Sagittarius horoscope for february 16

February Horoscope 2018 – Overview
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  3. February 16 Zodiac
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Unravel the mystery of the Taurus Woman! Have a Taurus Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Taurus Child!

Love and Compatibility for February 16 Zodiac

Gemini is the perpetual student — ever curious to gather more and more information. But this February you may find you believe in yourself that bit more and that you are keen to convert information into wisdom. It is likely that you will become enthusiastic about following your dreams around communicating and connecting with a wider audience.

This may include getting involved with unusual groups or communities than those you would usually associate with. Geminis may find these changes cause conflicts with some of their daily routines but ideas will soon come to mind that enable them to succeed in activities which are more closely attuned to their core happiness.

Gemini can be very creative with the truth especially when it comes to concocting little white lies. Blue Agate, your birthstone helps to promote veracity. It also helps you integrate the duality in the two sides to your nature.

Click to read all about Gemini Compatibility! Get in-depth info about the Gemini Man! Unravel the mystery of the Gemini Woman! Have a Gemini Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Gemini Child! Forming a protective shell around their home and those they love are top priorities for the Zodiac Sign of Cancer, but this month assets, money and inheritances take a higher focus than usual.

Although it will be essential for value to be placed on funding obtained from other sources to make projects viable, Cancer will realize that the way they place value on themselves is at the centre of any kind of meaningful success. Ambitions will be heightened and money may be received for work from an unusual source as a result around the time of the Aquarius New Moon on February There is a possibility that conflict through children or love affairs may play a role in creating successful ideas for future ventures.

Place Moonstone on your solar plexus to draw out emotional patterns that no longer serve you and provide deep emotional healing. Your birth stone supports your emotional stability, prevents over reaction to emotional stimulus and encourages emotional intelligence. Click to read all about Cancer Compatibility! Get in-depth info about the Cancer Man!


Unravel the mystery of the Cancer Woman! Have a Cancer Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Cancer Child! Leos in committed relationships have the opportunity to be more authentic and dynamic if they use their natural courage to allow them to risk letting down their guard and exposing that big generous Leo heart.

The Leo Full Moon on February 1 shines light on what they really desire a deep authentic level and enables Leo to gain the approval they long for showing the way to and more equality into their partnerships. The Aquarius New Moon a couple of weeks later on February 16 will bring new inspiration on how different ways of relating can be implemented bringing about a much closer connection that will stand the test of time.

Conflicts may arise around deep family issues or the home or household alterations which pave the way for successful transformations of what is believed to be reality for togetherness in the future. Red Garnet helps Leo through rituals when passed over the flame of a candle to cleanse and purify it.

February Horoscope | Monthly Horoscope & Astrology Predictions

Imagine a sacred flame spreading out around you forming a cloak of protection around you, replenishing your energy and igniting your creativity and power of manifestation.

Click to read all about Leo Compatibility! Get in-depth info about the Leo Man! Unravel the mystery of the Leo Woman! Have a Leo Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Leo Child! February finds Virgo focused on creating the best and healthiest daily habits and routines. However there will be some new ideas that can be discovered which will make it into a whole new ball game.

Virgo struggles to deal with anxiety from past issues and a lack of self-belief but concentrating on their inner spiritual beliefs and how they can work behind the scenes will bring about incredible progress in believing in themselves. The Aquarius New Moon on February 16 will bring the opportunity to learn further through conflicts coming within relationships over communication, siblings and technology this will enable Virgo to try different things on a daily basis leading to new understandings and positive results when Virgo finds the confidence to work through them.

Click to read all about Virgo Compatibility! Get in-depth info about the Virgo Man! Unravel the mystery of the Virgo Woman!

Have a Virgo Daughter or Son?


Click to read all about the Virgo Child! Libra loves to keep things nice and polite, attempting to keep everyone who is involved happy and often ending up pleasing no one. During February this Zodiac Sign can find themselves seeking to introduce individual and ground breaking ways of experiencing pleasure and creativity.

It will pay for Libra to think about what is important to themselves for once and they will be able to include their own standards of fairness and equality whilst aiming to produce the best result for the broader community.

The Leo Full Moon will throw light on the right group of friends to help them achieve this. They may find themselves involved with an interesting choice of partner in conflict with their usual selection criteria and value system. Sugilite will support Libra in overcoming conflict without either party having to compromise in any matters you have to negotiate within during February.

Click to read all about Libra Compatibility! Get in-depth info about the Libra Man! Unravel the mystery of the Libra Woman! Have a Libra Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Libra Child! The opportunities provided by the February eclipse season are centered around what makes Scorpio feel secure at the deepest psychological level.

This could involve having close connections within the family unit but there is bound to be a quirky or unusual flavor of some kind involved. As the month begins with the Leo Full Moon, Scorpio will receive assurance via gaining approval from their public profile or position on the corporate ladder.

February 16 Zodiac

However as the month progresses Scorpio may feel more concerned about whether their home environment provides them with the firm foundations that fit their own unique emotional requirement.

This may result in new ideas and sudden changes to diet or exercise regime which pave the way for long term confidence in this area. Beautiful blue Larimar said to be the most spiritual of all the stones, sets Scorpio on a constructive pathway.

Click to read all about Scorpio Compatibility! Get in-depth info about the Scorpio Man! Unravel the mystery of the Scorpio Woman! Have a Scorpio Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Scorpio Child! For Sagittarius February brings up opportunities to change the way they think and communicate regarding their values and beliefs.

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Sagittarians may find themselves coming up with some very avant guarde ideas and concepts, involving new technology and internet platforms, as ways of getting their opinions out into the world at large. They may find some of their views are seen as a tad judgmental so there may be a need to rethink their strategy around the time of the Aquarius New Moon on February Some of their spiritual beliefs that Sagittarius normally keeps to themselves may cause conflict with close neighbors and siblings if communicated in too blunt a manner.

Sagittarius can be prone to foot in mouth disease so it may pay to be mindful of how a more creative approach can be received by some audiences.

This month Sagittarius may be best served using Turquoise to calm their nerves and facilitate clear expression should they be required to speak in public. This stone is an empathic promoter of self-expression and self-realization.

Click to read all about Sagittarius Compatibility! Get in-depth info about the Sagittarius Man! You may be starting a new chapter in your life this year. This can be an especially creative, tuned-in year for self-expression, not only verbally but through hobbies, games, or sports.

Ruled by the Moon. This is a year of potential companionship. It is a quiet, gentle, and mostly harmonious year that is generally not as active than other years. Instead, you are more responsive to the needs of others. If you are patient and open yourself up in a gentle manner, you will attract what--and who--you want into your life now.

This is an excellent year in which to build and develop for the future. Advice - be patient, be receptive, enjoy the peace, collect, develop, build, and attract.

This is a year of sociability. It is a friendly time when you find it natural and easy to enjoy life and other people. The focus is on personal freedom, reaching out to others, making new friends, and exploration. You are more enthusiastic and ready for adventure than you are in other years.

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It's likely to be a rather lighthearted year when opportunities for "play" time are greater than usual. It's also a favorable year for expressing your creativity. Advice - reach out and connect but avoid scattering your energies. These lengthy, detailed, and comprehensive reports reveal the themes and circumstances you are likely to encounter in the coming year and are based on your actual birthday, time, and place, as well as your current place of residence.

This report also makes a great birthday present—for yourself or others. See a sample of one of these reports here , and find out more information about this personalized birthday forecast here.

We also offer other forecasting reports.

Get your Forecast report here. Back to If Today is Your Birthday. All About Aquarius Aquarius Ascendant. These interpretations are partially based on the Solar Return chart in astrology. Of course, the Solar Return chart is most accurate, personalized, and descriptive, when the birth time and place in addition to the birth date are known.

These forecasts also incorporate Numerology and Personal Year Numbers. The individual birthday forecast above is written by Annie Heese and is copyright CafeAstrology. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology.

The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use found here. Your Birthday Year Forecast: Aquarius Monthly Horoscope Aquarius Horoscope: Predictions for the month ahead, including how retrogrades, major aspects and sign ingresses, and lunations Aquarius Good Days Calendar Aquarius: Good days and best days for money, love, attraction, opportunities, relationships, career, and success About Aquarius the Water Bearer: Famous people with this sign