to create a long-term evolution, now they will pick the fruits and they will enjoy prosperity with their dear ones.

Leo Horoscope – Leo Predictions | jakubzidek.cz

Those born under the Leo sign are vigorous people, their physical constitution being concordant with the efforts they make, and this is why the natives need to have a diet that, first and foremost, offers the caloric intake necessary for performing the daily activities. Anatomically, the organism of most Leo natives has a vulnerable part — the heart, more exactly the aorta artery, which distributes oxygenated blood from the heart to all parts of the body, thus ensuring the required vitality flow.

They also need an alimentation able to maintain the blood vitality and a good blood circulation, this is why they are advised to consume fried or boiled beef, chicken or liver, or light, non-fat sauces. However, since this is a Fire sign, the natives should avoid an excessive consumption of Fire, and we are referring here at aliments that contain this type of element — the condiments.

Leo 2019 Horoscope Month by Month

Even though they prefer tasty foods, they are not gourmands like the Taurus or the Cancer natives, having a preference for simple menus such as the light, but rich country foods. Also recommended for them are the vegetable rich in iron, such as spinach, sweet potato, broccoli as well as raisins, dates, plums, pears, and oranges, especially for the citric acid which, for them, constitutes the basic element in terms of their preferred taste — sour.

Other recommendation for them, containing magnesium phosphate, are rye products, peanuts, sunflower seeds, peaches, apples and lemons, beets, rice, and eggs, especially the yolk. In general, them is full of energy, strong, resilient, with the tendency of wasting energy, exactly because he has plenty at his disposal.

If the native systematically neglects his resting program or if food, alcohol or nicotine abuse is part of his excesses, his cardiovascular system — the vulnerable area of them — will have a lot to suffer.

2019 Leo Horoscope Preview

Another sensitive area of those born under the Leo sign is the vertebral column — therefore, attention is required when lifting weights or making effort! January 21, Full Moon in Leo: Under the influence of this Full Moon there are chances that they find inside them the power to get rid of the past and all the negative perspectives from their lives and find the courage to move forward.

February 18, Sun enters Pisces: This is announced to be a quite active month in professional relationships. They will socialize and will work in the team. March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: It is announced to be a full of emotions March with intense experience in conjugal relationships.

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  6. They will enjoy spending time next to the one they love. It is going to be a month under the sign of harmony and family warmth. Mach , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: In March you are extremely active, so you are often overstrained, which brings a sort of pressure on them.

    Leo 2019 Horoscope

    You must try to blend useful with pleasure if you want to avoid trouble, especially in the first half of the month when you are prone to infections and accidents. April 10 — August11, Jupiter retrograde: The days of of April find you in a good mood, so they are absolutely able to let oneself in for the difficult tasks from the office.

    April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: April 24 — October 3, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn: On 28 they will have the opportunity to financial gain and on the 30 of April the chance to spend them will turn up.

    May 18, Full Moon in Scorpio: June 21 — November 27, Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces: Now, more than ever, you feel the need for mental and spiritual balance.

    June 21, Sun enters Cancer — Summer Solstice: