Praesepe cluster astrology

The astrological influences of the constellation Cancer
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Praesepe and Algol - my experience. Mon Jul 01, This is my personal experience of the fixed star Praesepe in my life, if it is of any use to anyone.

Venus and Jupiter Conjunct at Beehive Cluster: Healthy Boundaries for a Planet in Crisis

I have only just started to study fixed stars in any depth and I read in the Ebertin-Hoffmann book on fixed stars that Praesepe designates a cluster of stars which since ages past has had a bad omen. Apparently the Chinese gave this group of stars the name "the spirits of the ancestors" and were of the opinion that mainly if people had a conjunction with the Moon, they would have peculiar experiences with the realm of the dead.

I can testify from personal experience that the Chinese were correct. My Moon is at 5 Leo 05 and Praesepe in the year of my birth was at 6 Leo Now that is a larger orb than I would normally look for, but my antiscion Mars is very close at 6 Leo 20 which is very tight orb.

For two years I have been having what could certainly be described as a "peculiar experience with the realm of the dead". It is in fact downright horrible and concerns the constant presence of a spirit whose actions towards me are not benign, although he claims to be healing me I suffer from serious chronic illnesses.

Presumably the close proximity of my Mars antiscion to Praesepe would indicate a very unpleasant experience.

I am certainly having battles with this spirit who has driven me to the limits of endurance. Couple this with the fact that the antiscion of my Moon, is at 24 Taurus 55 conjoining Algol which was at 25 Taurus29 in the year of my birth, then this amounts to one very nasty configuration, entailing much suffering.

I suppose the "peculiar" aspect of all this is that, having the experience of this nasty configuration working itself out in my life, has resulted in me losing my faith.

Night vision, the Beehive cluster

I wasn't religious, but had my own personal beliefs in the goodness of the universe and such like. Now I am totally and utterly cynical about spiritual matters. I want nothing more to do with anything spiritual whatsoever and must be one of only a few people who knows we move to another dimension when we die but wishes we didn't and would prefer oblivion!

Now how peculiar is that? I have, by the way, found primary and secondary directions and also aspects which activated this configuration.

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I have also totally changed my views on astrology, but that is for the Philosophy forum! Mon Jul 09, 9: I have my Moon in Leo 5 degrees. Ascendant in 6 degrees Leo. Both are conjunct Prasaepe.

Beehive Cluster

Chipped front tooth, floaters in my eyes, really bad eyesight. It is one of the nearest open clusters to Earth , containing a larger population of stars than other nearby bright open clusters.

Under dark skies, the Beehive Cluster looks like a small nebulous object to the naked eye; as known since ancient times. Classical astronomer Ptolemy described it as "nebulous mass in the breast of Cancer", and it was among the first objects that Galileo studied with his telescope.

Age and proper motion coincide with those of the Hyades , suggesting they may share similar origins. Distance to M44 is often cited to be between and parsecs light years. Observationally, the Beehive is easily visible to the naked eye as a small nebulous cloud when Cancer culminates in the early evening each year from February to May.

13 star astrology-sun enters LEO

In , Galileo first telescopically observed the Beehive and was able to resolve it into 40 stars. Charles Messier added it to his famous catalog in after precisely measuring its position in the sky.

Along with the Orion Nebula and the Pleiades cluster, Messier's inclusion of the Beehive has been noted as curious, as most of Messier's objects were much fainter and more easily confused with comets. Another possibility is that Messier simply wanted to have a larger catalog than his scientific rival Lacaille , whose catalog contained 42 objects, and so he added some well-known bright objects to boost his list.

Ancient Greeks and Romans saw this object as a manger from which two donkeys, the adjacent stars Asellus Borealis and Asellus Australis , are eating; these are the donkeys that Dionysos and Silenus rode into battle against the Titans.

This perceived nebulous object is in the Ghost Gui Xiu , the 23rd lunar mansion of ancient Chinese astrology. Ancient Chinese skywatchers saw this as a ghost or demon riding in a carriage and likened its appearance to a "cloud of pollen blown from willow catkins". Like many star clusters of all kinds, Praesepe has experienced mass segregation.

Important Fixed Stars

The cluster's core radius is estimated at 3. Altogether, the cluster contains at least gravitationally bound stars, for a total mass of about Solar masses. So far, eleven white dwarfs have been identified, representing the final evolutionary phase of the cluster's most massive stars, which originally belonged to spectral type B.

Star Myth World

The cluster has a visual brightness of magnitude 3. Its brightest stars are blue-white and of magnitude 6 to 6. In September, two planets which orbit separate stars were discovered in the Beehive Cluster.

The finding was significant for being the first planets detected orbiting stars like Earth 's Sun that were situated in stellar clusters. Planets had previously been detected in such clusters, but not orbiting stars like the Sun. The planets have been designated Prb and Prb.