Born january 17 horoscope

Planetary Row
  1. January 17 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality
  2. Daily horoscope
  3. Lucky color
  4. January 17 Zodiac Birthday Horoscope Personality
  5. January 17 Birthday Astrology

Money rarely plays a part in career choices for these people, but they have considerable ability to handle financial affairs. January 17 people need to adopt goals that help them deal with their desires.

  • January 17 Zodiac.
  • January 17 Birthday Astrology | HowStuffWorks?
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  • January 17 Zodiac - Complete Birthday Horoscope & Personality Profile.
  • Sabian Symbol.

Understanding there is not just one path their life can take helps them deal more successfully with the possibility of failure. Once they achieve balance in their personal and professional lives, they are more likely to feel good about themselves. Phillips is the author of hundreds of articles on astrology as well as dozens of books.

January 17 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality

She has regularly written forecast columns for Astrology: January 31 Birthday Astrology. Just as people born on January 17 Zodiac like to take the lead in their working and social life, the same applies to their intimate relationships.

Although loyal, loving and generous, they can also be extremely domineering and controlling; as they are attracted to equally powerful, independent people, such tendencies can create tension. They need to learn that freedom and independence are as valid and important in a relationship as intimacy and trust.

They need to realize that a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of sleep and exercise is the best way to prevent fatigue and boost concentration. Because they have a tendency to repress their emotions, especially their anger, they need to find activities such as competitive or extreme sports in which they can safely express this side of their nature before it erupts in their daily lives.

Volunteer work will also help boost their morale. They will benefit from regular reflexology massages and from wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with shades of brown, as this color will encourage them to relax.

These people value careers in which self-control, organization and discipline are important, such as the armed forces, the police force or the clergy. They are also extremely good at delegating and supervising others, so management roles, politics and the civil service may appeal.

Daily horoscope

They may also have an interest in food, fashion or catering, as well as careers in which they can inspire others, such as teaching and charity work. As long as you feel somewhat comfortable, you will hang on until the very end.


Consider yourself like the frog that boiled to death in the pot. The frog boiled not because it felt hot.

Lucky color

No, it boiled because it got used to the rising temperatures and never got around to leaving the boiling pot. They reflect the stability and concreteness of earth.

They also reflect the immobility that earth often displays. However, when earth gets too baked and too dry, it ultimately crumbles. Let this be a cautionary tale.

January 17 Zodiac Birthday Horoscope Personality

People born on January 17 have Saturn as their planetary influence. Saturn is the ruler of all Capricorns. If you peel back all the positive attributes, there can be serious issues when it comes to just hanging on for the sake of hanging on.

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Try to let your hair down and challenge what you think you believe. Challenge your biggest assumptions. By constantly challenging your comfort zone, you increase the likelihood that you will take your life to a much higher level.

January 17 Birthday Astrology

Remember, life is all about exploration and possibility. It also exudes a sense of destiny. It will continue for a long time. It is also very sophisticated and mysterious.