Horoscope love matches for taurus woman

Best Matches
  1. Taurus compatibility table
  2. The Taurus Woman: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style
  3. Taurus Compatibility
  4. The Taurus Woman
  5. Taurus Woman Love Advice

Pisces is more in touch with his emotions and can at times be a bit too deep-feeling for Taurus, although his sensuality will seduce Taurus from the first kiss. Taurus provides Pisces a feeling of structure and boundaries that can help define some of the fish's broader talents and desires by helping bring them to the forefront.

Taurus compatibility table

Taurus has a way of putting situations and circumstances into a clear perspective that can clarify the sometimes rather dreamy and cloudy visions Pisces has about his future.

Pisces can help Taurus unwind and delve deeper into her true self that she sometimes neglects in her rush to gain the next level of achievement. Cancer and Taurus make a great pair. The crab will make a home for his Taurus lover that she won't ever want to leave.

In fact, he might just turn Taurus into a real homebody by offering her so much satisfaction in creating a home and family.

The Taurus Woman: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style

Taurus has met her match when it comes to stubbornness and passion when she hooks up with Scorpio. She'll be fascinated by his business acumen as well as his ability to verbally spar with the best.

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  • Worst Matches.

This can be a deeply satisfying relationship as long as one partner remains cool headed. Taurus is an earth sign, and that dictates a no-nonsense approach to most things in life.

A Taurus woman has certain priorities she seeks in a potential mate and, like the proverbial mountain that doesn't go to anyone, she won't budge on her must have list. This quality typically makes Taurus intolerant of air signs.

She views air signs Aquarius, Gemini and Libra as too flighty and unstable to make a suitable mate.

Taurus Compatibility

Romantic bliss is not unheard of for this pair but they have some obstacles to overcome. Emotionally, the Goat is too cold and detached for the Taurus woman. However, with the help of a psychic, this pair can move past their problems and create a satisfying life together. Although Taurus and the Aquarius man potentially have a great deal to teach one another, this is generally a disastrous pairing.

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The Water-bearer tends to be highly unpredictable and cares more about friendships than romantic entanglements, failing to give the Bull the emotional affirmations that she secretly needs. The Taurus woman is slow to adapt to change, and by the time this duo figures things out, the flighty Aquarius may be on the way out.

A somewhat unlikely match, the Pisces man is nonetheless a very compatible partner for the Taurus woman. He will draw her out of her shell emotionally.

The Taurus Woman

The chemistry between this pair is strong, making for an exceptionally satisfying sex life. This cautious pair might be slow to get things going, but once the relationship develops, they can expect a long and happy life together. Finding love is confusing and messy for the Taurus woman, but calling a psychic for love advice helps to minimize the pain and drama involved in finding her perfect match.

A psychic is a professional that offers vital insights into your love life that your friends and family can't provide. Finding love is an active process, so stop waiting around for that special someone and consult a psychic today!

Mars enters Aries

Astrology Advice Born between April 21st and May 21st, the Taurus woman is down-to-earth and straightforward. Aries March 21 — April 19 The outgoing and independent Aries man is a good compliment for the introverted Taurus, but this isn't an ideal match.

Taurus Woman Love Advice

Taurus April 20 — May 20 When two Bulls get together, their compatibility in the bedroom provides for a satisfying sexual relationship. Gemini May 21 — June 21 Opposites do attract, but over time vast differences in personality lead to major conflict. Cancer June 22 — July 22 Taurus and Cancer have many traits in common, making this pairing a superb long-term love match.

Leo July 23 — August 22 Taurus and the Leo man are opposites in nearly every respect, making this unlikely pairing more quarrelsome than most are willing to endure. Virgo August 23 — September 22 Taurus and the Virgo man share a predictable, down-to-earth nature and generally tranquil disposition.

Taurus & Capricorn: Love Compatibility

Scorpio October 23 — November 21 Resting on opposite sides of the zodiac, the initial magnetism between the Scorpio man and the Bull is intense. Sagittarius November 22 — December 21 The optimistic Sagittarius man is a good compliment to the Taurus woman's pessimistic nature.

Capricorn December 22 — January 19 The Bull and the Capricorn man share many common goals, although their motivation often comes from different sources. They share a deep mutual understanding and a touch for the art of giving and receiving love.

It would be a shame for them not to be together Taurus and Leo are both representatives of love, one of them earthly, sensual and quiet and the other one fiery, passionate and loud. If they choose each other, this is love multiplied When Taurus falls in love with Virgo, they will do anything to convince them that love exists and show them all its beauty.

If Virgo recognizes love and they share enough tenderness, this is a couple that could truly last a lifetime Taurus and Libra are two sides of Venus, difficult to reconcile.

If they win the odds and manage to find mutual understanding, they will become a beautiful image of tender love Taurus and Scorpio represent the axis of life and death, love and sex, emotion and obsession. Together, these signs represent the conception of all life.