Libra girl and libra boy love compatibility

  1. Libra Man and Libra Woman
  2. Gemini and Libra - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life
  3. How to Date a Libra Man If You Are a Libra Woman
  4. Libra and Libra Nature and Nuances:

Narcissist come packaged as libras, cancers, pieces, and so on. No zodiac sign is missed with this personality defect.

Libra Man and Libra Woman

It's not my web site but one that woke me up to what I was dealing with in my relationship three years ago. Please put your "likes" in for this article because it was good and our comments from it have open your eyes some. But go visit "ladywithatruck" and read what she talks about and come back here and tell us what you think.

Tell me if I'm not right about narcissist and abuse. If you are with a libra partner and they hurt your feelings and the relationship has gone from love romance and you up in a pedestal to confusion, pain, you feeling like you must have done something wrong to make your mate suddenly feel this way about you there's a You need to know now before you go any further what's up so you can understand it's not you it's them.

Go read the blog I recommended. This type of relationship is happening more and more. Emotional abuse and gaslighting, crazy making,isolation. These are wolves in sheeps clothing.

That's because everyone doesn't live with them. They are master manipulators without conscience. There for they can be dangerous. The reason we get stuck in it so long is we just don't want to believe it.

We can't get the picture of them they painted when we were being swept off our feet out of our heads. No one wants to think they were fooled by someone. By the best actors in the world too. One thing though I want to warn you about is they fear exposure.

This is where it get dangerous. Just figure out a way to get money saved so you can make a clean break and you must go no contact.

The abuse gets worse as time goes on. I hope this helped anyone here being victimized by their libra partner Even just one person would make me happy.

We need to help each other. I have been with my libra narcissist 25 years this December. I have a plan and I'm getting out.

There's way more to all this but you need to read up on it. I think it is just like any other zodiac sign. It is about knowing your mate and how you handle compromising with your significant other.

I find that when people are in a relationship they act as if they are in a relationship with themselves you cant expect your partner to know what you want you have to be able to communicate effectively male or female and sometimes that may require you changing your approach from the way you normally are use to doing things.

My libra male requires attention but so do I. He likes to feel like a king and I like to feel like a queen. It doesn't mean that I am a submissive women to everything he do but I definitely can relate most women like to be pamper for their work they put in. It can be an amazing experience. My libra man is my dream. I find we are perfect together.

We have had just a few fights, but always resolved them peacefully and learned from the experience. We have friendly debates. I am always laughing My bf is an Italian Libra male, I'm a Libra female. I'm not sure what number. He says very hurtful things and calls me names He said in Italy the woman is submissive to the man.

I'm from Georgia and am a very strong Southern woman so submissive is not in my Vocabulary. I'm constantly nursing his ego so that he feels like "The Man". I would not recommend two Libras getting together.

Gemini and Libra - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life

There other signs your more compatible with because you will find yourself working really hard and sooner or later you will ask your self "if something is this hard to do is it going to work" I'm emotional exhausted and have answered my own question's. Sure2purr , My boyfriend and I are both Libras as well and when you said your husband handles battles like a total jerk and he says hurtful things I am sooo glad I came to this site and im glad that I am not the only one whos partner is the same way.

Its hard to be in a Libra and Libra relationship but its one of the top compatiblities. I'm born first part of Oct. A really great book to read that breaks down the signs even further is the Zodiac big book for Birthdays. There it tells you whether you're for example a Libra 1, Libra 2, or Libra 3.

My husbands a 1 and I'm a 2. Ive been with my husband 20 yrs. I play the male role a lot while he is the emotional female. It's weird I know but it is what it is. We have strong bonds together but our battles he handles sometimes like a total jerk when not getting his way and he will say hurtful things that aren't nice, fair, true, or promote balance at all.

Any constructive criticism he takes as an attack. He needs more attention that most other people. He has a lot of emotional affair type friendships and he is an ego stroker car salesmen for 40 yrs with lots of ego stroking friendships he tried to keep under wraps.

On the same token if reversed he would have a fit but after 10 yrs I learned to just be myself first and foremost ignore it.

Surround myself with what my ego needs were, and he had to get over it. So today we both seem happy with our personal lives. For Libra women I don't recommend this match up unless you are one tough cookie!!!

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To provide a better website experience, pairedlife. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: It is best to acknowledge your similarities up front in the relationship — especially if there are any negative similarities.

This will alleviate your mate being caught off guard later on in the relationship when he finds out you are lacking qualities that he wants in a woman. Both partners will be sophisticated, have a refined taste, have a love of the finer things in life, and enjoy debating.

Libra men may come across as needing more time and attention than the average guy. As a Libra woman, you may have a similar quality.

How to Date a Libra Man If You Are a Libra Woman

It is best to acknowledge this and figure out ways to work around it. Solicit help from other friends and family, rather than asking your male Libra. Generally, attempt to keep your requests to your Libra mate to a minimum. Otherwise, your partner may start to feel inadequate if you are always asking for things that he is not accustomed to providing.

The Libra male is always looking for a partner. As the Libra woman you should strive to view your relationship as a two-person team. All decisions made for your home should be approached as you would a team and as you would your team mates.

The Libra male can be very indecisive, and he will feel more secure and confident in his decisions if he has a teammate to help him make decisions. In a sense, the Libra male would almost prefer that his mate take the lead role in the relationship. From the very start of the relationship, if he is truly interested he ask you to accompany him to places and you would want him to do the same for you.

Libra, the Scales, are a cooperative lot, they are diplomatic, graceful and of a fair disposition. However, they can also be indecisive, wallow in self-pity and hold grudges for too long. They hate being alone, and need a partner with whom they can share their strengths and weaknesses, and help each grow emotionally and spiritually. Libra zodiac sign natives are obsessed with balance and symmetry.

The Libra-Libra love match is great because they tend to share their values, do things together and thus gain experience also together.

They hold dedication in high esteem and have a spiritual approach to love. They are moderate and reasonable in their choices and behaviour, which endear them to people around them.

They will not be judged by others because they are not show-offs. Since they care a great deal for each other, the Libra-Libra love compatibility is strong.

The great thing about the Libra-Libra sexual compatibility is their understanding of tasteful behavior.

  • Libra-Libra Compatibility.
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They fit perfectly when it is a question of not crossing the line of decency and indulging in moderation. What helps them to build a strong bond is that they do not judge their partner if they occasionally wish to cross the strict sexual routine and do something more experimental.

They care for each other's satisfaction, and this is the the biggest factor that makes the two Libra compatibility in bed great. And because they are talkative, they discuss each others' sexual needs and know exactly their expectations, which helps them to really enjoy the time between the sheets.

The positive aspects of a two Libra compatibility pairing is that they have great mutual esteem, are very fair to each other, as they are to everyone, and can chat with each other for hours on end. When they start picking out each others' mistakes, they will soon realise the folly of it, and refrain from continuing in the same vein. There is a great deal of mutual acceptance of each others' characteristics which makes the Libra-Libra love compatibility even stronger.

By far the most problematic aspect in a Libra-Libra relationship concerns trust issues. Things will be fine and hunky dory as long as they trust each other, but the moment one of them suspects the other of some wrongdoing, it can create a rift that will not be easy to bridge. Besides, it is not easy for them to take decisions, and the uncertainty in decision-making by both can prevent them from taking advantage of favourable circumstances.

They are also so obsessed with getting justice for everybody that at times they tend to forget their own self-interest. The best aspect of a Libra-Libra relationship is that they have so many mutual interests, they love to share thoughts, ideas and possessions. When Libra man and Libra woman are together, they are always happy and contented.

Both are very intelligent and perceptive, and can anticipate the others' needs and desires. So the Libra-Libra Relationship is bound to be harmonious and successful in the long-run. Know the percentages of different aspects of your physical and mental state. Use the ancient technique of Kundli Matching, to help you choose the right kind of life partner.

Understand the real motives that drive you to seek a particular friend.

Libra and Libra Nature and Nuances:

What was it that attracted you towards each other? What will help you keep your relationship strong? Are you and your partner the best SunSign match? The Sun Sign Match report will help you find some much-needed answers.

As the core element that represents this group is fire, the people belonging to this group are spontaneous, carefree, fun-loving, warm and enterprising.

These people generally do not hold grudges against anyone for.