Cusp compatibility aries aries

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  2. Understanding the Aries Taurus Cusp - 6 Must Know Facts
  3. Aries-Taurus Cusp Sign Dates and Definition

Having ideals is fine. Having a perfect idea is okay. The problem is when we live our lives based solely on those perfect ideas and when we beat ourselves up when we cannot meet those ideals.

This has always been the tension in all horoscope signs. You have to keep this in mind when you look at the different horoscope personalities. The reality is that we all have the capacity for happiness, contentment and fulfilment. We just have to be aware of the tendencies that we are dealing with for us to choose where we want to go.

This is true for all astrology signs. There is no force telling you that you are destined to be something. I go through this lengthy explanation because cusp signs pose a very special challenge to the whole concept of astrology signs. Cusp signs are people born near the intersection of two astrology signs.

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The Aries Taurus cusp is a very interesting cusp sign. This makes the Aries Taurus cusp mellower compared to other cusps. Just like with other cusp signs and to a large extent, all other astrology signs, there is some tension underneath.

The Aries is a ram that has no fear. This ram will bust into any situation and go head first. So the Aries compensates for its smallness, its limitation by this exterior show of courage, bravery, and decisiveness — all of which are very common Aries traits.

The weak foundation is that it knows its limitations.

What makes the Aries Taurus cusp very different from a typical Aries is that it has a Taurus component. The Taurus of course is a huge bull. When it charges, you better get out of the way. The astrological sign of the Taurus has a totally different personality configuration precisely due to the fact that the Taurus can afford to be more self-confident.

Understanding the Aries Taurus Cusp - 6 Must Know Facts

If it wants to knock in something or somebody down, it can. So what do you get when you get these two seemingly different personalities?

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You get a mellowness. You get some sort of strange equilibrium. The Taurus component is not completely perfect either. The Taurus is confident, the Taurus is a lover of great things, and a Taurus is comfortable in its own skin. In fact, this positive side of the Taurus can actually lead to the negative side.

Taken to the extreme, Taurus people can get quite self-absorbed. They can tend to be very shallow; they can tend to be quite manipulative. This is one component of the Aries Taurus cusp that the Aries Taurus should be mindful of. The reality is that given the right set of circumstances and the right partners and friends, the Aries Taurus cusp can actually do quite well in a wide range of situations.

This mellow combination of the brash Aries and the often self-absorbed and materialistic Taurus can produce a person that is well-tempered, knows how to spot opportunities and is very driven. The biggest enemy of the Taurus getting in the way of a lavish lifestyle that any Taurus is capable of producing is the self-absorption and shallowness.

This often leads to irresponsibility, misplaced priorities, and missed opportunities. The Aries Taurus benefits in money matters from its Aries side because Aries can go deep, Aries can go all the way. While Taurus can easily be distracted and tend to focus on surface appearances, the Aries is insecure and driven enough that it can keep going further and further until it gets the results that its looking for.

To sum it all up, age can be very kind to the Aries Taurus cusp. Instead of age slowing down a person or wearing a person down, age actually makes the Aries Taurus cusp even better with each passing year.

The negative aspects of the Aries Taurus combination are downplayed while the positive sides of the astrology signs that make up this cusp get highlighted and enhanced with each passing year. When it comes to the best romantic matches for the Aries Taurus cusp, it must be noted that this cusp is a combination of the Aries Fire sign and the Taurus earth element.

While the earth sign is compatible with water and earth signs, the fire sign works with other fires signs and a few air signs as well. However, for the Aries Taurus cusp, matters are complicated by the fact that they have both fire and earth elements which are themselves conflicting.

This makes things highly unpredictable. The ideal partners for the Aries Taurus cusps would be individuals who belong to zodiac signs that are calm by nature and will tolerate the Aries Taurus leadership and dominance.

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These cusps are very dedicated and career-oriented individuals who like to take matters in their own hands rather than being told what to do. They love deeply and make their partners their very favourites but only until they deserve the love. If their partners fail to meet their expectations, they will quickly take back their affection!

Here are the best romantic matches for these brilliant individuals called Aries Taurus cusps who have everything it takes to make life a beautiful journey. All you need is a little love, compassion, and understanding. Aries Taurus cusp women would find ideal partners in Cancer men.

Cancers will provide them the comfort they seek while remaining behind the scenes. Mars also represents passion, and Aries tends to have an active and exciting time with any lover. This energy is only heightened with another Aries. And, though arguments are inevitable for this pair, the best is yet to come — first of all, Aries is too busy to hold a grudge for long, and besides, making up is so much fun!

Aries is a Fire Sign. Again, two Aries maintain a constant battle over who will be the leader. Neither partner likes to submit, so compromise is essential. If these two can keep their egos in check, the relationship will be smooth. Aries is a Cardinal Sign. In an Aries-Aries combination, both partners are skilled at initiation.

They never waste time feeling each other out before they jump into a relationship. Two Aries will never be bored! Their mutual energy and ability to make up after disagreements makes theirs a passionate and compatible relationship.

Aries-Taurus Cusp Sign Dates and Definition

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