Information about libras astrology

Libra Astrology September 23 - October 22
  1. Libra Zodiac Sign
  2. Libra The Scales
  3. Libra Sign - Complete Libra Zodiac Information -

There is a mellowness and sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking. They have elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony both in music and social living and the pleasures that these bring.

They have good critical faculty and are able to stand back and look impartially at matters which call for an impartial judgment to be made on them. But they do not tolerate argument from anyone who challenges their opinions, for once they have reached a conclusion, its truth seems to them self-evident; and among their faults is an impatience of criticism and a greed for approval.

Libra Zodiac Sign

But their characters are on the whole balanced, diplomatic and even tempered. Librans are sensitive to the needs of others and have the gift, sometimes to an almost psychic extent, of understanding the emotional needs of their companions and meeting them with their own innate optimism - they are the kind of people of whom it is said, "They always make you feel better for having been with them.

They loathe cruelty, viciousness and vulgarity and detest conflict between people, so they do their best to cooperate and compromise with everyone around them, and their ideal for their own circle and for society as a whole is unity.

Their cast of mind is artistic rather than intellectual, though they are usually too moderate and well balanced to be avant garde in any artistic endeavor. They have good perception and observation and their critical ability, with which they are able to view their own efforts as well as those of others, gives their work integrity.

Libra The Scales

In their personal relationships they show understanding of the other person's point of view, trying to resolve any differences by compromise, and are often willing to allow claims against themselves to be settled to their own disadvantage rather than spoil a relationship. They like the opposite sex to the extent of promiscuity sometimes, and may indulge in romanticism bordering on sentimentality.

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Their marriages, however, stand a good chance of success because they are frequently the union of "true minds". The Libran's continuing kindness toward his or her partner mollifies any hurt the latter may feel if the two have had a tiff.

Nor can the Libran's spouse often complain that he or she is not understood, for the Libran is usually the most empathetic of all the zodiacal types and the most ready to tolerate the beloved's failings.

The negative Libran character may show frivolity, flirtatiousness and shallowness. It can be changeable and indecisive, impatient of routine, colorlessly conventional and timid, easygoing to the point of inertia, seldom angry when circumstances demand a show of annoyance at least; and yet Librans can shock everyone around them with sudden storms of rage.

Their love of pleasure may lead them into extravagance; Libran men can degenerate into reckless gamblers, and Libran women extravagant, jealous and careless about money sometimes squander their wealth and talents in their overenthusiasm for causes which they espouse.

Both sexes can become great gossipers. A characteristic of the type is an insatiable curiosity that tempts them to enquire into every social scandal in their circle. In their work the description "lazy Libra" which is sometimes given is actually more alliterative than true.

Librans can be surprisingly energetic, though it is true that they dislike coarse, dirty work.

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Many people overlook just how intelligent a one actually is. When others see a Libras wide range of interests and hobbies, their intelligence and creativity is more then obvious.

Libra Sign - Complete Libra Zodiac Information -

Libras love variety and different situations. They love luxury and will spend lots of money and surround themselves with beautiful things and they seem to be constantly fussing over their appearance. They love anything upscale and classy. Al;ways working hard to please others, this they do as others find them incredibly captivating.

What it's Like to Date a Libra Woman: Libra woman is enchanting and charming, she is the master of the art of seduction. The environment is important, make sure the first date is somewhere classy and elegant with posh surroundings, such as lunch at an elegant bistro then a walk along the tree lined pathways of a ravine in the summertime with the flowers blooming.

She will feel at peace and love it. Give her compliments and tell her how much she is appreciated. She may reply bashfully but with each compliments, the radiant glow inside her will shine brighter and brighter.

Once the initial seduction is over with and the relationship has become more stable, she will stop her sweet seductive ways, not because she has completely lost interest, but it is because she is lazy in love. She may need a few days away without you, this is like pressing the reset button on the relationship. Be romantic with her and she won't lose interest.

Be dramatically romantic, sweet love notes tucked in her pocket, flowers, these things bring great joy to the Libra woman and they make her feel special, which is essentially important to the Libra woman. What it's Like to Date a Libra Man: The Libra man is very popular with women because he is charming, harmonious and can relate to women on their level - a characteristic of Libra is the ability so see the world through the eyes of others.

They offten do this to seduce the girl and it always works. He always seems to be on the search for the perfect women, unfortunately, that does not exist.

The closest thing a perfect woman could do is appreciate and be in awe of his stardom. Look up to him, admire him, he is a sucker for flattery. Do not nag or pick on his inability to make a decision, it will simply put pressure on him. You make the decision if he cannot, he will happily go along with you and deep inside will be happy that you took control.

They're easy to attract, they probably have attracted you first with their easygoing nature. First and foremost, admire and flatter them. Treat them like a prince or princess. Libras love to talk, they can talk about anything but are especially interested in themselves.

Want to leave a lasting impression? Libra is the seventh sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Scales. Libra individuals are artistic, affectionate, and refined. With Venus as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are considered to be attractive and fashion-conscious.

They seek peace and joy through personal and professional relationships. Read on to see if the characteristics ring true for you or the Scales in your life.

When it comes to charm, there is no one more appealing than a Libra man. He is often the handsome tough-guy type but with a rare sensitivity that makes him irresistible. Men born under this sign are often drawn to artistic and creative careers. They usually marry , often at a young age. Because they are generally good-natured and accommodating, Libra men are happy to do their share of housework.


They are supportive and enthusiastic about their spouse's career.