January 2019 astrology cancer

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  1. Cancer 2019 Horoscope: Good Increment Likely In 2019
  2. January Monthly Horoscope | jakubzidek.cz
  3. Horoscope for January 2019 for Cancer
  4. 2019 Cancer Horoscope: Better Bonding With Family Members Is Foreseen

Cancer 2019 Horoscope: Good Increment Likely In 2019

March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: March is a month full of opportunities for the career, socio-professional status and success. Mach , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: This is a period of emotional and spiritual instability, arguments with partner, adventures.

April 10 — August11, Jupiter retrograde: Jupiter offers them the opportunity to develop a loving, gentle and kind personality, capable of understanding what other people feel and help them also understand. April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: The sentimental state is under evaluation, a desire to change something in the relationship, you are prone to escapades.

April 24 — October 3, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn: Pluto initiates the Cancer natives in the world of transformations associated with their relationship with others.

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They feel they need to change something in this area. And they will, at the right moment. May 18, Full Moon in Scorpio: Full moon in May has a positive effect for you: June 21 — November 27, Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces: June 21, Sun enters Cancer — Summer Solstice: June is more relaxing in comparison with the previous month.

They feel their souls unburdened, they are more optimistic and will enjoy an exceptional physical shape during the first days of June. July 23, Total Sun Eclipse: Very beautiful things will happen in June.

A trine will form in the sky between the two beneficial planets, Venus and Jupiter, an aspect that will bring luck, optimism, benevolence and relational chances. July , Partial Moon Eclipse: Your mood is excellent, and your physical energy is huge. Even if, generally speaking, this is quite a tense month, you will have the possibility to relax.

August 12, Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus: Creativity remains a strong suit in August , and you will successfully promote your talents, products or services. Mercury retrograde the ruler of Cancer zodiac sign in the fourth solar house indicates an increased concern for family and domestic problems.

September 23, Sun enters Libra: In September , the Sun transits the house associated with real estate, land, housing, headquarters, yards etc. The presence of Saturn in Capricorn activates for you the house of cooperation, association and marriage. April 24 — October 3, Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn: The presence of Pluto in Capricorn helps them to identify the toxic or the negative relationships, which create all kind of issues, because this is the ideal moment for letting in people more interesting that could help them evolve.

The partnerships, associations are going now through profound changes. November 27, Neptune returns to its direct trajectory in Pisces: Neptune continues its transit through Pisces, which for Cancer corresponds to the ninth house — the house of travels, high education and spirituality.

New opportunities for progress start to open up. November Jupiter passes in Sagittarius: The transit of Jupiter though Scorpio will bring important events related to love, creativity, children and hobbies.

In terms of your relationship with your family, you will notice that you form a great bond and rapport with your family, which will make you feel contented and gleeful.

January Monthly Horoscope | jakubzidek.cz

The aura and the environment in your house will be very energetic, optimistic and cheerful, making you feel all the more blessed and delighted, according to Cancer life in Furthermore, there may be an addition to your family member, creating a perfect mood to relish the moments, during this time.

Unfortunately, you may not be able to spend as much time as you wish to, as work will demand a lot from you and keep you busy, in accordance with the Cancer predictions. According to the Cancer yearly horoscope, all the students this year who is focusing on studying, this is the time to utilize all the resources and give your best shot with constant serious efforts to yield good results.

One thing to accept and reflect upon during this time is, to not stop working hard, as continued hard work will always pay off and everything is achievable when you give your heart and soul to it. People who are opting to give competitive exams will also benefit, especially after the month of July.

For those who are planning to pursue higher studies or thinking to go to abroad, will find this time to be in favor of them. You need to open your mind to the possibility that a partner is providing you with important life lessons — about traditions, simplifying your life, and responsibilities.

Take your time on this one. If, however, a partner is challenging you to the point of breaking, then steps need to be taken to improve the situation.

Horoscope for January 2019 for Cancer

Some of you might begin one but will do so quite cautiously and carefully. This can be a make or break period for many of you. Those of you who are single might nevertheless feel some angst or pressure. This lack in your life might suddenly seem magnified, like a gaping hole.

Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:

Feelings of loneliness may run deep this year, but the universe is sending you a message through this experience regardless. It is awakening you to a need. In time, you will find ways to satisfy this need. Some of you could be making a commitment this year. This is a time when you may be seeing the less flattering side of others, and through your relationships, of yourself as well!

Some areas of your life may seem to be breaking down before they get better. There can also be bone and teeth problems — something that often happens with hard Saturn transits.

2019 Cancer Horoscope: Better Bonding With Family Members Is Foreseen

Tidy and organize your life as much as possible in order to minimize the challenges. Seek ways to balance your life in terms of pleasures and responsibilities.

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  8. The benefits of this transit are great, even if they sometimes feel slow to make themselves known! Incidentally, the last time this theme occurred was from In March , you entered a lengthy cycle in which career and public image matters have been unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting.

    This influence continues until March and then leaves permanently.

    Cancer January 2019 Horoscope ♋

    The transit that began May 15th and ran to November 6th last year picks up again from that date on. This one will last all the way to These areas of life can be unpredictable — the wild card area of life — but also highly stimulating and innovative. You can bring fresh insight to your work.

    You can also learn to let go of limiting self-consciousness. This may be a time when you take an unexpected turn in your work or in your life path or direction. You may have surprised a few people in your life!

    Also, while you prefer to set your own pace in your work, try not to become a loner in your professional life. By nature, you are not the biggest of risk takers, but more courage is with you during this period for breaking out along new paths. You may be dealing with wildcards, unexpected events, wilfulness, and desire for increased freedom on both career and relationship fronts, and you can feel torn between the two or overstretched at times.

    However, take this opportunity to break out of a mold and live your career or reputation more authentically. From March 6th , a lengthy transit continues in which friendships and group associations can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting.