Taurus monthly horoscope february 2019 susan miller

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  4. Taurus Horoscope for October - Page 2 of 7 - Susan Miller Astrology Zone

You have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Oroscopi Gratis Astrologia German Deutsch: Fri Horoskop Astrologi Dutch Nederlands: Gratis Horoskoper Astrologi Finnish Suomi: Vapaat Horoskooppi Astrologian Spanish Espanol: Horoscopo Gratis Astrologia French Francais: Horoscopes Gratuits et Astrologie Portuguese: Astrologia Gratis Dos Horoscopo.

Personal Horoscope Birth Chart Readings Our in-depth personal astrology reports and personalized horoscopes are all about YOU, based on your zodiac birth chart. How do your sun, moon, ascendant rising sign and planetary aspects influence your personality?

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What specific zodiac character traits are revealed by your birth chart? Understand and track your child's progress. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: TaurusMonthly Horoscopes, Free Taurus Monthly Horoscope Predictions Follow freehoroastro At long last you don't have to spend so much of your precious time searching to find good, accurate Taurus predictions and free monthly Taurus horoscope forecasts.

Monthly Taurus Horoscope Astrology Tarot Plus you can get your Taurus love horoscope monthly , Taurus monthly money predictions , and Taurus monthly business forecast! Venus Taurus Monthly Horoscopes by Evelyn All the major planetary aspects for the month ahead are given and the most powerful dates in the month ahead are given. Terry Nazon Monthly Taurus Astrology Prediction With a terrific new look and simpler navigation, this is now a contender for our top awards.

Venus rules Taurus Taurus Zodiac Symbol: The Bull Taurean Zodiac Element: Pink Taurus Physical Anatomy: Free Horoscopes for Taurus and Free Taurus Astrology Free Monthly Horoscopes and Monthly Astrology by Zodiac Sign If you like our free Taurus monthly predictions, Taurus monthly forecasts and month ahead horoscopes for Taurus, come back soon for your brief monthly outlook or in-depth overview!

Aries Monthly Horoscopes March 21 April And lo and behold, that's exactly what happened. And then over the years, I have been always amazed by the accuracy of her forecasts. Not just amazed, but almost shocked.

Of course, it is up to us to actually take action and do things, but it's good to know when to do what. Of course, one can say that maybe it is like self-fulfilling prophecy - that I read her forecast, expect something, and then what I expect does happen. But it's actually beyond that, because in many cases things happen involving other people who I know for a fact don't follow astrology.

Of course, many people don't believe in astrology. But I figure whoever is interested in this book does have some interest in astrology. Susan Miller is my favorite and trusted astrologer.

I have been with her since via AstrologyZone and her books and printed horoscopes. I have very many cases when her forecasting came true.

TaurusMonthly Horoscopes, Free Taurus Monthly Horoscope Predictions

This helped me and helps a lot, especially at critical moments of my life and career. This is why, I was looking forward to her book, and now so happy reading it in order to be prepared for the second part of and A period of with Saturn in Scorpio, eclipses in Taurus-Scorpio, and Uranus-Pluto squares near degrees Aries-Capricorn was extremely hard for me.

Susan helped me to not lose faith in the good future and survive! I am deeply grateful to her! Now I anticipate what Susan says for the year ahead The best is yet to come!

But not as detailed as she is in her monthly reports. If you like planning ahead and can't wait to plan on the 1st of every month, only then this book is useful. I have been a huge fan of Susan Miller since the beginning days of her website Astrology Zone but was a little disappointed in her recent book. I wanted to give it 3 stars but because she seems like a nice person The astrology information inside wasn't as in depth as I was anticipating when I ordered the Kindle format.

On the other hand, the information is presented in a clear and concise manner which I appreciated since I don't have the time to read a page book. Will I order another book written by Ms. I really liked this. If younread both your rising and sun signs you know what to expext every month.

A great companion guide with more details than her free monthly scopes. You don't have to wait every month it is all in here. Disappointing; didn't really say much for my sign that was anything but general. Think I could have written it myself.

I really enjoy reading Susan Miller's monthly column. Her writing here is disappointing; maybe she's doing too many things at once. One person found this helpful.

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It was rather stunning to hear Ms. Miller say she wrote this book from the second half of the year perspective because the first part of was such a downer. I tweeted that to her and she replied that the "retrogrades" were too intense. The real gift of this book is when Susan Miller lets her mind and intuition fly right on the page.

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She opens the door to the mysterious, which can be an inspiring place to tap and wander around in if you give yourself to it. I've been a long time reader of Susan Miller's work. Without a doubt she is one of the few "real deals" out there for providing astrology information.

One of the things I appreciate the most about Ms. Miller's approach is that she does not claim that astrology is a "predictive" tool but rather it is a tool for utilizing astrological energies for the best possible outcomes and preparedness of aspects forthcoming.

If you have not had the pleasure of reading her material you should give it a try. You'll be pleasantly surprised. Check out her website[ I love the meeting of Venus and Mars. And you may decide to go away that weekend, even with a partner, perhaps even overseas.

April and May are good times for Capricorns. I like April very much, but May is even more exciting because you have a new moon. Now Mercury will be in retrograde during that time, but it will not spoil things.

It could bring a reconciliation or bring someone from the past, like old high school lovers with whom you lost touch. So look your best, Capricorn. Aquarius , January 20 - February Aquarius has been in a very nice phase.

They have the best marriage aspects of any sign, except for Leo. I would love Aquarius to get married between now and August 11 , but not during Mercury Retrograde. Aquarius is very magnetic near their birthday in February.

We have a new moon on January 20 , at the start of Aquarius, and another one on February 18 , which is still in Aquarius. You are at the center of the universe. Everybody wants to be an Aquarian. You are doing so well. Do it now before Mercury goes into retrograde in January If you are single, you have a new moon on June 16 , which is full of surprises, happiness, and possibilities for short distance travel.

A new moon opens a threshold of 10 days and what you do during that time lasts for the whole year to come! And on June 22 , we have one of the best features of the whole year: I think a lot of Aquarians will either meet their one true love or get engaged. What a wonderful time for them! This will also happen on March 3 , but because of other little planets around the love house in June, it makes June a more special day.

Taurus Horoscope for October - Page 2 of 7 - Susan Miller Astrology Zone

You have a chance to make a real name for yourself on the big marquee, and it will require a lot of work. It has just struck. You have Saturn in Sagittarius.

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This is such an important year. You have to keep your eye on your career however. You have a balanced outlook, and the whole cornucopia is tilting to make a match for you. If you are attached, then this is a wonderful year to make a commitment, possibly near the end August or September.

Pisces is so creative, and now this is the time you are coming into your own. You have all this career action on one side, and on the other side, you have a nice, romantic life. If you are single, then the end of February or beginning of March will be very special.

There is a full moon on the House of Commitment on March 10 , and there is a beautiful aspect during the first two weeks of March. Your birthday time will be very good! This is also the beginning of two years of eclipses — all of them will be new moon eclipses. These are the most exciting times of your life and it will last for about three years.

Middle of the Road: You know what I am just sick and tired of Trump and Politicians in general, why you ask, it is simple he is not a President he is a divider and so are a lot of Politicians.

It should not matter is someone leans to the left or the right. This is what makes America great our diversity of thought and ideas. No one side is right because every problem we face has different solutions an neither side is correct and our government works best when both sides work together to solve the problems.

When we work together ideology goes by the wayside and comment sense takes over most of the time. If the legislature were smart they would abandon the President and work together to bring this Country back to its greatness and to undo his mistakes.


What we need is a leader that can bring Americans together so that we can have a great Economy as well as a Free society where people can live and be who they are without fear. What to Read Next. Trump Pivots on Furloughed U.

Workers, Calling Them Democrats.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope Forecasts and This Month's Free Taurus Astrology Predictions