Horoscope 29 january 2019 pisces

  1. Areas of Expansion in 2019 for Pisces:
  2. Pisces Horoscope 2019
  3. Pisces Horoscope Preview
  4. Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity: Friendships, Causes, Wishes

Business income should increase. New people may come into your life and seek out your friendship, or existing friendships may be refreshed or enhanced. Opportunities to advance or for new learning experiences can come through associates, friendships, and networking. For many, this can be a strong time for an internet business.

Over-emphasis on activities that take you away from your practical responsibilities, too often. However, for the most part, you are likely to take advantage of this period in your life in order to expand your social life and friends base, and to dream up exciting new paths for the future.

Rather than canceling each other out, these counteractive influences can help you achieve a fabulous balance.

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You may very well enjoy your newfound self-discipline or simplification in these life departments. There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself.

There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen.

Areas of Expansion in 2019 for Pisces:

This influence will be with you until It can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Pisces.

Tests can come to your friendships during this long-term cycle. You may be more discriminating when it comes to making new friends, or circumstances are such that you spend less energy on networking and involvement in your community or in teams and groups. Existing friendships may experience some tests or trials during this cycle, and one or possibly more friendships may end.

Pisces Horoscope 2019

Ones that are true, however, will strengthen. In fact, this can be a wonderful period for forming or strengthening a lasting alliance with a person, group, or cause.

Keeping friendships strong and healthy requires effort. Friends or group affiliations may seem more demanding of your time and energy now, or you might feel stress about how much of yourself you put into your social obligations. Friendships or causes can drain you at times if you are giving too much while ignoring your own needs.

There can be stress from both personal and social camps as each area of life demands much of you or you want more from these things! Alternatively, you might decide to contribute to your community in significant, tangible, and practical ways during this transit.

There can be nice opportunities to make long-lasting connections. You can have more influence in a group, possibly naturally taking the lead. Saturn is in a sign that it rules, Capricorn, during this period, and performs very well here as a result. The last time Saturn moved through Capricorn was from You can experience a nice sense of purpose and balance through these activities.

There can be a stable yet fulfilling friendship or cause that both grounds and inspires you this year. Your Pisces Horoscope points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you can take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize. In March , you entered a lengthy cycle in which your attitude towards personal finances, as well as your value system, has been changing rapidly.

Last year, from May 15 to November 6th, , a new cycle began, and is back in for a consistent stay from March forward. Until March 6th, , there continues to be a need to free yourself from some of your material attachments.

Financial ups and downs are possible. Some of you could be dealing with an erratic income that impacts your personal plans. When it comes to income, you are challenged to think outside the box in order to come up with viable plans to improve your finances. Your value system is changing rapidly again this year.

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  • This influence has been with you for many years and is now gone for good! From March 6th, , forward , a longterm cycle reestablishes itself, now consistently, for the coming seven years.

    Pisces Horoscope Preview

    This influence revolutionizes the ways you communicate and connect with the world around you. During this cycle, communications, learning, and connections may be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. You are opening up and expressing your more unique ideas.

    Your daily life is bound to be very colorful. Regular encounters with neighbors, relatives, and acquaintances, as well as everyday activities and business activities, are all changing quite dramatically.

    In addition, your basic mental attitudes are evolving. Your interests can become quite eclectic during this cycle. Studies may be erratic or part-time. Relationships with acquaintances, neighbors, students, and siblings, and learning endeavors are exciting and engaging. You may become aware of some new and especially useful information, which puts a whole new slant on your life.

    Be sure you make words work for instead of against you. Your Pisces Horoscope reveals areas of life in which change and transformation take place. Attitudes towards friends and group involvements continue to transform this year.

    This period is excellent for publishing, networking, and connecting. Happiness and fulfillment through the expansion of your mind, widening your social circle, travel, and connections to people of a different cultural background than you are indicated.

    Your idealistic nature is stimulated, and you are likely to yearn for a connection to more spiritual or idealistic pursuits. You gain a stronger sense of belonging through connection to something larger than yourself.

    There can be a strong temptation to take on too much, but this can lead to overload. However, opportunities through these changes are likely to present themselves.

    There is also the issues of transgressing professional boundaries too which can sometimes happen with Neptune squares. Mars trine Jupiter on Jan 25 cannot hold you back, however, so just make sure you channel that energy in the right direction. In your Pisces Horoscope , Saturn will help pull Neptune back to earth if it starts getting too misty-eyed.

    Saturn sextile Neptune happens Jan 31, Jun 18 and Nov 8 so you can use these days to try and get a grip if there have been miscommunications and misunderstandings. This is a great aspect to bring structure and organisation to artistic projects that have gone off the rails.

    Those Pisces who are not involved in any of the above professions might find quite hard to deal with as you will be constantly daydreaming out the office window hoping to be rescued. Well, there is the possibility of a handsome prince or princess coming into your life and captivating your attention, and they are most likely to be found in the workplace as that is where you are most lucky this year.

    It will be quite hard not to mix business with pleasure, however.

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    • As I stated earlier Uranus is about to leave your money zone for good on Mar 6 which should bring more stability back into your cash flow. For the last seven years, it has been very hard for you to predict where you next buck with come from.

      Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity: Friendships, Causes, Wishes

      Even if you have been in a steady job all sorts of unexpected expenses have cropped up but that is all about to end. It is by far more fun to have Uranus throwing his thunderbolts in your learning zone as here you will come up with so many bright ideas. This is a great year for inspiration and invention, so make sure you have the opportunity to put your thoughts out into the world and where they will be appreciated.

      Saturn continues in your friends and wishes zone. This period of your life is rich opportunities to come together with like-minded people and to work as a team.

      You have learned to shine as an individual, so now it is time to bring your expertise into group situations. It might be quite a challenge at times because you are still riding on the laurels of your individual successes.

      Still, you have the chance to take your biggest dreams to the next level, and this will get easier as time progresses. On May 20 and Jun 23 Saturn is conjunct the south node which could revive an old friendship. This also could bring a karmic tie back so that you can break the cord for good and bring closure to an element of the connection… Your Pisces Horoscope continues in eBook.