February aquarius horoscope 2019

  1. My Horoscopes
  2. Aquarius Horoscope 2019 Keywords
  3. Aquarius 2019 Horoscope
  4. Horoscope for Aquarius for February
  5. Aquarius Horoscope 2019

You are at the height of your seductive powers at the very start of the month.

My Horoscopes

Afterwards, ytou will have to prove yourself or get involved a little more than you expected. But this is usually the price of love! Don't hesitate to take responsibility when the occasion calls for it or someone asks you to If you have important decisions to make, and if you want to bring about a radical change, do it during the first half of the month.

On the 14th, Mars will enter Taurus and could throw a monkey wrench in the works, slow you down, or put you under pressure. Your email address will not be displayed nor used, it only serves in case of abuse. Cancel your web notifications.

Uranus has entered your domestic zone, so the next seven years are ones where you might very well decide to move house.

Aquarius Horoscope 2019 Keywords

You may well think that Uranus in the 4th is going to be anything but settled, but for Aquarius, a change is as good as a rest! Uranus will only bring volatility if it gets triggered by a slower moving planet.

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  • Aquarius 2019.

Otherwise, it should bring a refreshing breeze into your home life. This is a long slow transit so it will be a background influence. You might find your home attracts many new and unusual visitors. The dates Jan 6, Jun 16 and Sep 21 may well bring many inspiring folk into your world when these two mystic planets connect.

Jupiter in your wishes house links with Neptune in your cash house which could be quite useful for doing some manifestation magic. Financial aid could come from friends if you are in trouble or you could find ways of earning money through common interest groups, meet-ups or social gatherings.

Networking this year will pay off big time, so go to as many conferences as you can within your chosen field. There is but one remaining lunar eclipse in your 7th house on Jan 21 which opens the door for love to enter your life if you are single, later this love potential culminates in your home sector where Venus makes an exciting conjunction with Uranus on May For some there could be a sudden moving in with a loved one, for others, this is just a triggering of enlightening new friends wanting to chill out with you in your residence.

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope

If you have recently moved then this will simply be fun new friends wanting to spend time with you giving your pad a good old housewarming. Jupiter the planet of growth, prosperity, and development is in transit through the 10th house, the astrological house of career and public image. Due to this fact, you will enjoy public recognition and success in your professional life.

Their work gets appreciated, and many doors get open in their career — it can be a promotion, a new job offer or a diploma. You are satisfied with the way things go at work, they accept the challenges with no protest and you constantly set new objectives. This period is beneficial especially for those Aquarius natives that work in the field of public relations, administration, politics, arts, showbiz or press.

Between July 8 and August 1, Mercury will be retrograde in Cancer and can bring disagreements and different communication issues at work. This is not the best time for important meetings, conferences or for job interviews. The first part of May is oriented toward practical aspects, with emphasis on real estate, headquarters, proprieties, consumer goods, family business or work at home.

It is a complicated period when you progress with difficulty.

Areas of Expansion in 2019 for Aquarius:

The second part of May is more relaxing and richer in opportunities. It highlights your creative talent, your expressivity, and your qualities, it sets you at the right place at the right time and it gives you the necessary enthusiasm and courage for new beginnings.

It is an excellent time to promote, launch, present and represent. The financial life is also favored, with the occurrence of new sources of earnings, extra income, gifts or other unexpected material benefits.

September of brings many opportunities in career, social life, projects and professional aspirations. Possibilities of professional expansion and positive evolution can occur in the career of Aquarius natives.

Aquarius 2019 Yearly Horoscope - Gregory Scott Astrology

This energy can set you in the spotlight, you can receive certain bonuses as an appreciation sign for your work, and you can participate in events that can give your life a positive direction. The emphasis is on profession, career, status, reputation, your confidence is increased, you can travel more and these journeys will be related to your career.

You can receive help from influent people, this is going to be a year to evolve with success and honor in your profession. November brings professional success and public recognition of our merits and accomplishments. Same as in January or February, there is a chance of a salary raise, of a promotion, a very tempting job offer or another type of award might occur.

In , you have all the chances to enjoy an excellent physical shape, at least in the first six and half months of the year. You can now take full advantage of the effects of any therapy. This transition can also bring a slight risk of gaining weight, precisely because it is a sign characterized by a surplus of positive energy.

As in the past years, Pluto transits the 12th house.

Horoscope for Aquarius for February

Towards the end of July and December, their tonus and vitality are a bit lower, but without any health issues. The end and the beginning of the year will thus be excellent periods of time regarding the health state. The Aquarius women are mostly drawn to fad diets, nutritive supplements and pills for losing weight.

However, they quickly realize that only a healthy diet plan can help them lose weight. A diet poor in fats, associated with regular exercising are two essential conditions for preventing circulatory issues.

The optimistic nature of the Aquarius women turns into a really fun time the weight loss diet.

Aquarius Horoscope 2019

Planning the diet and the physical exercising program is an easy task for them due to their calm and rational thinking. The physical activity is important for you, who especially appreciate individual sports such as swimming.

January 21, Full Moon in Leo: The Horoscope predicts personal achievements and success in the career.

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The family represents your priority, and the Full Moon will bring you reasons for being satisfied. February 18, Sun enters Pisces: March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: Hope is the keyword for you.

Things start to get better in , especially in your private life. March , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: It is a period when relationships tend to become practical, and passion gets diminished.

You will be tempted to be austere and realistic when it comes to their feelings. April 10 — August 11, Jupiter turns retrograde: Starting from April 10 of , the career is the biggest priority. April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: When Saturn is retrograde in Pisces in the natal chart, your life lesson refers to learning how to walk on a genuine spiritual path.