26 february taurus horoscope 2019

Taurus Horoscope 2019 Keywords
  1. Taurus Horoscope 2019
  2. What’s Coming for Your Love and Sex Life in 2019
  3. Taurus Horoscope - Exciting predictions revealed !
  4. Areas of Expansion in 2019 for Taurus:
  5. More Inspiration

Those that are strong, however, will endure and strengthen further. This influence will be with you until December In , it impacts those with Sun in Taurus born from May or with an Ascendant of degrees of Taurus. Tests can come to your belief system or learning endeavors during this cycle. You might scrutinize the belief system that you have held to date, and question your faith — in others, in yourself, and in life itself.

Taurus Horoscope 2019

You are seeking out practical and workable solutions to problems. You might find that your ability to leisure-travel or engage in higher learning is limited during this period, for whatever reason. Travel may be for business purposes only. You may not be as adventurous, preferring to stick around home and your neighborhood, or perhaps for some, stuck there.

This can also be a period of teaching others what you have learned. The term of this transit is one of greater realism and practicality.

What’s Coming for Your Love and Sex Life in 2019

You feel more capable of meeting your responsibilities. Life feels robust and stable, and the benefits of this influence are likely to be felt most strongly when Saturn officially forms a trine to your Sun or Ascendant. Now and in the coming years, you are likely to enjoy many opportunities to set your life in order.

Saturn is in very good shape, transiting in harmony to your sign and also transiting the area of your solar chart that it rules. This is also a valuable time for the learning and study of practical skills and brushing up on your knowledge.

There can be important accomplishments in publishing or education for many of you.

Taurus Horoscope - Exciting predictions revealed !

Working with or for friends can be successful. Sharing ideas and beliefs can be gratifying and rewarding. Your Taurus Horoscope points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you can take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize.

In March , you entered a lengthy cycle of review of your past attachments, those things keeping you from exploring your individuality, and the things that make you unique. However, Uranus entered your sign from May 15th to November 6th in and this was a major move!

Until March 6, , you continue to work on letting go of elements of the past that are preventing you from growing. Through the course of this transit, elements of your private life may have been exposed. Secrets you kept may have surfaced, for example.

Many of you are more accustomed to this energy, but for some of you, those born very late in the sign of Taurus The aim now is to free yourself from attitudes that have restricted you from moving forward with your life.

From March 6th forward , you are compelled to make changes. This transit lasts a total of approximately seven years.

The image you present to the world and your personality begin to change quite rapidly. You are embracing change, pushing yourself beyond your normal limits, expressing your independent streak, and taking a few personal risks.

Areas of Expansion in 2019 for Taurus:

While personal changes are necessary and perhaps inevitable, foolish risk-taking and pointless rebellion are not! Answer your instincts rather than simply react to others if you feel restricted or confined. Otherwise, this is a time for discovering your own unique path, and you may be making a bit of a splash as you forge ahead. Your sign has a reputation for being quite content and easygoing, as you tend to seek out harmony, sometimes at all costs.

Your Taurus Horoscope reveals areas of life in which change and transformation take place. Attitudes, belief systems, and learning continue to transform this year.

  1. Taurus 2019 Horoscope;
  2. 2019 Taurus Horoscope Preview!
  3. .
  4. horoscope january 6 scorpio or scorpio.
  5. 2019 Horoscope Month by Month.

You may be purging some of the beliefs or attitudes that no longer work for you. There can be a wonderful exposure to a new perspective, lifestyle, or culture.

Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:

Some of you might publish creative work and meet with success. Circumstances may be such that your current responsibilities, daily tasks, and personal interests compete with your need to explore the world or expand your experiences. The theme of this set of eclipses will play out this year and next.

Your Planetary Ruler in Venus is your planetary ruler. Venus does not retrograde in , and this means that in a general sense, the pace of the year is positive, straightforward, and normal. More power to you when your ruler is in your sign, and in , this period is from May 15th to June 8th!

Then, you can look forward to February 2, when the Venus-Uranus trine lights up your fifth house of romance and ninth house of adventure and gives you a taste of just how breathtakingly colorful and exciting the future of your love life will be.

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  • Around August 26 and November 28, Venus first in your sign, then in your fifth house of romance will harmonize with game-changer Uranus in your ninth house of adventure, and allowing yourself to get swept away could give way to serious sparks flying.

    And when Venus harmonizes with Uranus in your eighth house of emotional and sexual intimacy on February 2, August 26, and November 28, you may be surprised by just how lovely it is to see your partner—and yourself—in a sexy new light. This reality check could help you fulfill your greatest desires.

    While communicator Mercury is retrograde in your fifth house of romance from March 5 to 28, you could run into or find yourself daydreaming about lovers from the past. With lucky Jupiter in your sign up until December 2, abundance in all areas—including love—is sure to be yours!

    On January 22, the expansive planet links up with Venus in your sign, setting a joyful, loving tone that could make your most romantic dreams come true.

    More Inspiration

    On February 2, the planet of love harmonizes with game-changer Uranus in your fifth house of romance, offering a chance to be bold and spontaneous with your lover. The itch to switch things up and follow your heart is tremendously supported—and gratifying. Three eclipses in your sign—on January 5, July 16, and December 26—in your sign have you doing some serious soul-searching.

    Spending time on self-care and self-love is crucial and can super-charge your ability to go for what you want, need, and deserve in your most intimate relationships. Be sure to assert your needs especially around the solar eclipse in your seventh house of partnership on July 2.

    The intentions you set can have an intensely reverberating effect. Around January 21, the lunar eclipse lights up your seventh house of partnership, requiring deep reflection and concentration to complete an ongoing project with your current or ex-lover. What you learn about yourself in the process can be extremely useful as you enter a whole new relationship cycle that will surely look and feel quite different than it has over the past two years.

    Changes may also pop up on the homefront, thanks to revolutionary Uranus in your fourth house of family life beginning March 6.

    On December 15, owning your needs in a powerful way could strengthen your bonds all around.