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Woodpecker Birth Totem Overview
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  4. Woodpecker Totem | Native American Zodiac Signs & Birth Signs

I am called to the Libran tribe, the tribe that is all about perfect and equal partnership. The Moon sign represents the tribe that we have come from.

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I have a Taurus Moon, this is the tribe of the aristocrat, the courtesan. I had spent lifetimes playing the courtesan and enjoying the pleasures of decadent human living, it made sense that I feared a 'love relationship' would take me away from my spiritual quest, for these were very Earthy experiences that I had lived in my previous experiences with love and it would have been easy to get lost in once again.

However I was moving away from a courtesan experience of lovemaking and into an equally partnered one, one that would serve my life purpose. The Sun sign in Shamanic Astrology is the sign that fuels you, it is the energy that makes you go, however the Venus and Mars are equally as important in helping us to define who we are as astrological beings.

I had always associated myself as a Scorpio my Sun , now I was learning that who I was in my Venus and Mars was just as important. Our Venus sign represents our feminine energy and the Mars sign represents our masculine energy. The majority of women are most fulfilled living from their feminine self while their masculine energy supports them from within, whereas the majority of men are most fulfilled living out from their masculine with inner support from their feminine.

Knowing what your Venus and Mars are will help you to tap into these energies. I discovered that I have a Capricorn nature when I am in my feminine and that my inner masculine is in Virgo not surprising as I have been most attracted to Virgo men throughout my life, in fact my husband is a beautiful Virgo.

I am a Capricorn Goddess supported by my inner Virgo God. I am fueled by the Scorpio essence and I have spent lifetimes as a part of the Taurus tribe and am called in this lifetime to the Libra tribe. This knowledge expands even greater with an understanding of the archetypes associated with each sign. The following is a shortened version of the list of archetypes and is quoted from Daniel Giamario:.

With this knowledge I can piece together what I know and I see that I am a Matriarch who is best supported by her inner Priest, that I am fueled by the essence of the Sorceress and that I am called to be in the tribe of the Beloved after having spent many lifetimes in the tribe of the Lover.

In a sense it is as if I am transcending through the tribes, learning in this lifetime how to go from enjoying the earthy and sensual pleasures of being a lover into the conscious and connected practice of equal partnership. I have learned about creating balance in relationship through my Priestessing and through the love that I share with my Beloved husband.

The way that I have served this purpose has been through my Priestessing. My Matriarchal side is fulfilled in the leading of circle and offering of workshops. The writing that I do and my work with women and men one-on-one help me to thrive in my Feminine self. The Matriarch is like the Grandmother of a tribe, the Priestessing work that I do serves to continue to pass along ancient teachings and ways of the ancestors.

The primary role of the Priestess is to merge Heaven and Earth and teach others to do the same. This means that not only does my work in the Libra tribe have to do with a romantic partner but also with the Divine and the Earth and the merging of both.

My Priestessing is the very act of merging seeming opposites together, a perfect 'job' for the Libran tribe. I honour my feminine self by sharing as a Matriarch of a community might. I am then supported by my inner masculine the Virgo Priest energy within. Being mindful of the colours I wear, keeping altars throughout the house, managing my praying and meditation practices, my personal devotion and my ability to stay consciously connected to the Goddess is all strengthened by my inner masculine self.

The Scorpio essence that I identify with so strongly fuels it all, this energy compels me to uncover the most mysteriouis aspects of this calling.

This Scorpio energy ensures that my practice is always deepening and that what I am called to share has depth and weight to it. All of these aspects combined offer me a clear picture of the map of my life and my life's purpose. There is a truth that states that as the insides change the outsides must as well.

For myself, this process of working with my Shamanic chart and the revelations that came with it shifted me out of one relationship, into being unto myself again, and then into the arms of my Beloved husband. It is true that the love that we share in our marriage is the foundation upon which I build my practice.

I extend so much as a Priestess, and while when I am perfectly aligned to the Goddess it is Her that is pulled through, I often fall short of perfect conscious alignment and can get emptied out energetically.

It is the loving arms of my husband and the life that we have together that helps to fill me back up. It is the love that we share that lights me up and inspires me to continue to seek new ways to extend love, to offer compassion and to bridge the hurt and joy of human life with others. If you are interested in learning more about your personal shamanic chart you can contact Anyaa McAndrews at www.

Discover the details of your personal chart by googling 'free natal chart;' all you need to know is your birthdate, an your time and place of birth. Visit my facebook page: As you begin to explore the wisdom of Shamanic astrology the mysteries of your life map will start to become clearer. This is a wise medicine and I pray that it touches your soul as deeply as it did mine.

May the deep revelations of Shamanic astrology open your eyes and shift your world. May you find the answers you seek and discover the higher meaning of your path here on Earth. We never rent or share any personal data outside our company.

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Bloggers Search for your favorite blogger from this site. Username Register Password Forgot Password? Candise is an ordained Priestess, a professional psychic channel, writer, workshop, ceremony and ritual facilitator and an energy worker.

She is a Priestess of Grace who works with the Butterfly Spirit which is her totem. Candise practices a faith that she has named 'Lunar Mysticism'. In mysticism we acknowledge One Source and recognize all else as human hypnotism.

In Lunar spirituality we embrace duality and marry it, forming non-duality. It is through the practice of Lunar Mysticism that Candise utilizes ritual as a tool to see beyond the hypnotic suggestion of this realm. Priestess' have practiced the art of marrying the energies from this Earth realm and the Higher realms together for many moons now.

Mystics endeavour to find Source behind the suggestions of illusion. Thus the Lunar Mystic approach to life is to marry the Truth of perfection with the human experience. Her services are offered both in person and via distance, one on one or in group settings, depending on what it is that you are in need of.

You can find her services at: View author's profile Show more posts from author Subscribe to updates from author. Author's recent posts Why we honour the Goddess in our Home.

Comments Please login first in order for you to submit comments. Meredith Everwhite In the case of confusion over Justice vs.

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  • Judgement, I have found a strong hint in both the order of the cards and of course the very different imager Meredith Everwhite What on Earth does this have to do with anything?? Chris Sherbak I want to get a pair of runes on my forearms that Jack designed to look like whittled branches: I'm not entirely given over to being an Steven Posch Sounds exhausting.

    Murphy Pizza Yule tree stays up till the 3 kings leave This was just the medicine I needed and I felt so restored after! Some took an opposite approach to mine—taking the months prior to the eclipse for deep meditation, cleansing, inner focus and less outer activity. My feeling is that the eclipse window extends through to September 20 and the Fall Equinox.

    So he coming weeks are a potent time to fully integrate the eclipse experience for greatest benefit. I was bewildered in the months leading up to the eclipse because I simply could not pin down the right location and ceremonial container for the event.

    I wanted a clear yes I could feel down to my bones and nothing was right. I have felt the eclipse was and is so important that it had drawn me to move from Albuquerque to Columbia, Missouri at least for now, because Columbia was directly on the path of Totality. Finally, just two weeks prior, the location and ceremony came together, magically and synchronistically as it should be!

    I asked if he would lead ceremony leading up to the eclipse and he said yes. Maya, whose Sac and Fox ancestors had once resided called this area homa, agreed to be Firekeeper throughout the entire event, and so held sacred space from Sunday through Monday.

    Sunday afternoon, Drew cut down a white pine on the property. He and Jeffery cleared the mess of the tree and branches while Maya cleaned up the old fire pit which was littered with trash and melted plastic, Together by that evening they had created a beautiful fire pit with a circle of log chairs all around.

    Demian Allan

    That night Maya lit the sacred fire. When the warring tribes came together as peaceable nations they threw their weapons down into the waters beneath the Great White Pine.

    Sunday night 30 dear friends and family members gathered to open ceremony with prayer, guided meditation, and Despacho Ceremony to give gratitude for all we were releasing and seeds planted for this Super Leo New Moon Total Solar Eclipse. On the day of the eclipse and prior to the ceremony, Jeffery led us through a powerful guided meditation where we raised our energy through love and gratitude and connected energetically with beloved friends at other sites observing the eclipse and sites that were sacred to us all across the globe.

    Together, we created a powerful grid of healing and regeneration for the Earth. Imagine the millions who were out under the Sun and the Moon at totality, and the millions more who bore witness to this powerful moment online. Millions bearing witness to the Sun and the Moon in their most intimate dance.

    The moment of awe and complete wonder at totality we all shared. Imagine hundreds of thousands more gathering in circles large and small, intimate gatherings in living rooms, ashrams, and yoga studios as well as thousands joining prayers and intentions across the planet through synchronized global meditations.

    What a privilege and how beautiful to know what we have done together. I think it is essential to celebrate that, first and foremost. An eclipse window is already a time where we have greater access to the multiverse, or the quantum universe. We sense and feel the strange fluid nature of time, seeming to speed up and slow down simultaneously.

    Climb Your Impossible Mountain. It is a time where what may have seemed impossible before suddenly becomes possible. I had a personal experience of this three days ago when I climbed a mountain in Crestone, Colorado gaining 3, miles in elevation and traversing 12 miles with the final 3 in the dark.

    I encourage all of us to open to that possibility now: All is not as it has been. This is the period of time where we have an opportunity to EMBODY the change, the vibration we wish to see in the world.

    Decide you are going to drop the crappy attitude, draw your attention away from any and all things that are outside of your control and drain you, and focus instead on what inspires, what moves you, what gives you hope, what energizes you. Put your attention and take action from there. When in motion, more opportunities arise.

    That following Tuesday in Colorado I encountered three beautiful Puffballs and had them for breakfast. These experiences open us to the element of play in the Universe and when we go there, our own inner experience of enchantment and positivity radiates outward blessing the world all around. This is something I have to remember in big groups.

    I can get scattered and fragmented and try to do too much and actively reach out to too many people.

    Shamanic Astrology ~ The Life Changer

    Lately when I speak to clients I am made so poignantly aware of just how courageous the human soul is required to be at this moment of rending change and upheaval. Many of us, sensitive to these currents of change, have felt torn in two by polarized aspects of our being.

    This fragmentation, polarization, and overwhelm can take us under very deeply at this time. If this is you, and I know it has been me, who has spent some time in the depths over these past months, first let me say to you—there is a gift here for you.

    Whatever has threatened to sabotage your forward movement, wherever you have been taken under by your own wounding, your addiction, your need for love, or whatever it is that has taken you off course, know it is time for you to claim the gift in this experience, and use it as leverage to rise and shine as never before. Honor your human heart.

    Your hunger and your forgetting. If you have gone to extremes, as I know I have, honor the power of knowing your own center more deeply now. This Eclipse Window, I feel, is a time for unification. Of our warring inner selves. Of the split, of the divide. A time to come home to yourself, and acknowledge all you have been learning from your time away.

    We are surrounded at all times by beings that are invisible to most of our human senses. Some of these beings have a deep affection for us.

    I have a sister, a journalist, who has entire host of angels, I believe, who look out for her while she travels the globe, and puts herself in situations that would make our Mom swoon. I often imagine them as exhausted, trying to keep up with her.

    Come to think of it, I believe I have exhausted my own angels—and they are legion—over the past two years. And I am grateful, so grateful, for their love and support.

    This next two weeks, practice imagining that you are surrounded at all times by benefic beings who love you and want to support you on your path.

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    Perhaps they are angels, or fairies, or guides. Practice seeing them as if they are at the corner of your eye. Draw or paint them as you imagine they might look. Engage in conversation with them. Pay attention to how this causes you to engage with others as well.

    How does it shift your perspective? This is a moment where we can either feel lost in the enormous energies of chaos, change, and deep transformation, or we can choose to empower ourselves through grounding and spiritual practice knowing that our coherence, presence and where we focus our attention has magnified impact on our own lives and the lives of those around us.

    Today we have entered the field of the August 21 Eclipse at a whole other level. We sense and know that the next 14 days are time to bring our attention to the present moment and deepen and amplify all practices that bring us into a state of alignment with Great Mystery and our own spiritual wisdom and knowing.

    This is a time, over the next 14 days leading up to the eclipse to take every opportunity to come home to ourselves, to initiate or maintain a steady practice of meditation, prayer, and deepening self inquiry. I would add to that—humor, levity, lightness of heart, magic are ALL part of the world we wish to experience in our world, right?

    So bring that in as well! Do whatever it takes to calm your energy system, reduce stress, do less, and clear what stands in the way of full access to your spiritual truth, your higher vision, your inner knowing.

    Bring your creative spirit alive, using more of your senses and capacities than normal. Do you ever paint, dance, tell stories, write poetry? In these next two weeks, try something like this, to bring more of yourself alive in the moment. Spend time with people and in places that nourish your spirit, uplift you, and support you in experiencing the kind of world you wish to live in.

    Be aware of energy drains and patterns in yourself and others that stir up drama and provoke a response of dissociation. Where possible, limit your connection with these things. If you sense and feel that your energetic boundaries are not strong enough, commit to strengthening them in the days to come.

    Know as well that with all of this intense energy your emotions, your feelings of vulnerability might be stirred. Hold them, and yourself with great softness and compassion. We are learning more and more to stand in our feminine strength, which is vulnerable and fierce at the same time. If we have been caught in patterns of addiction, or distraction, or avoidance it is time to dedicate ourselves to whatever it takes to moving beyond these old energetic limitations.

    Personally I have found it very supportive lately to take time every day to listen to visionaries who inspire me, help me to take a larger view, and model living life fully and well. Jean Houston has been one of my favorites and there are many wonderful interviews and talks on YouTube of hers that are easily available.

    Reset the Spiritual Blueprint for the U. At the collective level I am convinced that this is a powerful time for us collectively to do a reset on the Spiritual Blueprint of the U. I feel we can, through our own state of being, in our prayers and meditations, and through coming together with co-collaborators in our communities in the months following the eclipse, energize the very highest values and potential for the U.

    I have begun this inquiry and conversation through my webinar: The Great American Eclipse: Reset the Spiritual Blueprint of the U. You can register and be directed to all Webinar Resources including a video recording of the video, pdf with visuals and live links to resources to accompany the video, and interviews HERE.

    How a relationship with elements that so resonated with my soul purpose, and where our two souls met at such deep level at the level of spirit there was no problem caused a dynamic nonetheless that was continually at risk of killing off other parts of my life, and his as well.

    That might change once the shock wears off. Compassion is my default. This is not a black and white issue and love and healing are not linear. We are complex human beings and facing our inner trauma and shadow is not for the faint of heart.

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    • Pluto teaches us that we must surrender to the irrational aspect of our nature so as to learn the deeper truth of who we are. If we try to manage and control ourselves too much, to be too good, something is going to explode.

      For some of us that might mean judgment and meanness toward others coming out of nowhere. For others it might mean getting pulled into too much of a good feeling thing that dulls our senses and distracts us from our purpose. But everything in life can be used as a teacher. And right now during the Mars Pluto Full Moon window we have the opportunity for deep, transformational healing and it comes through the doorway of whatever feels most traumatic, most grief-filled, whatever triggers shame, wherever we feel out of control, wherever we think we are broken and will never find our way.

      The ways I lied to myself and allowed my lover to subtly and overtly lie to me in order to maintain love and pleasure speak to me of how much I want love and pleasure in my life, and how wired I must be to associate pain with love and pleasure. Learning that helps me know myself better.

      Are there areas in your life where you trade love and pleasure for your own authentic connection with spirit and your soul? Can you see it clearly, change it and have compassion for it? Can you look at it from another viewpoint so that it can become fuel to support your full empowerment? They were excellent teachers but eventually could not withstand her commitment to her own liberation and that of others, and died this week of overexposure to truth.

      May they rest in peace. I laughed out loud. Thank the Goddess for sisters! Let it be your teacher. This is not the time to hide. This Full Moon is our time to fully dive into the shadow we have been avoiding. Be as fiercely honest with yourself as you can be. Where have you been hiding?

      Where have you not been telling the truth about who you are and what you want? What do you know that you have not been admitting to yourself? This is part of the journey. Look at the parts of yourself you are afraid to see. With fierce love and a commitment to seeing beyond to healing, to integration, to wholeness. None of us are alone on this journey.

      None of us are without our broken parts in need of healing. This summer, nearly years later on August 21, , we will experience another Total Solar Eclipse, the first in 99 years to be visible in its totality across the lower 48, and the first in years to be ONLY visible in totality across this region.

      Astrologers across the globe are claiming this eclipse will trigger massive revolutionary change in the U. Because this eclipse is with the North Node, it can be seen as progressive, a time of high magic and an opportunity to energize new possibilities for the future of our nation.

      Turtle Island, a name given to North America by many native people, is ground zero for the eclipse path of totality. In the wake of Standing Rock, we can see the eclipse as a reset for the spiritual blueprint of the U. We know that the founders neglected to adopt one of the key ingredients leading to the success of the Iroquois model, which was the strong political and cultural role of the Grandmothers or Clan Mothers, who appointed and could remove Chiefs, and had an equal if not overriding say in key decisions impacting the tribe, including going to war.

      Can we imagine now how the character of our nation would have developed differently if strong female leadership was embraced in this way from the very beginning, and concern for the Earth and next seven generations was embedded within every decision made by leaders in government?

      We might also literally, in our meditations, invite the Circle of the Grandmothers to make their presence known in the halls of power in the U. I see the Circle of the Grandmothers as a powerful, real force in the world and call on them daily. To me they are the spiritual manifestation of our DNA in its most whole, activated state—with access to the deepest wisdom from the past and the most powerful positive potential for the future.

      Where will you be for the August 21 Eclipse? Please let me know so the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School can add you to our map of eclipse watchers. Also please consider joining me in a Global Meditation to Invite in the Circle of the Grandmothers to help restore the original Blueprint for the U.

      Whether you live in the path of the eclipse or not, you can participate in this meditation and also consider, from now through the eclipse, how you and others in your community might use this time to anchor and activate a vision to bring indigenous, earth-loving, far-sighted feminine wisdom into your life, your community and all areas where you hold influence.

      Mars moved into exact opposition with Saturn at You have probably been feeling the dynamic of these two energies strongly over the past few days, and you are invited to work powerfully and positively with these energies over the coming week. This is not a time to wait for others to give you permission or make it easy, or to otherwise go into passivity about your life and choices.

      Mars, the masculine principle, desires to move forward, to take decisive action, to be purposeful and have a clear agenda. When Saturn shows up to activate Mars, you may become profoundly aware of the patterns in your life where you hold yourself back from your clear mission and purpose.

      It becomes more uncomfortable to remain in inaction than it does to make the next right move. This is a good thing! With Saturn in the equation it can be easy to go into habits of self criticism or doubt, which is where you may get stuck!

      And doing that thing. It is important, with Gemini in the equation to know that Spirit moves in mysterious ways and sometimes challenge is an opportunity to become more flexible and adaptable and play the game with new awareness.

      From the feminine perspective flow can be the most essential feedback response—are my actions creating a sense of ease and flow in my life? Yet masculine energy must also be honored and harnessed, and one way to do this is to make the decision to be wholehearted and include in your prayers and your intentions great gratitude for whatever challenges or obstacles meet you as you move forward on your path—because you understand this is part of the game, and it makes you stronger and more resilient.

      This week is about staying awake and staying in action, learning to be strong and flexible at the same time. The Gemini New Moon was exact at What are your intentions for this New Moon? So the turbulence you have been feeling continues, but Gemini invites you to do what Gemini does best—break your usual rules of engagement and free yourself to make new choices about how you respond and adapt.

      Like a cosmic surfer, shape-shift to align yourself with and harness the energy from the great waves cresting and crashing on the shore. Gemini is at ease in the multiverse: In response to so much upheaval you might want to shut down and go into fear, overwhelm, and survival mode of fight or flight.

      Yet we can ALSO become addicted to heavy ways of being and we need to exercise our freedom of choice Gemini loves freedom beyond all else!! At this time we can truly transform our lives when we draw on the Gemini tools of creative imagination, a sense of humor and irreverence, and an ability to look beyond the obvious to find healing new stories and perceptions that blow our minds and take us into new territory.

      Gemini is light, buoyant, and a shape-shifter, welcoming change as an opportunity to experience a new state of being. As the Creative Muse, Gemini takes the raw material of life—including universal human experiences of love, loss, heartbreak, calamity, homecoming—and extracts beauty, insight, and healing from these experiences by creating songs, poems, and stories that map the human story and make it sacred and fully felt.

      Many of us have heard the story of the African healer who asks, when seeing a person who has fallen ill physically or spiritually:.

      Woodpecker Totem | Native American Zodiac Signs & Birth Signs

      When was the last time you danced? When was the last time you told a story? When was the last time you sang a song? When was the last time you sat alone in stillness?