All about aquarius astrology online

Aquarius Daily Horoscope
  1. Aquarius Symbol, Planet, Element, and Quality
  2. Sun Sign Calculator, Horoscope Zodiac 12 Signs, Astrology Online Calculator |
  3. The Zodiac Signs

They correspond to the peak period of the seasons. February 19 , winter. People with an emphasis in fixed zodiac signs tend to preserve a "status quo", pursuing their goals tenaciously and fear changes.

The Mobile zodiac signs are: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. They correspond to the end of the seasons. People with an emphasis in mobile zodiac signs are very versatile and easily adapt to new situations. The risk is that they are not constructive between one change and the next. The energy models that the 12 zodiac signs represent live in each of us.

All twelve zodiac signs are in our birth chart. In some people some zodiac signs will dominate over others but obviously all of us, sooner or later, in one dimension of experience rather than another, will act under the impulse of these energies.

A zodiac sign is something much more complex and deeper than a list of personality traits or behavioural stereotype. All the zodiac signs contain conflicts, ambivalence, duplicity, deficiencies. Again, the meaning of each zodiac sign cannot be understood if not included in the logic of the entire zodiac.

When the Sun enters the constellation of Capricorn, the fully bare nature appears submerged in eternal slumber. It sleeps, striped of all its colours and fragrances. Nothing appears to move but the hope and desire of life, hidden in the depths of the earth's womb, start to stir: Capricorn which begins with the winter solace, symbolically represents the new seed hidden under the dry and frozen earth.

Aquarius Symbol, Planet, Element, and Quality

As Barbault wrote, "it is the symbol of the celestial midnight. Stage of conception, root, matrix while it is an earthly noon" when the Sun reaches the highest point in the sky, the Zenith, which in astrology is called the Mid-heaven and which, in the natal chart, indicates ambitions, hopes and the realisation the individual wants to reach.

It is the peak of the mountain the unrelenting, solitary and stubborn goat climbs, jumping over crags and cliffs to obtain a full view of the horizon and dominate that underneath, privileges paid with the greatest solitude.

That same solitude that drowns us when our childhood dreams meet failure in real life, when we discover that the warm embrace of security conceals betrayal and disappointment and cynicism take the force and power away from our ideals since, as Liz Greene wrote, "the destiny of Capricorn is not that of Sagittarius: Thus striped of our illusions, our dreams and our foolish need to be unique, we are now ready to face the world and its challenges, conflicts and failures that await us.

We are ready to fight to gain our due place in the world and offer our contribution.

Sun Sign Calculator, Horoscope Zodiac 12 Signs, Astrology Online Calculator |

The arrow shot from Sagittarius' bow has reached the sky's highest peaks and paved the way for Capricorn: On the symbolic level, man is a small tribe.

Leo's pride a perpetual limit. His creative gestures are only rooted in the small reign of his personal experience and geographic surroundings. But when man stops referring every feeling, every assessment, every though to the centre of his being; when man, through a network of social exchanges and love, through education and worldly understanding, through trade, travels and foreign contacts, then the fortified castle of his Ego moves to the "Metropolis" of his greater being.

In any case, it may occur that, in this move from his small centre of power, he becomes a simple servant at the court of some powerful Emperor, passively participating in the grandeur and glory of the Empire". Capricorn challenges us to seek our our own path and fight to avoid the borders and limits set by a society that enforces the same recipe for happiness on all, without making any distinction between the goals we each want to reach to feel complete.

If the "child" in us is sacrificed on the altar of a "Power" and an! Authority" whose only goal is to perpetuate itself, if we lose the enthusiasm, fervour and our idealistic drive, we become "painted tombs", unable to welcome the future, incapable of transformation and revolution because, as Rudhyar wrote: When the Sun enters the constellation of Aquarius, new energies take form and strength in nature.

The light of the sun slowly staves away the shadows which, slowly, become less threatening. The rains nourish the earth and the new seeds gain strength and energy. Nothing reveals nature's awakening. There is only one particular atmosphere, a will for something new in the sparkling air, small premature hints that forebode the nearing new spring.

Similarly, in the individual, Aquarius' energy is expressed through intuition and the discovery of new values and ideas, ready to be realised. Aquarius is represented by the image of a man who pours water from an amphora. Water, symbolically tied to the unconscious world, emotive, emotions, and its journey towards the earth, comes into contact with air, the reign of ideas and thought.

This is because a contact, an exchange of thought and emotion: This is the water that the earth must welcome and absorb: In the individual's evolutionary cycle, Aquarius represents the phase when Leo's "Ego" is overcome, focused on his individuality, in favour of conquering collective conscious. The individual becomes universal in Aquarius.

They are nearly always intelligent, concise, clear and logical. Many are strongly imaginative and psychically intuitive, so that the Age of Aquarius, which is about to begin, is much anticipated by psychic circles as an age in which mankind will experience a great spiritual awakening.

The Aquarian philosophical and spiritual bent may be dangerous in that it can drive the subjects into an ivory-tower existence where they meditate on abstractions that bear little relevance to life.

On the other hand it can help the many who have scientific leanings to combine these with the Aquarian yearning for the universal recognition of the brotherhood of man, and to embark on scientific research to fulfill their philanthropic ideals of benefiting mankind.

When some cause or work of this nature inspires them, they are capable of such devotion to it that they may drive themselves to the point of exhaustion and even risk injuring their health. Both types need to retire from the world at times and to become temporary loners.

They appreciate opportunities for meditation or, if they are religious, of retreats. Even in company they are fiercely independent, refusing to follow the crowd. They dislike interference by others, however helpfully intended, and will accept it only on their own terms. Normally they have good taste in drama, music and art, and are also gifted in the arts, especially drama.

In spite of the often intensely magnetic, forthcoming and open personality of the more extrovert kind of Aquarian, and of their desire to help humanity, neither type makes friends easily. They sometimes appear to condescend to others and take too little trouble to cultivate the acquaintance of people who do not particularly appeal to them.

They do not give themselves easily - perhaps their judgment of human nature is too good for that - and are sometimes accounted cold. But once they decide that someone is worthy of their friendship or love, they can exert an almost hypnotic and irresistible mental attraction on them and will themselves become tenacious friends or lovers, ready to sacrifice everything for their partners and be faithful to them for life.

However, they are sometimes disappointed emotionally because their own high personal ideals cause them to demand more of others than is reasonable. And if they are deceived their anger is terrible. If disillusioned, they do not forgive. Aquarians work best in group projects, provided that they are recognized as having a leading part in them.

They have a feeling of unity with nature and a desire for knowledge and truth that makes them admirable scientists, especially astronomers and natural historians. They may excel in photography, radiography, electronics - anything connected with the electrical and radio industries - aviation and everything technical.

On the arts and humanities side their progressive tendencies can be expressed in writing, especially poetry, and broadcasting, or as welfare workers and teachers.

The Zodiac Signs

Some have gifts as entertainers and make good character actors having an ability to mimic and musicians. The more psychic among them possess healing gifts, especially in curing the mentally sick.

Among the faults to which they are liable are fanatical eccentricity, wayward egotism, excessive detachment and an inclination to retreat from life and society, and a tendency to be extremely dogmatic in their opinions.

Aquarians can be a threat to all they survey or a great boon for humanity in general.

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Circumstances - for example, continuous opposition to a cause they hold dear - may cause the atrophy of the openness of mind that is one of the Aquarian's most attractive traits. They may express a lack of integrity in broken promises, secretiveness or cunning.

Simmering anger and resentment, rudeness or, worse, a tense, threatening silence which may suddenly burst out in eruptions of extreme temper, these are all part of the negative side of the Aquarian. This can also reveal itself in a sustained hatred for enemies that is capable of enlarging itself into a misanthropy toward the whole of mankind.

As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise.

However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As an Aquarius you may see things below that really strike home.

Understanding the sign of Aquarius in Astrology

Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.

Being left all alone while others enjoy the companionship you long for. You should practice expressing your humanity by accepting people the way they are and not find too much fault in them. You always seem to miss the boat when it comes to love.