January 7 libra astrology

Libra Daily Horoscope
  1. Libra Monthly Horoscope
  2. 2018 Libra Horoscope Preview
  3. Libra Daily Horoscope
  4. Areas of Expansion in 2018 for Libra:

Libra Monthly Horoscope

This is a good time to re-decorate your office so that it is more inspiring to work in. Clear out any distracting clutter and do some cleansing rituals. At least give that coffee-stained keyboard a polish! If you are self-employed you will be glad to stay close to home and get deep into your subject of interest.

You will be concerned with making sure your business is stable and sprucing up your office space. You may have to invite clients to your home, which prompts you to think about renting office space in order to give a more professional impression.

Venus enters your 3rd house on January 7. This month your mind wants to go back in time to some beautiful quaint olde worlde village… which might be quite hard if you live in a grey concrete jungle.

But hey sometimes in the right sunlight, your neighbourhood could look like modern urban… sculpture? If your immediate environs are looking a bit too stark, then maybe you could get together with other locals to help spruce things up with a mural or some potted plants.

Again if you are single, this could be the perfect opportunity to find a mate while you are working on those communal areas. These horoscopes are most accurate when read for your ascendant, but if you have your Sun plus a stellium 2 or more planets in this sign then you will find that these horoscopes will ring true for your Sun also.

All mainstream horoscopes are written using solar houses, which, in others words, is writing for your ascendant. If you do not know your ascendant please use this free chart maker to find it. Once you have done that you can also read more about your rising decan and star too!

It is the most personal point of your chart and the only one Along with your ruling planet that really describes you personally and your incarnation for this lifetime.

Libra December weekly 24th December 7th Jan 2019

One attribute which a good commander or salesman must surely need is an intuition for knowing to call a halt to battle and either offer or seek terms for peace.

A life philosophy of completing projects, a person who sees solutions by collecting data, a person who seeks to complete collections.

2018 Libra Horoscope Preview

The ascendant is also the relationship axis, so the influences above will play out mostly in how the subject relates to others. With Libra decan 1 the triangular relationships will be most notable in love relationships. It's a time for pushing yourself to improve your health and fitness while being mindful that you don't overdo it.

Or, you can be feeling quite pumped about getting organized. Difficulties with workload or excessive demands on you can now be acknowledged. Avoid overstrain and enjoy yourself as you get your life back into shape.

The 21st brings the Sun into your sector of home and family where Saturn and Pluto are already long-term guests, and this stimulates your domestic side further. As exciting as your projects and interactions have been in the past weeks, you're beginning to crave more downtime and the comfort of familiar settings.

Seeking a balance is helpful now, and the Full Moon just a day later helps you do just that. This lunation pulls your attention to a career or public matter, or a responsibility for which you're accountable.

Libra Daily Horoscope

It's an excellent time for attracting attention for positive efforts or a good deed. Otherwise, this Full Moon can reveal to you how vital meeting your responsibilities and thriving in the work you do or performing at your peak is to the rest of your life. You need to feel good about your performance so that other projects and endeavors to thrive, as well as to feel more comfortable in your personal life.

The third week of the month is also strong for handling a relationship matter so that you can move forward. The need to feel secure, rooted, and comfortable is especially strong for you in , dear Libra.

More day-to-day contact with friends and family can be healing and pleasurable from November forward. Until then, you continue to enjoy building and growing your material resources.

There can be a strong emphasis on comfort and the enjoyment of simple pleasures. Saturn has moved into hard aspect to your sign and into your solar sector of home and family and will remain here until This is a time for bringing more structure and discipline to your personal life.

This is a time for doing important work on your self-image, foundations, and domestic life that involves pruning, simplifying, and structuring.

There can be changes with parents, children, support, and home life that are significant, but these involve both challenges and rewards, setbacks and advances.

Saturn has spent the better part of the last three years transiting your communications sector which may have limited your responsiveness to social contact from time to time. This is a time for taking greater responsibility with family as well as for better organizing your home life.

Making money in is a stronger ambition than usual, particularly until November. Career matters assume more importance to you in the last two months of the year. Uranus continues to transition out of a direct opposition to your sign. Partnerships may have been a wildcard in your life for many years, but this is set to change. Even so, some experimentation with relationships is likely to continue.

Your attitude towards intimacy will be changing over the coming years as you open yourself up to new pleasures and experimentation. From October 5-November 16, take more time with decision-making and aim to understand your needs, particularly related to love and money, more intimately.

From November forward, you enjoy strong support for your social life and for learning, communicating, and new interests.

They seek for a lifetime partner to whom they can commit and create a balanced and accomplishing relationship. They are attracted to enthusiastic and imaginative people that are as reliable as they are.

You can conquer the heart of Capricorn if you are trustworthy and energetic.

  1. 13 numerology birthday.
  2. Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:.
  3. Sabian Symbol.
  4. february 9 horoscope cancer cancer.

When they are single they are in no hurry to enter a relationship if they don't feel it's the right thing to do, they focus instead on their own self development. Their love personality can be defined as reserved and quiet. They can be rather stubborn and expect others to make the first steps. When in a relationship their love progresses quickly, their attitude changes and they turn into a devoted and persistent lover.

Despite the fact that they are friendly and generally happy persons it is quite difficult for them to settle for someone, probably because they are expecting things to happen instead of making them happen. They are most compatible with those born on the 1st, 2nd, 10th, 11th, 19th, 20th, 28th and 29th.

January 7 Zodiac people are most attracted to the other earth signs: Taurus and Virgo as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Capricorn is permanently seeking for an attractive and sensible lover and the best to offer them this is the native born under Cancer.

The lover in Capricorn is said to be least compatible with Sagittarius.

Areas of Expansion in 2018 for Libra:

As for the rest of partnerships between the other star signs and Capricorn, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose. Brown suggests stability and traditionalism. This zodiac color is advised to be used in accessories and items of clothing.

People having brown as sign color are either very determined or easily retreat at the first sign that something doesn't go as planned. The native in Capricorn prefers brown as he sure knows how to respect rules and stay inside the reliable safety zone.

The inspiring Garnet is the birthstone that is considered lucky for those Capricorns with January 7. This is a precious stone that symbolizes dependability and realism.

The zodiac birthstone could be used in accessories and jewelry items. This birthstone is thought to bring awareness and truthfulness to all Capricorns and also to help them when they commit to a certain cause. This stone is derived from the name meaning seeds: This gemstone comes in red, black and green shades.

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  • Another gemstone considered influential for Capricorn natives is Sapphire. It suggests dependability and honesty. Carnation suggests romance and passion. This zodiac flower should be used in decorative items in the places these natives spend time.

    Carnation relates to the power and persistence emanated by an ambitious personality. This plant can be found during summer time. Silver is the metal of preference for Capricorn natives, especially those born under the January 7. Silver is a metal that suggests sparkles and mystery.

    This zodiac metal is advised to be used in pendants and earrings. This precious metal is said to sooth and orients the wearer towards introspection and self development.