Leo weekly horoscope 24 february

Leo Daily Horoscope
  1. Leo Weekly Horoscope 24 - 30 December 2018
  2. Leo Horoscope For Friday, December 28,
  3. Weekly Horoscopes

Although most of the Lions are outspoken, loud and brash, they are generous to the core. Their bluntness may many times offend people, but they try and make up for it by being chivalrous and caring. Lions are blessed with a strong aesthetic sense, not only with regard to the possessions, but also with the environment around them.

The Leo-born are courteous and diplomatic, especially whenever the situation demands so. However, they are easily attracted to the rich, the bold, the famous, and the beautiful, and are easily seduced by material wealth and luxury. Leo Men are so lively, warm-hearted and gregarious that it is impossible not get affected by the vibrant personalities of the Leo men.

And their commanding presence makes heads turn wherever they go. Masculine, attractive and confident, the Leo men are tough guys.

But at the same time, they are kind and generous men, who would go to any length in order to help people. Besides, they are usually happy and upbeat, and would love to make the people around them happy. The Leo women need these three in plenty — attention, respect and admiration.

They may get arrogant and proud at times, but then they are their basic personality traits so you will have to learn to deal with it.

Leo Weekly Horoscope 17 - 23 December 2018

What are the other characteristics that the Leo women possess? Read on to find out. Ruled by Sun, the Leo women are gracious, generous, bright and devoted, and draw people towards them with their warmth and inner charm. But at the same time, they will not tolerate any sort of misbehaviour.

After all, they belong to the royal Sign of the entire Zodiac calendar, Leo. Do you need help in handling your relationship?

Leo Weekly Horoscope 24 - 30 December 2018

You may Ask a Relationship Question for Detailed Advice right away, and get Natal Chart based fully personalised answers from an astrological perspective. True to their symbol, they believe in leading a grandiose lifestyle!

Leo Weekly Horoscope from 24th February 2014

Give any Leo the best chair to sit on possibly facing the wall mirror when at home and the proverbial limelight with plenty of lights glowing — and you will have a purring and tamed big cat in front of you!

For the same reasons, professionally not suited for any lowbrow job, Lions do quite well in white-collar jobs, particularly as leaders or managers. Addicted to a comfortable life, they see to it that they manage to earn enough to meet the needs. In case, you are bothered about your dull career progression, you may straight away Ask A Career Question to obtain fully personalised solution based on your Natal Chart.

Leo Romance Their ruler Sun bestows them with sparkle and zest — and also with glowing warmth and generosity. Coupled with their self-confidence, this kindness makes most Leos the joy and life of parties, gatherings and group activities.

Most Leo-born natives are also outspoken and brazen — a quality that sometimes goes against them — much like their domineering streak.

Leo Horoscope For Friday, December 28,

That said, in relationships and matters of love and sex — Lions are loving, amorous, chivalrous and a joy to behold — until to cross their path against their wishes. Nonetheless, the never say die attitude of Leos helps them take their failures and setbacks in a positive stride.

The exuberance and vitality of Leo is what makes their partners relish all the things the Leo personifies. They are outgoing, confident and have generosity of spirit and a determination to succeed coupled with tremendous energy. Sometimes they may be vane and bossy to be regal, but regardless of appearance, they are also decisive, intensely proud and wonderfully romantic.

Lions are status conscious, but at the same time, they are warm-hearted and want everyone to be happy. They wine, dine and shower expensive gifts and roll out the red carpet all the way for their lover.

However, if the married life should be as smooth sailing, the Leo will have to be less domineering and treat spouse as equal.

Weekly Horoscopes

You will greatly benefit from ordering totally customised service Personal Ask A Question — Detailed Advice which will be based on your personal Horoscope and shall be specific to you.

If a person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Sun. Sun gifts these people with enthusiasm and vitality. Obviously, such people are destined for success and fame; if nothing else, then at least great social recognition or approval.

Gifted with great reserves and abilities, those born under this influence are extroverts by nature, while simultaneously being independent and creative. They love to hog the limelight, and are at their best when in the public eye. Gregarious to the fault, usually they attract all eyes in a social do.

By nature, these people are boastful, usually of their abilities and their independent nature. In addition to this, they mostly are workaholics, not really relaxing, until a job is done perfectly.

Plus, these people do not like to sit idle; they like a buzz of activity around them. Individuals with the moon in Leo have an innate need of being in control and always like to be in the limelight.

These people often exhibit a tendency of being talented organizers. Adnan Sami Adnan Sami is the newest Indian now!

What kind of Aries are you?

Explore if you are dominated by your sunsign or moonsign Play now. Sun Sign The most easy to understand feature of Astrology. Planets Explore all about the 9 Agents of God — the 9 Planets. Moon Sign The factor influencing your mind and emotions. Ascendant The House which forms the basis of the Horoscope.

Nakshatras Explore the deeper aspects of the human psyche. You might also like. If you were born under the sign of Leo, in the last week of you will experience various surprises, most of which will be related to strangers or someone born under the sign of Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo.

These events will definitely provoke you to think about some vicissitudes in life that each of us experiences at some point in his life. This week, you'll finally be able to enjoy an event, acquisition, or gift you'll get through your family or friends.

You can now virtually join a family gathering that will happen away from you and you can not attend because of the great distance between you. The week brings news or an event that will somehow change the life of a man you know.

In general, this week will be good for traveling or contacting people from different locations to experience the expected emotions or create new unforgettable memories.

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During the week Leo women can expect news from a special person who lives far away.