Kp astrology house significators

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Sub lord of the 4th cusp signifying 8 and 12 causes breaks in education or no education in certain cases. To sell a house, the sub lord of the 10th cusp signifies 3 and 10 mars should have some relevance with 10th.

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Houses 3, 5 and 10 to be judged for selling and 3 and 12 for giving possession. The purchaser is represented by the 7th cusp of the chart and his acquisition of property is denoted by the 4th from 7th i.

Whether the querent will be able to sell the property is therefore to be judged from 10th cusp of the chart. Thus some party would purchase only if the sub lord of the 10th cusp is a significator of 3rd and 10th. The 5th house is also relevant to the matter as it is the 11th house from the 7th representing purchaser.

If the sub lord of the 4th cusp is in the star of a planet signifying 3 and 12, change in residence cannot be ruled out. To ascertain the outcome of an examination one has to look the sub lord of the 4th cusp.

The same should be connected to the 11 th house and at the same time should have no connection with the 3rd which is negation to the 4th house matters. Then he will be successful.

If the 4th cusp sublord is Venus itself and connected to any of the improving houses in movable signs, one will have vehicles and vehicular comforts, if in fixed signs furniture and if in common signs rocking chaior like articles, giving bodily comforts.

Back to Rules Page. The Occupant of the house will move the matter of the house it occupies, apart from the results it has to offer due to its star position if there is no planet in any of its 3 Stars. Whether or not such results as are indicated by the tenant planet will come to pass depends on the Sub portion of the Star occupied by the tenant planet.

If the Lord of the SUB occupied by the tenant planet is favorable connected by Occupation, Lordship to the matters signified by the Star Lord of the tenant Planet, the tenant Planet fructifies the matter of which it is the significator due to its Star position. If the tenant planet is placed in the SUB of a planet who occupies or owns houses detrimental to the affairs of the Star Lord, the matter is not fulfilled.

The aspects are to be computed by reckoning the distance in terms of longitudes. If a planet has to offer the results of its own house or houses in full measure, first it should not be under the control of another planet.

In short no planet should be in any one of the 3 stars of the said planet. Any planet be it for any lagna, if it has to offer the results of the house it occupies and the house it owns, then it must be deposited in any one of its own 3 stars and in its own Subdivision out of the 9 Subdivisions.

Then only the said planet will come into the picture to offer the results in full measure depending on how it is conditioned by its own sub, which has the say, favorable or unfavorable, advantageous or disadvantageous, Yes or No. Lord of the Ascendant Sign In the current place and time.

Star-Lord of the Nakshatra where Moon is placed. Day Ruler for the day under consideration. These 4 Planets are Ruling Planets.

KP Horary Astrology (Jyotish) : Introduction

Neglect those that are retrograde from these 4 planets. If the retrograde planets are forming or are in any aspect in degrees then they can be considered as part of Ruling Planet Group. In the Ruling Planets Group the Lord of the Ascendant is more important as he changes only after 2 hrs.

Next important planet is the Star-Lord of the Nakshatra in which Moon is placed.

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If out of 4 planets if only 1 is retrograde then it can be considered for inclusion in the group. This retrograde planet gives results only when it crosses its degrees at the point it goes in direct motion.

This helps in deciding matters pertaining to events to occur after a few days. For that specific day they are to be ignored. The Day ruler is to be considered from one Sunset to another only and should not be changed at midnight as a day is considered from one Sunset to another sunset.

In special circumstances consider the specific degrees of the ascendant and if these degrees indicate that the Lord of the Star is not the same as the lord of ascendant then the Star-Lord corresponding to the degrees is to be considered as the Lord of the ascendant. This needs to be used only on rare occasions only.

Events in 24 hrs: Events in few hrs or short time: Events in a month: Moons Movement amongst the Ruling Planets. The day moon goes into the Star of the Ruling planet the event will take place.

Events after a month: Consider the Movements of Sun, this will decide the month and movements of Moon will decide the day. Events which need a year or more: In KP each planet has a Sub-Lord whose effects are most prominently seen in predictions. If in one Nakshatra 2 planets are present and if the Sub-Lords are different for each then different results are experienced.

In KP the Planets may be in any house and if the Star-Lord of that house is in a positive or auspicious house then all the planets in that house will give beneficial results. In KP any planet if it is related to a house then the results are decided by the house under consideration.

After assessing the matter, the time of fructification of such matters has to be found out and this led to the invention of the Ruling Planets.

The Ruling Planets are: Many astrologer KP especially resort to some kind of Birth time rectification , in KP ruling planets based birth time rectification is quite common and popular too. But I have some reservations here, I stick to the more scientific method of birth time rectification, when I say scientific it means repeatability.

In my method, I collect major life events and cross check with both static and dynamic planetary combinations in the birth chart. But this all takes considerable time and efforts. A large amount of data is required and many time a face to face meeting with the client is also required, To do all this, I need to charge a lot more and many client are not ready to compensate for it neither they are ready to wait till I finish my analysis.

Most of people approaching me in fact want it for free! Yes you heard it correctly, they want it free as if getting free readings is their birth right, I ask why? They happily spend even bigger sums on daily basis on Hotels, fast food, movies, clothing, internet, cell phones and what not, But they are not willing spend couple of hundred rupees for a valuable astrological advice.

They tip the waiter in a restaurant and mind you it could be more than Rs what that waiter does for you, hauling dishes prepared by the cook to you, noting more than this. We all know that it is rare to have the birth time recorded to such accuracy.

For Horary, we fix the time, if needed to 1 second or better, hence sub-lords are accurate and so the theory works only on such accurate charts. I use KP exclusively for Horary work, for general chart analysis I use Vedic and western method, for character analysis, psychological analysis and personality studies I use Uranian Astrology, Cosmobiology and sometime Handwriting Analysis.

But using Horary is always an easy going as it appears from KP literature. In order to work first of all we need to understand of essence of Prasna Shastra or Horary, the whole concept is based on some divine principle, and the time at which the question is asked or the horary number used in KP is sort of help coming from the Super Powers.

So this super power is going to help someone only when that person is pretty serious about knowing the answers, means there must be extreme urge, honesty, sincerely and above all faith in astrology. Any doubts, fear, uncertainty, questioning mind, casual approach, mockery, testing of any kind, all hampers the process. Answer is going to be wrong as starting itself is on a wrong foot.

But deciding the genuineness or urge itself is very subjective and daunting task, there no method via which we decide that the query is genuine and there is extreme urge behind it. No thermometer like instrument available to check this aspect.

Houses : Their Significations and Significators

We have to rely either on our common sense or some intuitive powers. But allow the person to relax for a while, once the person is well settled and relaxed slowly come to the point.

Ask the person to concentrate on the issue and generate the number. People often gets scared by it and might run away thinking that it is something black magic or else.

Back to Neha and her query. A Horary chart made using this number is printed below.

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  • The very first thing we need to check the position of the Moon, where she is located in which house, in which Star etc. Means we need to find out houses signified by the Moon, because the Moon always reflects our mind.

    Now if the Moon is signifying any of these three house not necessarily all , any one or two from the group would suffice we can safely assume that querent is asking a genuine question and there is some urge for knowing the answer. However this is not an indication that the answer is going to be an affirmative one that we need to figure out later at this stage what we could possibly figure out that the question is genuine and asked with some good intention.

    Now next step is to check whether the marriage is promised or not. The cuspal sub-lord of 7 th would give the clues. Here in this case, 7 th cuspal sub-lord is Venus and it is in the sub of Sun, as Sun never retrogrades, so our first condition is fulfilled.

    Our second condition is also fulfilled as Venus is signifying 2 nd and 7 th. We reached our first mile stone, at least we can say here that there are chances of Neha getting married in the near future, but it is still a probability.

    We need to check Dasha, Bhukti, and Antara as well as transits to check whether this probability converts into reality or else. At the query time Saturn Dasha was going on till 13 may But we must check sub of this Saturn Dasha lord.

    Learn KP Astrology- House Significator

    But this Saturn Dasha is going to run till , some 18 years to go. So let us check all remaining Bhukti, Antara within this Saturn Dasha.

    At the query time, Saturn Dasha and Saturn Bhukti was going on , as Bhukti of Dasha lord is always stronger and should be given preference however for that Dasha lord must be a very string significator for the event, preferably Dasha lord must be signifying the principle house for the query under consideration.

    So far we concluded on Saturn Dasha and Saturn Bhukti, but Saturn Bhukti period is quite bill running till 16 th May , means almost 2 years are balance. This is not narrow enough; we must go further down.

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    Horary chart is meant only for a short duration; here we have set up a limit of a year or so. May be we can revisit them as a last resort.

    Saturn is a very strong significator of 7 th and rather weak significator of 11 th , means we need somebody with a very strong significance of 2 nd and at the same time we need to see that that it must not strongly signify opposition houses 1, 6, 10, 8, and At this stage I am going to tell a lesser known but quite powerful rule in KP, so please pay attention.

    If we find any such planet then that planet becomes a significator of that house under consideration. Let us check other houses both flavoring to and opposing to marriage and apply this rule. The house is empty! House lord is Venus. Means we have Venus as the sole significator for 2 nd.