Kelli fox horoscopes libra

  1. Life Forecast
  2. The Astrologer by Kelli Fox
  3. Daily Horoscope
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  5. Libra by Kelli Fox, the Astrologer

Honesty and openness will help to avoid too much tension at this time. Financially, could be a little stretched, so you may find yourself needing or wanting to look at side hustles to increase your income.

A Full Moon in your money zone in early January may mark a shock to the system; this is followed in June and July by two tricky oppositions from the Sun Just as the sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in the solar system, it's also the center of you -- your inner fire, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life.

The good news, however, is that this financial trouble is likely to inspire and motivate you, rather than scare you. Your tenacity and perseverance will pay off. Bountiful Jupiter joins forces with idealistic Neptune twice, in May and August, to boost both your ideas and your prospects. Even if finances are up and down, you look to be staying positive and upbeat, which will attract better fortunes your way.

As the year closes in December, an excellent Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules. Batten down the hatches, and turn inwards to focus on what matters most. The tone for is set early, with a powerful Full Moon in your own sign in January.

Travel beckons this year, especially as a tool for broadening your horizons and expanding your interests. In May and August in particular, two beautiful trines between your passion zone and your travel zone bring opportunities to discover something — or someone — to love. You have more courage than you know. A promising Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

From April to September, both Saturn Saturn is thought of as the taskmaster planet because of its stern and sometimes guilt-inspiring influence in our lives. When Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

The northern summer months are a time of re-assessment in your love life. In an established relationship, intimacy issues will need some work during the Mars retrograde period in June, July and August. During this same period, the Cancer Cancer: June 22nd - July 22nd, is symbolized by the Crab, which makes a lot of sense when you take that sensitive, emotional nature into account.

Life Forecast

When things get tense, Cancer goes into self-protection mode, pulling into its shell until the trouble clears. A Cardinal Water Sign, emotional Turning a blind eye to relationship niggles will only make things worse, but with open and honest communication, the healing process can quickly get underway.

By the time October arrives, loving Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. Sounds like a bad thing, but actually this is one retrograde which you can embrace. This energy helps you to appreciate what and who you already have.

Spend October and November re-imagining your relationship, ready to re-light the spark which drew you together in the first place.

Financially, life looks set to be pretty stable during , and you should be able to maintain or improve your current standard of living.

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There are some question marks, however, around what exactly you do to earn a living, and whether or not you could and should be doing something more emotionally satisfying. February is a good month to explore this: If you think about it, it's no wonder that relationship causes the friction that it does -- two planets at right angles to each other, each of their energies trying to move in a completely different Could you take a sideways move into work which you might find more meaningful or worthwhile?

Ponder on that, but hold on a few months before you make the move. During March and April, Mercury is retrograde in your career zone, so these are not the best months for job hunting or for selling your skills.

It is the perfect time for incubating ideas, however, so you can plan where you would like to be and find a way to get there. An inspirational Trine A trine between two planets in an astrological chart occurs when the planets are one hundred twenty degrees apart.

Usually the two planets will be in the same element, giving them a solid common ground. A trine is a soft aspect, meaning its effects in your life are positive, even so easy as to Work which combines technology with a social conscience will be especially rewarding for you this year.

During May and August in particular, insight into other countries and cultures could help a great deal in terms of moving forwards in your career. July 23rd - August 22nd, is symbolized by the Lion, and this sign personifies all the leadership, pride, warmth, courage and strength of the King of the Jungle.

And it brings its own touch of drama to boot! This sign has a real taste for the exciting and dramatic, which makes for a If you are hoping to expand the family, a fantastic Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

There are some definite surprises in store for your family life, however — especially with bountiful Jupiter in residence in your family zone for a good part of the year.

Be careful with your words from August onwards. Mercury turns retrograde in your sign and Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

Stand your ground and be as open as possible in your communication style. Your closest relationship will benefit from the overall loving and family focused vibe this year. However, there are periods of the year where your work-life-family balance is out of synch with your partner, and this could cause some frustrations.

A Square A square occurs in an astrological chart when two planets are ninety degrees apart. In May, the Sun Just as the sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in the solar system, it's also the center of you -- your inner fire, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life.

A Lunar Eclipse in your love zone in July may also suggest a crisis point. The cosmos comes to your aid in this during August and September.

In June, with idealistic Neptune turning retrograde , realism gets a bolder grip; with warrior planet Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

By the time December arrives, your work-life balance should be much better and relationship tensions will have eased accordingly. Your career looks likely to develop well in , although as we have already seen, the time and attention you give to work could cause some frustrations in your home and family life.

Overall, however, you are putting in a strong showing at work, and it seems likely that your leadership skills be will attracting praise. Innovative Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

Unfortunately, not everyone is pleased for you. In April especially, work place jealousy or resentment is likely to cause some problems. Taskmaster Saturn Saturn is thought of as the taskmaster planet because of its stern and sometimes guilt-inspiring influence in our lives.

Colleagues are likely to prove spiky and unreasonable at times — the best way to handle this is to keep your cool and simply get on with your job. Leave the office politics to those with time to waste. A much more positive cosmic event is the grand trine in August, which takes place between the Sun Just as the sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in the solar system, it's also the center of you -- your inner fire, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life.

Exciting times lie ahead! These signs are born nurturers, sensitive to fluctuations in their environment as well as within their loved ones. And they want to respond All this is about to change, so put your brave pants on and start looking toward the future. Come May, when Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

Trouble is, being an Earth Just as the Earth holds you steady, staying solid and dependable under your feet, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, the Earth Signs of the Zodiac, like to lay a solid foundation to build on.

A tricky Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules. Watch out during these periods for an urge to throw it all away and start again. July is likely to bring something of a wakeup call in terms of your health and wellbeing, especially with the Lunar Eclipse in your health zone.

The good news is that May and August could potentially be very special months for your love life. The second half of the year is much better than the first for love and romance, although take care in September to stay grounded.

An opposition between the Virgo Virgo: The first half of finds you going through the motions at work.

Each of these signs gains a vitality from their element that outshines the When colleagues become difficult or working conditions become uncomfortable in June, July and August, you may decide that enough is enough. However, in July a Sun Just as the sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in the solar system, it's also the center of you -- your inner fire, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life.

Look around and see what makes your heart beat a little bit faster. Follow your inspiration to unearth new job opportunities which could be tailor-made for your skills.

As Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love. Families can be funny things. Yours has been on quite the journey in recent years, but this has created a lot of baggage. During your family dynamics are set to change for the better, and this is also a year for forgiveness.

These energies get underway with a bang in April, when serious Saturn Saturn is thought of as the taskmaster planet because of its stern and sometimes guilt-inspiring influence in our lives. Nothing ever stays the same. Try to adapt to the changes and indeed, welcome them.

You cannot cling to the past. Things will get much easier in the northern summer months. Although much Water Ever hear the saying, 'Still waters run deep'?

Whether this is your existing relationship being spiced up, or a brand new and very intense love affair, it will certainly make you smile. Be careful not to take things too far, however.

In May, and again in August and September, passionate Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules. Things may come to a head during a Lunar Eclipse in your passion zone in July; watch out for a moment which changes everything. With Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

Although begins with your finances and career in reasonable shape, there could be some surprises in store. However, once Jupiter turns retrograde in March, money starts to be frittered away at a rather alarming rate.

In June and July, you may come under pressure to lend money to a family member, or to bail out a kid in trouble. A new business venture or new job in the early northern hemisphere springtime starts well enough, but do rein in the risks you are taking. You may be over-reaching, either in terms of your ability or your finances.

The Astrologer by Kelli Fox

Through sheer hard work and talent, you should be able to survive this year, even with family pressures, but do take expert advice with your finances. This is especially important in October, when a Sun Just as the sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in the solar system, it's also the center of you -- your inner fire, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life.

Yes, your physical health is good.

Libra Compatibility

But what about your mental health? The year begins on a high, with a fantastic Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules. By the time March arrives, however, Jupiter is turning retrograde in Scorpio , and your sparkle becomes a little dimmed.

There may be further blips and dips in your confidence later in the year too, especially in October, when personable Venus Ah, Venus -- the sweet, affectionate and romantic planet of love.

However, interspersed with these down times, there are opportunities for you to work on yourself and to regain the upper hand. This is the beginning of a new era in your personal life — and the first stages may be quite shocking, unsettling or dramatic. In May and again in August and September, warrior planet Mars It's no wonder that Mars shows up red in the heavens -- red is the color of passion, and that's just what Mars rules.

This theme of family interference is likely to continue through the northern summer. In July, there is a potent Lunar Eclipse in your family zone, which may indicate a point of no return for one side of the argument. Stay calm, and do what is right for you.

Fortunately, from August onwards, the situation quietens down a little. Uranus The planet Uranus is often associated with rebellions and revolutions, earthquakes and volcanoes -- anything that erupts with sudden, unpredictable force and changes life as we know it.

Find peace in everyday life with your sweetheart and stop looking for the next fight. Apart from a difficult Sun Just as the sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in the solar system, it's also the center of you -- your inner fire, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life.

Creativity at work goes hand in hand this year with a rather impulsive streak, which is quite unlike you.

And they want to respond June 22nd - July 22nd, is symbolized by the Crab, which makes a lot of sense when you take that sensitive, emotional nature into account.

When things get tense, Cancer goes into self-protection mode, pulling into its shell until the trouble clears. A Cardinal Water Sign, emotional It's important to counter this with a determination to change moving forwards. All signs should seek counseling or therapy if necessary, and the support of good friends and loved ones.

Daily Horoscope

There is light here as well as darkness, but we must reach out and grab it. Looking ahead, begins with a standstill of sorts, as the Sun Just as the sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in the solar system, it's also the center of you -- your inner fire, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life.

It represents your basic, core personality, separate from all the other influences that drive you. Whereas Venus and Jupiter make life easier and more fun, Saturn keeps you in check, reminding you that all play and no work would leave you both homeless and penniless!

Libra and Sagittarius Compatibility in Love by Kelli Fox, The Astrologer

Make time to look backwards before you start to look forwards. Most of us will be in a fair-minded mood today, guided by the Libra Libra: September 23rd - October 22nd, is symbolized by the Scales, which are all about balance -- Libra's lifelong pursuit. This sign is happiest when everything around it is in equilibrium; when everyone is happy and getting along, and there are no major injustices making life seem less It's a good day, then, for understanding your opponents, forgiving those who have wronged you and reaching out to say sorry yourself for things you have done.

Consider it a kind of year-end cleanse. Sort out these emotional issues today so that you can face with a clean slate. Especially you, Libra Libra: Looking ahead, gets properly underway on Wednesday, with an energetic Moon Like the seasons and the tides, your emotions ebb and flow in cycles.

More About Libra

Usually the two planets will be in the same element, giving them a solid common ground. A high intensity score means there's some challenging planetary activity going on that day that could make you feel irritable, tense, anxious or simply less able than usual to deal with life's little bumps in the road. Your Daily Horoscope's Keywords are based on the Moon's current placement in the sky and how it affects your Sun sign.

These keywords are a mini-reading of your emotional state for the day, and are closely related to your 5-star rating. For example, if the Moon is currently passing through a Zodiacal sign that complements your Sun sign -- one that makes a soft aspect, such as a trine or sextile, to your sign -- then your keywords will reflect that easy, harmonious relationship.

But if the Moon is traveling through a sign that squares or opposes your Sun sign and therefore makes a tricker, more fractious connection with your Sun, your keywords for the day will reflect that potential for tension and irritability.

Your Daily Horoscope's Mood word provides you with a snapshot of your day, from an emotional standpoint. Feelings change frequently -- maybe every day, maybe more often than that.

Libra by Kelli Fox, the Astrologer

Your emotional state has a lot to do with how you meet the challenges of the day. For example, there are times when, no matter how many positive things happen in your life, you're feeling too overwhelmed, grumpy or just blah to appreciate them. That kind of day might merit a Mood word like 'pensive' or 'chaotic.

A day like this might earn you a Mood word like 'undaunted' or 'dynamic. Please visit our sponsor.