Sagittarius weekly horoscope 21 february 2019 by michele knight

The week ahead for virgo
  1. Taurus - Horoscope - by Michele Knight
  2. Numerology: 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th Number 3 Life Path
  3. All about aries

The answer is there are now more alternatives available to you than you ever dreamed possible. But for you, it will feel all very up close and personal. However, you could be right where the smart money is at now provided you are ready to embrace that new value system.

Which may be pretty well self-defined. Uranus rules the self-starter, the success story, the entrepreneur, the maverick, the rebel. But not in a way that breaks every rule. The rebel who plays by their own rules. Is this you now? As your values re-align to your true self, so will your priorities. Which in turn will open up all those alternatives and possibilities for you.

What is priceless for you? What cannot be bought and what are you willing to sell? And for how much? If you have been locked into a way of dealing with the material world, your money and investments that is not truly your own, then Uranus is about to shake you free of that.

You currently have Jupiter, the planet of abundance and luck, sitting in your 8th of shared assets, loans, what you owe and are owed and corporate money. Now, Jupiter in our 8th is traditionally associated with a legacy.

And of course, neither do we want the inevitable loss and pain that often accompanies this.

Taurus - Horoscope - by Michele Knight

Bear in mind that there is more than one kind of legacy. Receiving backing or support for your idea is a legacy — and you may be creating one of your own in the process. Your 8th is your house of power money so this can be you receiving a raise, salary increase or other benefits.

Because Jupiter also rules philosophy and your belief system, your philosophy around money, wealth and your ability to attract it should also expand. Which basically puts us back to those values once more. If you are currently enjoying your sex life then Jupiter in here will have you exploring ways to make it even better.

If your sex life has been meh or if you are in need to sexual healing, then Jupiter should bring you a lover who acts as your guide to a new world of sensual pleasure. There is one warning here, and that is this is your house of endings as well as rebirth.

If a relationship has not been going well, Jupiter in here may well bring it to a close — especially when coupled with Uranus in your 1st. If an ending does occur, please be as universal as possible in your outlook and try not to play a blame game.

Anything that does end now has been well and truly loved and lived out. August and September see your 5th of romance, pleasure, creativity and fun alight with amazing planetary activity designed to get you noticed and also which could see you finally step free of any restrictions that may still confine you.

Ruler Venus arrives in your 5th on August 21 and will not only trine Uranus in your 1st, but between then and September 3 we will see an incredible array of planets in your 5th — the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars which will form a Grand Trine of Attraction between Pluto in your 9th and Uranus in your 1st as well as aligning to Jupiter in your 8th and Neptune in your social 11th.

If you are looking for that new lover — or looking to attract anything from a new job to new friends, this period could just be as unforgettable as you are. Lucky breaks, synchronicities are yours to play with but please remember —you have to put yourself in their path.

Children and people younger than you may also feature and some of you may decide to become parents now. Others could see a child leave home and rediscover the romance that having time for one another brings.

This period continues on into October when Venus will be in your 7th and her ruling house in your chart and again, making highly charged angles of attraction to Uranus in your 1st and Neptune in your 11th. Remember, your 7th also rules long term working relationships, collaborations and friendships while your 11th rules groups and the collective.

If you need a new relationship of any description, make that effort to reach out in any way you can. Let love find you. The end of the year sees Jupiter move off into its ruling 9th in your chart on December 2nd.

Numerology: 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th Number 3 Life Path

You are set for a cycle of expansion now like no other you have experienced in the past 12 years. Again, how you benefit from this will all depend on your flexibility and willingness to embrace those alternatives I keep referring to. Consider the fact as progresses that there are far more options available to you — and ways of seeing the world, than you may have thought possible up until now.

And some of them have the potential to change your life for the better. Whether you realise it or not, you are embarking on a new journey as draws to a close. An annular solar eclipse in your 9th on December 26 falls very close to a perfect trine to Uranus in your 1st and Saturn and Pluto are in close alignment. Remember the eclipse rule: The following day the Sun and Jupiter meet in here which will mark the start of this journey towards freedom for you.

The direction may or may not be obvious to you, but the signposts are there. That alternative route will widen towards even greater opportunities in if you begin to take the first steps down it in Like a bolt from the blue, opens up exciting possibilities for you — shaking you free of restrictions, Taurus.

Get ready to explore alternatives when it comes to love, money and your career. Taurus is ruled by Venus the Planet of love and is an Earth sign. Loyal, rock solid and sensual you are the best friend anyone could ever want.

Your soul lesson is not to get stuck in the same patterns and to put your determination to the highest good.

Time to find more fun, satisfying work opportunities and a more vibrant, healthier you as Jupiter beams in your best prospects in 12 years Taurus! If you have your Sun in sensual Taurus or alternatively, have Taurus rising you are ruled by the planet of love, luxury and pleasure — Venus!

You share your ruler with the sign of Libra but as you are an earth sign and Libra is an air sign, Venus expresses herself very differently in each […]. Michele lets you in on the essential soul hacks for love success. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me. Your North Node points the path to your soul mate. I believe that we can be compatible with any sign.

Here is a traditional view on compatibility. If you are stuck in a job rut, expect Uranus to shake you free of it. Often in unexpected ways. Working differently and in a way that is aligned with your values, is going to be another benefit of Uranian-style job changes.

If it works — work it! Jupiter always wants to bring us benefits and no more so than when he is in our 1st house.

This is a time when our power to attract is at its peak. I have found that Jupiter in our 1st house can act as a more powerful magnet when it comes to attracting romance or other partnership opportunities, than the transit of Jupiter through our 7th.

All about aries

In other words partners or potential partners. Romance sparkles along with opportunities to shine when Venus reaches your 5th on April 20 and May 9 sees her make a trine to Jupiter from here making this a day of love, pleasure and attraction.

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Get ready to make an impression. Venus will enter her ruling 7th in your chart on June 9 — the day before the Sun opposes Jupiter in your 1st. When it comes to the kind of lover you may attract, remember your ruler can turn up in person. They may have distinct Sag-like qualities about them. Well-travelled or even from overseas.

And so sexily funny. Expect someone who feels like a soulmate to put in an appearance. Even if this is not a lover this can be someone you have a strong work or friendship connection with. You will benefit from the connection and this person will expand your horizons in some way.

Travel, those big business and mass media themes and expansion will feature during July and August which sees both the Sun and Venus in your 9th, both of which will trine Jupiter again. This period also marks a Mercury retrograde which will begin in your 9th and head back into your 8th before returning to. By August we have both Jupiter and Mercury direct.

An opportunity could re-present itself during this period or else you will see a totally fresh direction begin to open up for you. Watch closely for any themes that began at the start of the year returning — especially if they began at the time of that eclipse.

If anything was covered up or concealed at that point, you should have the big picture now. The year should end on a high note for you with you getting an early start on your new cycle thanks to Venus arriving in your 1st on November 1. The Sun heads in here on November 22 and Venus and Jupiter will have their final date in your 1st on November Jupiter will move out of your 1st on December 2, joining Venus, Saturn and Pluto in your money zone.

Expect a massive transformation to occur around your money and assets during as Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all meet in here.

As the year ends, start to think about what you want to build in terms of your financial security. Think of it this way: Rockets need a launch pad.

That is what you are going to be asked to build in the coming year — or expand on if you already have one. This year should open the way for you to put that in place. In the interim, a larger experience of the world — and of love, awaits you.

Ruler Jupiter arrives in your sign for the first time in 12 years. New opportunities beckon and lost ones return. Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter the planet of expansion. The most adventurous and philosophical of the Zodiac Sagittarius embrace freedom for all.

Wildly unpredictable these are the adventurers of the Zodiac. Your soul lesson is to put your philosophy into action and accept and be the unique soul that you are. Below you can find free daily, weekly monthly and annual readings for Sagittarius. Sounds like your ruler Jupiter has arrived in your 11th house, Sag! Get ready for a minor miracle and a lot of new people.

Each sign has planets which help or hinder when it comes to attracting money into your lives. Discover the power of your money planets. If you have your Sun in expansive, adventurous, outgoing and happy-go-lucky Sag, or if you have Sagittarius as your rising sign, then your ruler is Jupiter, the largest planet in the zodiac.

Michele lets you in on the essential soul hacks for love success. Your North Node points the way to your Soul Mate. Venus Uranus Transits Venus Conjunct Uranus Like a bolt from the blue this transit can give you a radical insight into your needs.

Uranus always provides an awakening and also a release. Love may suddenly take a […]. We recommend buying a package. Higher rate for calls from payphones and mobile phones.

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View your written monthly astrology reading. View your written yearly astrology reading. All about sagittarius Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter the planet of expansion. Voted Best Psychic Company. Have a burning question? Your weekly and monthly astrology forecasts from Michele Knight.

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