Libra 23 january 2019 horoscope

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Wait a few days, and, little by little, the planets will advance towards Aquarius, another air sign and friend that means you well and will open the doors wide to new romantic pleasures. The best day for this will probably be the 21st, when a full moon in Leo will bring in a "kingly" ambiance: Here's a cocktail likely to reconcile you with a sky that's been hanging heavy for a while.

Uranus in Aries will see to it that your preferences change, going so far as to make some think of marriage and others of lucrative partnerships. Take note that Mercury in Capricorn will, up until the 23rd, force you to respect all the rules, in case of misstep, or else you could have deal with headlines or some other authority.

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This is a magnificent start to the year, full of promise and plans. From the 7th on, Venus will animate your environment with a little agitation that will help you meet new people, form new bonds, and see new places.

A romantic relationship or new friendships could come as a result. Mars in Aries will encourage you to form a partnership or to declare yourself; in short - take action! You will spend this month of exchange on the move and will learn a lot about each other.

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A little intellectual rivalry will be good for you, and you will get to work together on concrete, long-term goals for your future in a spirit of solidarity. From the 7th on, Venus will encourage you to get out and get closer to those around you: With such a strong emphasis on partnership, Libras often work in fields associated with weddings.


You fervently want to see fairness in all situations. When people or events veer to extremes, you will strive to re-balance and create accord. In business, you would make a savvy negotiator, labor leader, arbitrator, or lawyer.

You present a polished and elegant exterior, but you are surprisingly strong and assertive, for you are a cardinal sign that leads—and you demand results.

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As you begin , Jupiter will be in Sagittarius, the sign that Jupiter rules, so this planet will exert exceptionally strong, beneficial vibrations this year. Jupiter moved into Sagittarius in early November , so by January, he will have eased comfortably into his new role in your third house of travel and communication and will be ready to help you….

Jupiter moved into Sagittarius in early November , so by January, he will have eased comfortably into his new role in your third house of travel and communication and will be ready to help you.

Mars enters Aries

Furthermore, since Libra is an air sign and Sagittarius is a fire sign, you two are very compatible, and you will easily absorb the good fortune that Jupiter has for you. Your trips will not take you far within miles yet they will yield great fun and a touch of luxury—and if you go for business, profit as well.

Face-to-face meetings with clients who are out of town will pay off handsomely.

Libra Horoscope ~ Libra by Darkstar Astrology

This will be a year that will underscore your ability to communicate effectively, so if you work in any aspect of communications, you will do well. Should you feel you could use special training to advance your career, sign up as soon as possible.

You can make enormous strides now, as astrology is all about planning for striking at the best time.


On another note, you have an enormous emphasis on your home and family. Just days before , Saturn entered Capricorn, your fourth house of home. If you are renovating, it may take longer than expected.

The same will apply if you are trying to sell property, and your broker may recommend you take the house off the market until real estate conditions improve in your area. If you must sell, keep expectations reasonable. This is not a year you will likely make a killing in real estate; not unless your natal chart has Virgo rising.

Toward the end of , your chart will suddenly brighten in a near-miraculous way.