Aquarius are compatible with

  1. Aquarius-Libra Match
  2. Aquarius compatibility
  3. Best Compatibility Matches for Aquarius
  4. Aquarius compatibility table
  5. Aquarius and Sagittarius - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life

If you're a Gemini and have captured the attention of an Aquarian, you've found someone who loves to socialize as much as you do.

Aquarius-Libra Match

Your skill-sets are similar when it comes to communication, need for excitement and change, and your lack of expressing emotions. You may tend to flit from one project to another, but Aquarius will fly along with you in hopes of discovering something exciting.

This can be your ideal nurturing relationship since Aquarius has an attitude of live and let live. If anyone can understand your unquenchable need for freedom, it's Aquarius. You'll never have to worry about jealousy. You'll adore Aquarius's originality, creative spark, and brilliant mind that never stops whirling.

Your two eclectic personalities are like magnets that attract friends from a broad range of backgrounds and interests. Change is your mainstay, and Aquarius loves the unexpected almost as much as you do. Sexually, the two of you generate a lot of sparks and curiosity.

Bedroom boredom won't happen, especially if you keep it as fun and games.

Aquarius compatibility

Yours is a match made in astrological heaven. Aquarius isn't about changing you, just helping you reach your potential. After all, you're partnered with one of the most altruistic signs of the zodiac.

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So take the loving nudge, and spread your wings in a new direction, knowing that Aquarius will be your biggest supporter. Libras are the more sensual of the three air signs. If you've fallen head over heels for an Aquarian, you have a lot in your erotic bedroom arsenal to leave your new lover panting.

You make a perfect social partner with your own brand of charisma that attracts friends of both sexes.

Best Compatibility Matches for Aquarius

Like you, Aquarius is well-versed in the finer side of life and shares your appreciation for beauty. You may need to teach your water bearer how to enjoy a more sensual side of life, but that will be great fun for both of you.

Aquarius will admire your ability to see both sides, like Gemini, and how you easily size up situations. Just because Aquarius isn't the jealous type, doesn't mean your flirting goes unnoticed. As long as you don't take the fun beyond what is acceptable in a committed relationship, you'll be free to flirt to your heart's desire.

With them both knowing these things about each other, they could easily start questioning if they should trust one another or not. The best remedy for the lack of trust in any of the partners is for both of them to realize they their relationship is just something out of the ordinary, casual and free from any restraints.

When Sagittarius and Aquarius find a mutual interest, it becomes the infinite source of new topics, information and could even change their life philosophies. Aquarius partner can remain distant for a long time and Sagittarius might feel like a little child, talking excessively about uninteresting topics and trying to make a connection.

When they finally point in the right direction and choose to speak of something that awakens Aquarian interest, their conversations will become incredible.

Aquarius compatibility table

Both of these partners are rational and give a lot of attention to their chain of thoughts. Both of them are fast enough in coming to different conclusions.

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The contact between them will spark their need for intellectual sparring and they could end up in some great debates. When they share a love for something, they will talk about it passionately, excessively and find new ideas and solutions to incorporate in their approach to this subject.

The speed of Aquarius mixed with the passionate state of constant belief of Sagittarius, could make their relationship one of the most productive in the entire zodiac. It is hard to set the scale for emotions in this relationship. None of these partners is that emotional on the surface, although Sagittarius can fall in and out of love quite often.

It is a good thing that Sagittarius is so changeable, or they would have trouble keeping up with their Aquarius partner. Another good thing in this contact is the rational nature of both signs and their focus on mental processes. This will allow them to communicate about their emotions, whatever they are, without any sense of guilt or emotional pressure.

Aquarius and Sagittarius - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life

When their emotions start to build, it will take a long time before they are stable and both partners certain of their feelings for each other. There is so many things they would agree on, starting from the usual — value of freedom, and moving on to their own qualities and expectations.

There will be activities that Sagittarius will want to commit to, while Aquarius will find them silly or even stupid. They could have trouble reconciling their approach to religion and any religious activities could be the source of problems in their relationship, because their whole individual belief systems could be at stake.

Still, in most situations they could have a lot of fun wherever they go. Sagittarius will easily put on a smile and follow any idea Aquarius has, for as long as it makes sense or they have something to learn from it.

There will probably be no place strange enough for these two to discover their shared interests once again. A relationship between a Sagittarius and an Aquarius partner might seem like a same sex friendship to other people and whatever they might think of this, this is the type of relationship both of these partners might need.

They will get together when it is time for both of them to go through a change in their lives or leave a partner they feel restricted with.

Their relationship is often a shiny beacon to everyone around them because it gives priority to the future and brings hope of a better time.

The main challenge of Sagittarius and Aquarius lies in their rational natures.