Eclipse 30 january astrology

Lunar Eclipse January 2018 Astrology
  1. Solar & Lunar Eclipses: Tables
  2. Intuitive Astrology: Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse January - Forever Conscious
  3. FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Leo January 31st 2018~
  4. Mars enters Aries

During an Eclipse, our sense of security and comfort is often shaken in some way, and we are given the opportunity to really look within and discover our fears, hopes, dreams and the truth. Seeing as this Blood Blue Moon Eclipse falls in the fire sign of Leo, it is really going to be guiding us to take charge of our lives and to step into that role of being the King or Queen of our own jungle.

As this is Full Moon energy, most of the action we are going to have to take will include clearing things out, doing away with the past and letting things go.

Solar & Lunar Eclipses: Tables

Even though the fiery Leo energy will want us to act, there is also a need to retreat and to clear things from within first. In fact, hidden truths and buried emotions are likely to stir around Eclipse time, and you may need to let things rise up before you know the best course of action.

Eclipses are always emotionally supercharged, and this is even more so. Old wounds from the past may resurface, and you may find yourself digging through some muck in order to make sense of the things around you. If things get intense, or your sense of security is shaken up under the presence of this Eclipse, remember that this is just so you can make some positive changes in your life.

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You always have an inner power and inner strength, and tuning into lion or lioness energy and finding your pride is really going to help you. When you feel safe and secure from within it gives you the confidence to express your truth, be who you are and to go after your dreams.

This Eclipse is going to be helping you find your way through this, and to find your inner strength so you can feel confident in who you are and what you are here to do.

If you allow the energy of this Blood Blue Moon Eclipse to filter into your life and you embrace the changes and inspirations that it brings, you will really be given a huge push to create a new state of being for yourself.

A state of being where you can feel confident, loved and supported by yourself and by the world around you. Because two of the pieces that came to me from yesterday and today are also very much in line with the messages being shared with all of us here!

That will be my mantra for the next month, thank you MM. I was wondering why my grief about my mom passing 9 months ago took a very intense swing the last few days…she has been in my dreams and many tears being shed.

Feels like so much of the hyper american individuality is melting away and we are really uniting. I am a Man but I have noticed that during phases of the Moon such as in January I feel extremely feminine. All through January in fact I felt very feminine and not at all masculine. Is there a reason why the Moon phases make me feel so feminine?

Click here to cancel reply. The tendency to be fooled by glamorous facades can be one theme and pitfall of this Lunar Eclipse. Undeserved pride can lead to humiliating downfalls. Jan 30, Reply.

January 2019 Astrology! Solar/Lunar Eclipses, Blood Moon, Horoscope Houses, Zodiac Angels Forecast

All of these wise words struck right home to my heart — thank you! Such potent words…so eloquent and valuable. Thank you as always. Feb 2, Reply.

  • Eclipses: Tables.
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All my love to you and yours. Such an empowering set of sharing… with much gratitude x. Venus is on the south node, the arse end of the dragon, tends to bring out the worse side of the planet it touches. So this Aphrodite can be vain, narcissistic and shallow.

This is not a great eclipse to have an affair, since there is a danger of getting caught with your pants down.

Intuitive Astrology: Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse January - Forever Conscious

So a case of handbags at dawn if you are not careful. Lovers might find that their sweetheart is actually married, or a spouse discovers an affair.

Lunar Eclipses have a habit of bringing secrets to the surface. There is definitely a theme of the seductive but possibly shallow lover versus the dutiful but dull spouse.

This works also in the business world too where a boss might want a rebrand and replace their scruffy old But wise staff with shiny new hipsters.

Again, this Lunar Eclipse means any forced redundancies will be very vocal about their plight. Another possibility at this Lunar Eclipse is an attempt to replace a lovely old building with some modern carbuncle.

The victorious solution will have nature and classical proportions on its side. This is not an eclipse for jagged and bony high-tech but for yielding feline and curvacious landscapes.

Also, Leo is heart and courage—fire. Aquarius is intellect, intuition, and experimental. Leo needs to slow down and approach with logic; Aquarius needs to learn to approach from the heart place. The connector between head and heart is compassion.

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Leo January 31st 2018~

So compassion needs to be practiced in the relationship.. It is difficult to say whether the relationship can survive because there is not enough info.

From my recent studies, Saturn is a major player in a make or break relationship. If there are a lot of squares, quincunxes and oppositions to Saturn then there is tendency to be highly attracted to each other only to break up later.

Mars enters Aries

They call them Heartbreak aspects. Challenging Pluto and Uranus aspects can make it hard to get along as Pluto brings in power games, and Uranus is unpredictable and unstable.

Look at these aspects as well. But it would be best to consult a professional astrologer to provide a broader perspective on whether there is one central issue that can nip the situation or too many issues to overcome to sustain the relationship.

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