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Interested in Personalized Predictions from Dr. I was 15 years old when I came in contact with Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma in Chandigarh. Today, even after 20 years I am still with him. His predictions are accurate and remedies effective.

Till date his predictions have been bang on for me. Opinions expressed by Dr. Sharma are very frank and clear. Lot of things told by him needs introspection. Very nicely conveyed facts and methods to be followed.

Prem Kumar Sharma in the month of November for the first time though the reference of my aunt. He tells us small Upayas which not only changes your state of mind but your whole personality. I have got full confidence in him. Things he predicted were very clear accurate and I understood why certain things had happened to my daughter which did not make sense to me earlier.

I really thank Dr. Virgo Aug 24 - Sep Job related matters must be dealt on priority, so put everything else on the backburner. Refresh and revise whatever you have studied to avoid unpleasant surprises. An expected deal may take some more time in materialising.

You may have to spend money to get the best. Homemakers will need to infuse some excitement in their monotonous daily chores.

Those tapping the marriage market for an ideal partner will need to widen their search. Libra Sep 24 - Oct Your focus on health may start to show results. Doing something beyond the ambit of your official duties may get you into trouble.

Dr Prem Kumar Sharma Availability

Save yourself from the polluted air while driving or you can be laid low by respiratory problems. Financial front remains stable. Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov You may use someone as a shield to wage war against your rival.

It is better to take him or her into confidence first. A compliment from the one you secretly admire is likely to delight you. Those shifting houses are in for a difficult and tiring time. Bad relationship with a colleague or subordinate is likely to gnaw you from the inside, but there is nothing much you can do at present.

Wasteful expenditure needs to be curbed.

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Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec Double your efforts on the business front, if you want to avail of a lucrative opportunity coming your way.

Difficulties on the financial front that you had been facing up till now may begin to disappear. A good time with lover is indicated.

Best Astrologer in India - Free Horoscope, Numerologist, Vastu | Dr Prem Kumar Sharma

Festivities and functions may keep you busy and entertained. Excessive health consciousness may become detrimental to your health! Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan An image building exercise that you have undertaken will stand you in good stead.

Your good intentions and mild manners will help you to curry favour with someone in the top echelon. Deft handling of funds is likely to make your profits multiply. A prestigious assignment may make you upbeat and draw out your hidden talents. A short trip to relatives will prove enjoyable for the family.