Male libra horoscope

Mars enters Aries
  1. Libra Horoscope: Daily & Today |
  3. Libra Men Characteristics

Both signs love people and social gatherings, along with the finer things life has to offer.

Libra Horoscope: Daily & Today |

The biggest problem will be that neither is good at making sound decisions. The biggest obstacles for love between a Cancer woman and Libra man are usually that she is usually too emotionally needy, practical and set in her ways for adventurous Libra. Both the Leo woman and the Libra man love romance and social events. Sometimes, however, the Lion might be a little too controlling for the Libra man.

The Virgo woman and Libra man have very different personalities, and they don't often mesh well. Libra will find Virgo much too stubborn and critical.

The double-Scales pairing of a Libra woman and Libra man can be blissful. Both partners will promote harmony and avoid conflict, and they'll have a busy social calendar.

Leo & Libra Compatibility

The one downside may be that neither will want to take the reins when it comes to making important decisions. The Scorpio woman and the Libra man will share a lot of sexual attraction, but a long-term relationship may be difficult.


Passionate Scorpio often is just too possessive for free-spirited Libra. The Sagittarius woman and Libra man are kindred spirits. Both signs are outgoing, adventurous and love life. They're both independent, so they'll understand that trait in their partner.

Libra Men Characteristics

The Capricorn woman may seem far too serious for fun-loving Libra. The spending habits of the Scales are not likely to go over well with frugal Capricorn. There could be some serious bumps in the road for this pair. The combination of the Aquarius woman and Libra man has the making of a wonderful relationship. Both signs love people and intellectual stimulation, along with personal freedom.

They'll both allow the other space, while reveling in each other's company. The Pisces woman will need to work on becoming more grounded for this match to stand the test of time. Libra hates making decisions, and it's often impossible for the Fish to come out of her dream world long enough to do so.

This could build tension. Libras may enjoy stylish modern decor and collect designer goods that may look dated after a few years.

White carpets or Lucite chairs may not hold up for the long run, especially if there are little ones in the household.

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In the workplace , Libras are idea men, always ready to put their analytical minds to use brainstorming and delving into the world of inspiration.

Advertising and creative teams tend to be stacked to the gills with eager Libra men sketching out style guides a mile a minute. Fame and notoriety comes naturally to these pretty boys who can make careers based on their charm and their looks, and all the better if they have the raw talent and drive to back it up. Who are the men behind that glittery curtain?

Good with words, flow, and improvisation, Libran men shine when geared toward acting or music. Hats and scarves are everyday accessories, as are eye-catching sunglasses, and since Libra men are always misplacing all of the above, they will definitely be pleased when you pick new ones for them even if they already have a closet full.

Libra men love art and design, so beautiful, glossy coffee table books and trips to modern art museums or performance events will delight them.

How to Cure a Full Moon Hangover. With a bruised ego, a Libra man can act like a little, insulted child. It takes a lot of effort and lucky family circumstances in his life, for him to be aware that not everything is a personal insult intended to hurt him.

Whatever the situation in the insult department, this is a man who will stay in a relationship for a long time if he decides to be with someone.

He will not give up at the first sight of difficulty and he will trust his feelings without a doubt.

Finding and Keeping the Libra Man

When he obsessively gives in, thinking he found the love of his life, there is a great chance he will put too much focus on his partner lacking the ability to turn to himself and build his own life.

This is a man who can be trusted. He is not your regular unmovable character that will never cheat. In his search for oneness he can change quite a few partners, some of them coinciding in time. The additional problem to trust for a Libra man is his low self-esteem, making him question every decision he has to make.

However, if he truly decides he wants to be with you exclusively, he will never break his promise of fidelity, for as long as he is given the image of a perfect love he signed up for.

THe is gallant, tactful, well dressed and even better behaved, and of course, in most cases, he chooses a partner that is the exact opposite. This can be a problem if he starts telling you how to dress or behave, because this only speaks of his way to feed his bruised ego. No partner wants to be in this position with a Libra man.

With clearly set boundaries and enough respect, he will take you to fancy places, art galleries, theater and occasions where you need to dress up. He likes to create a certain image and the best way to date him is to show an understanding for his need to show your love to the rest of the world.